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Found 2 results

  1. Hey Everyone, For the past 3-4 days i have done all the necessary core, dbc, and interface edits in order to add a the Nightborne race into my server. The last thing i needed to do was actually convert the Nightborne model to WOTLK. Normally, this would be pretty easy since Adspartan's model converter has never errored on me before or not worked. In patch 7.3.5 when they released the Nightborne race blizzard changed the way race files are stored and handled. As far as i'm aware things like bone structure, animations and so on are not kept in .skel files and Adspartan's converter does not work on models with .skel files. Since my knowledge regarding anything model related is very minimal and seeing that there is not a lot of information on community sites that talk about how to get .skel files working for patch 3.3.5 I was hoping i can commission someone to get the already existing model working in WOTLK for me. I don't know much about model editing or the work it requires but i'm willing to offer 30-50 USD for anyone who is able make the Nightborne race work in 3.3.5. If you are interested please send me a message or add me on discord (Peacy#7989) so we can further discuses pricing and model related stuff. Thanks so much, Peacy!
  2. I have a special top secret modeling commission, and I'm looking for someone with the skills to carry it out since the ones I knew (Alastor and Phucko) have quit. Payment and details will be given if you are interested. Please PM me for more details. EDIT: This has been taken care of.