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Found 1 result

  1. Hello! First of all, I just found this site and I must say that I'm really amazed by all these projects! You guys are really creative and skillfull - so keep up the good job! Anyway, I play on a vanilla private server and I really like the old models as they give me this "nostalgic feeling", however I wouldn't mind if spell animations were updated/improved to look like the animations from the newer WoW, such as MoP, WoD or even Legion. I know that @Uthil has improved spell animations implemented in his "Improved models for 1.12"-project, however I would really like to keep the old models. I would like to know if anyone could make a "Improved spell animations for 1.12"-project. Unfortunatly I can't offer you guys anything really, other than my sincerest thanks, but I believe a project like this would be appreciated by a lot of people. Thanks in advance!