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Found 2 results

  1. I'm trying to retro port spell visual effects from later expansions, but with little success. I'm using the LegionToWotLK converter from this website to convert the spell .m2 files. However, it doesn't seem to properly convert the spell .m2, nor is it able to convert the .skin file. The only spell visual I was able to get working properly is Warlock's Fel Flame from Cataclysm. I see other people have 010 script files for converting .m2 / .skin files, but all those sources are old and the links are dead. Is there anyone who can tell me how to convert the Legion .m2 / .skin spell visual effect files to 3.3.5? Possibly offer me the 010 editor scripts for the .m2 / .skin files. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, before asking this I've tried differents things with the help of the pxr but I can't find the right chunk to set the bones that I want to my particles. For this model, I have a simple fire effect from the booksonfire.m2 , I used the ParticlesCloner tool, now the fire works ingame, but it's on the bone number 0 (between the feet) and I want to move it to the head (bone 25). In the particles chunk, the effect is divided in 3 parts because it uses 3 textures, in the bone informations I have 1, 2 & 3. So I assume it's not the setting who manages the bone of the skeleton.