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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    After getting back into modding I tryed to reimplement some of my DBC but stumbled on some issues with the tools. these tools are made by Amaroth but are outdated. When trying to connect it gave an error. all credits for this tool go to him. I just fixed the error it gave me. This error was resolved by changing Data:Mysqlclient to MysqlConnector. ItemDBCtoDB This tool takes the CSV version of the Item.dbc and inserts this into the item_template table. The ItemtoDB tool can take a pretty long time if the tool has to insert alot of data. ClientItem this tool takes the data from item_template table inside your database and makes a CSV version out of it. this can then be converted to DBC by using DBC Util. this might have been a "me" problem, but thought i'd share it anyway incase somebody has the same issue.
  2. Hello, I recently compiled the Legion on TrinityCore 7.2.0 TDB. I'm trying to get to know the differences between Wotlk and WoD / Legion modding. The biggest surprise was the missing item_template DB table. Because the documentation is still not complete, do you have any idea how to edit the name, description or price of an item? I will be very grateful for any information, thanks.