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Found 1 result

  1. So i converted several items from legion some time ago and i used those models in some of my noggit works but when i get ingame i face something that Noggit or WMV has no idea about --> Particles So i have here one model ... ( may hard to see but its there ) Its particles are working fine but then i have model like this and its particles are little bit messed up .. you can see border of rendered Image I tried to change BlendFlags or other flags based on comparation with that one posted abowe and no results ... so i came here since soem of my methods didnt worked and i would rather delete those particles definitly instead of leaving it as its now ... particles are messd up for many models i have here actualy ... so ... World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial06.m2 -particles working fine =============================================================== World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_table_mission.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial04.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail etc ...