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Found 3 results

  1. Hi there! Realmlist selection tab works fine until I close the client, but the data there doesn't get saved. Password saving works fine. I have a full description on stack overflow: The bottom line is: I'm asking for help to finish the realm selection lua file, and change it so the client saves the list we enter in a different CVAR than accountName. RealmListChanger.lua I'm uploading the account name and password saver one too, that one works. AccountLogin.lua THanks in advance!
  2. Hey! The task is simple: remove all class icons from the character creation screen (technically, it will be one default class that everyone will have). But the problem is that Cataclysm client xml files look nothing like the WotLK's, at least judging by the tutorials on editing those. Could anyone help?
  3. Hey! I have a giant problem: whenever I log out and press "exit" my client crashes with the following error: It only began happening recently, but I'm not sure at what point. Please help!