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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0 alpha


    A user-friendly GameMaster and Developer addon. Supports the latest TrinityCore Master, as well as (presumably) previous expansions. !Early Alpha! Inspired by an old Blizzcon video where parts of the GM interface were revealed (unfortunately, I have since been unable to find it again), and annoyed by the useful yet horrendously designed addons such as GMGenie and TrinityAdmin, I decided to make one of my own1. The end goal is a simplistic Warcraft-style interface for executing the commonly used GM commands. I am still quite far away from it. Features: Convenient toggle-style buttons for the on/off functionality Toggle-able and moveable panels for different utilities Sliders for semiautomatic selection of values Morph panel with dynamic preview
  2. Hey! I had nothing to do and was just running around in game spamming different spells. Suddenly, I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread where people could share their favourite spells, just for fun. Here's a list I found and some spells personally from me: Global Thermonuclear War - 91617 Post-Apocalypse (aborbing souls of nearby enemies) - 53212 Deathblade Rocket Barrage - 85915 Rocket Blast - 96212 Portal to the Twisting Nether (just a visual, used by Mannoroth in WoE) - 102920 Build Demolisher - 56575