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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.6


    There are two versions of WoW 335 executable here: WoWGen12.exe which - contains all features listed down below INCLUDING the hacky ones such as multi jump + ADDED NEW SCRIPT EDITS WoWGen11_WithoutHack.exe - contains all features listed down below EXCLUDING the hacky ones such as multi jump and EXCLUDING SCRIPT EDITS List of Features - Removed MD5 / SIG - Game version changed to my name initials and discord tag (A.S.E A2#6767) Release date to Dec 14 1337 for fun The real version of this file is still 3.3.5 - Druid on level 101+ get NO error when opening Base Stats - Every level 101+ can sit on barb Chair without Error - Does not Create CACHE file -Added LUA UNLOCKER you dont need to Manuly Unlock LUA functions via any 3rd party program this Exe has most of them unlocked by itself so far unlocked are (AcceptBattlefieldPort, SetCurrentTitle, UninviteUnit, ReloadUI, FocusUnit, ClearFocus, ... , InteractUnit, CastSpellByName, CastSpellByID, Movement functions ... , CancelLogout AttackTarget (error is still printed)) - Local Data Load directly from the folder no need to place them into the MPQ eg - M:\Client335\Data\DBFilesClient\ItemDisplayInfo.dbc is a viable path for wow.exe to read it in case wow.exe is in Client335 - Does not uses scan.dll to detect Cheat Engine at all - When you zoom close to your character it wont get transparent ========= ADDED IN SCRIPT ========= - Maximum Jump height - Maximum Climb Angle - Increased Far Clip ========= HACKY FEATURES========= - Allows Air Jumps at all time - You understand to every lang - /follow works simply on everysingle target no matter what target Due to popular demand im going to list of some Offsets for the edits I have done so you can do edits on your own or remove some unwanted functions List of functions that Warden scans for
  2. Version 9.0.0


    World's best HEX editor, needed for many modding-related tasks such as M2 editing and WoW.exe patching. Installation: Download the appropriate installer and the Keygen archive. Install 010 Editor. Acquire a registration key from one of the key generators provided. Open 010 Editor Go to Tools - Register, and use the key. Go to Tools - Options, and untick 'Check for Updates/News'. Go to Templates - Template Repository - Status, and untick 'Check for Updates'.