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Found 3 results

  1. This tutorial is in French, but you can perfectly see the images. Maybe a day, I'll make this tutorial in English w/o my poor French voice. It's not difficult, you just need to look for understand, I'm sorry for my bad English tho. The tutorial is only for LEGION, I think I'll don't work with TLK because of M2 limits. The tutorial is only a tutorial for adding in game, not in Blender. If you dont' know how to place a hairstyle on a race mesh, just go away please. This is only the technical part, not the Blender part or whatever. All the tools you need, you'll see them in the video. I hope you'll understand with the video. Roccus tutorial in English Enjoy!
  2. akitou

    hair help

    Hi i'm new here and im looking for someone who could help me re-make the female night elf braid hairstyle because i hate the current one.
  3. Hey guys I have a custom bloodelf model. the model contains new geosets. Some of these geosets I want to hide others like hands / feet and chest. Is there a way to do this with hex editing the model / skin files?