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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is an attempt at fixing the broken filenames for post-filedataid tilesets. Download link: download here. - proper _h and _s naming for specular and height textures - fixed names for filename-based tools - texture resolution is added to the names - added unused tilesets from unknown blps - named a bunch of previously unnamed stuff P.S. If you are using this for upports get the latest listfile or download this archived one that was used for the CASC export. Some mistakes might've gotten through the cracks. Please remember that you can always contribute to fixing things with the listfile cleanup.
  2. Hello everyone! Recently I started working on a little project of mine and into some trouble converting Dragonflight creatures, specifically some geosets. I extracted my files from CASC as normal, ran TXID fix from M2Mod, converted the model to m2i and removed some meshes in Blender, as well as reducing triangles. I then ran the model through MultiConverter 3.3 (newest threw TXID error at me) and ended up with this I was wondering if any of you guys knew what the issue is and could help me resolve it. Thanks in advance!