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Found 1 result

  1. Hi! I'm quite noob at Retro-porting and I was looking a way to port those new animations to LK. After doing some research I noticed it won't be an easy task,and what I discovered is a little information. I know that those animations are stored in the Legion .m2 character files, I have been looking for a converter for .m2 Legion format file to LK's and i did found PhilipTNG's one, but it doesn't support character models conversion. Even if could convert them, then I would have to link those new animations to the spells cast animations instead of the old ones. I'm quite lost at the moment, I don't know how and if it's possible to make any progress on the right direction. Does anyone know if this is achievable? If it is, I'm pretty sure that it would take many hours, but I don't care how much time it could take, I would like to know how to achieve this. I'm sorry if it feels like a really dumb question. Thanks for any kind of help!