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Found 2 results

  1. Greetings, I'd like to ask you of help in spawning buildings with interiors in it. I mean spawning interiors serverside or putting them inside in Noggit by hand is quite tidious. From what I know there are interior sets made by Blizzard that can be seen in Modelviewer however I have no idea of how to use them. Is it even possible? If yes, I beg you for an advice Thank you, Krysik [Solved]
  2. Im working on a great release for you guys because of much help, I want to upload whole dalaran with detached parts each house, wall and tower without the ground. before i make all the stuff i wanted to test if it works and i did it well because i bumped into problem.As you can see i detached in blender this bigger part of the city and i want to make further slices from this what you can see on the picture.BUT i have a problem How to solve this problem? I also include the blender picture.with interiors. In the picture from outside i cant see the interior and i see through the model when i try to go inside i crash to desktop.Anybody? Edit: I also tried to took parts from instances and put it into noggit but i got crash when i go near my custom WMO-s (i put it into outdoor which was instance wmo part)