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Found 11 results

  1. Version 2.1


    About There are 2-3 similar patches but I couldn't use them as they have some bugs like green textures, missing races or holes instead of ears/attachments etc. So that was the goal for this project. How to install 1. Put SoundCache-patch-15595.mpq to Data/Cache 2. Rename wow.exe from archive and put it in wow folder. If you run your usual wow.exe it will delete edited patch. Version History 1.0 (2021/07/23) Release 1.1 (2021/08/03) IMPORTANT: fixed ChrRaces table related crashes. CSV2DBC made a corrupted file. Thanks to multyhunter for providing error logs. Added missing records to Creature*.dbc tables from 15595 build 1.2 (2021/08/06) Fixed human model scaling in dbc. It caused badly drawn visual effects on humans. My table editors are going crazy with cata dbcs and changing values randomly for some reason. I hope it's the last hotfix. Credits to multyhunter for finding this trouble. 1.3 (2021/08/12) Reverted some helmet fixes. I messed up smth with texture paths. 1.4 (2021/08/15) Cloacks fixed (except guild cloacks atm) 2.0 (2022/02/13) Fixed Scourge Male hands attachments (they held map, drinks and spells in wrong hand) NPC textures added (no hidden helmets anymore. Don't know the author. Thanks to warfoll02 for finding a patch with textures) 2.1 (2022/07/01) I accidentally put old UVs in previous patch. You could see wrong texrures on some races' piercings. Fixed.
  2. Version 3.3.5a


    This patch displays the full set of T10 armor when creating a character. Each class is for each race. The file should be placed in the folder with the game in the following path - Wow/Data/enGB For 3.3.5a
  3. I have created a Worgen and Goblin race with much success. But unfortunately the druid forms change my models textures and helmet display info by the looks of it. (pictures below) It seems to be the same for male/female I.E. Cancel BearForm = Worgen Female Textures Cancel CatForm= Worgen Male Textures Cancel TravelForm= Worgen Male Textures Cancel TreeForm=Naga Textures Cancel MoonkinForm=Naga Textures Cancel FlightForm=Naga Textures Any help on fixing this would be much appreciated:)
  4. Hey, first post! First of all sorry if this question has been answered before or anything, i just can't find any information of this topic in these forums (Not anywhere really) I know its possible to edit 3.3.5a playable races models since there are patches and mods of those races, and i want to edit one of them but i can't? Specifically, I grabbed a 3,3,5a updated races model and did my desired edits in blender but when i tried with m2redux to turn back the m2i into a m2, it says: "error: Failed to import m2i, could not open file" Any information would be helpful so thanks beforehand
  5. Version 1.4.0


    Few more models that im releasing Contains : Alastor Strix'efuartus - Draenei Version Alastor Strix'efuartus ScourgeLord - Draenei version in battlegear Lythalia "Istasha" Morrigan Nalagash - Human witch doctor Etein Ümyrdor - (valla in m2) Nordic huntress Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite - Chosen one of Izalith fire the pyromancer Krauzeria Tenebrisis - Night elf warlock shadowmancer Bel Peol - Arbiter of Reverse Reasoning / Judge of Paradoxes Known bugs : Alastor - sometimes her eyes are buggy Some Special details Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has few BFA animations working on LK use .mod standstate (or any other animations playing commnad) and browse animations from ID 400 up to 410 you will find them Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has glowy textures When she is in darker envirovement some parts of her will glow in the dark Link to Void Case 1 :
  6. Heyhow, i have a little problem with the newest models wich i downport from legion to wotlk. Some helmets a bit to small (~1.04-1.08) so that u see head parts threw the helm or its a bit inside ect, the position is perfeckt , i tryed it to edit the position on all ways but all time anything fucked up^^. I found here one who made this but i dont get it and he was longer not online. But of cause i pn him 2 weeks ago . But i dont get it work im not sure what i have to do there, wich values i have to fill. The green values i think i made correct the red i dont know it rly. With this it work in the wow modelviewer but not in game there is the modle invisible Maybe anyone know how to handle this
  7. Hi I just found this site and it looks like where I want to be. I want to start a vanilla server project with a couple of friends who are going to help me set it up. We don't plan on hosting this publicly. Just something we like to doas a hobby. I proposed this (my idea of a vanilla server) to them and they all want to try and see if we can pull it off. My project I want to start would be a tad different. I want to base the build off of legion release but restrict what I don't want in the game. Bringing the level cap back to 60. Leaving the base leveling infrastructure and landscape as if you were to start a fresh to on on live right now. But... it will be harder. To avoid the most work possible I will be tweaking the character damage health and stats down so that all the mobs in game will simply be harder while leveling and obviously lower the XP rates. This would give me the character models.. spells.. and quests and NPCs to allow leveling all the way to 60 without having to do anything else really. I would like to alter the spells and possibly reintroduce the origional talent structures BUT.. I would like to leave the new classes in place but tweaked obviously. Which might require complete talent creation for classes that have came out since vanilla but if that is a ridiculously optimistic task.. then I may leave the talent systems in as they are. But.. things like spells will be learned the old way. I want to introduce a new "after game" for characters that complete end game content and raids will earn unlocks to their character. The harder the encounter the bigger the reward. Such as a flying tome will only be earned by completing firelands. And after all content has been completed on a character they will have access to a new spell that will Teleport them to an restricted zone that has portals to scaled down versions of selected raids from future expansions.. think... caverns of time in reverse. Where players can do a level 60 version of ICC to unlock new gear and death Knight classes for their account as an example. By going about it this way I can add in scaled down versions of all newer legendaries. Like level 60 warglaives. The game will continue this way and give players more to do at level cap. Now the hard part........ I want to introduce flex to all raids and I want it to flex from 5 to 10. (I won't be attempting to handle 40 man raids). Just something me and some guildies can do in our free time if we want to go 5 man firelands or Naxx or something like that.) But I would like to keep the things that make the game enjoyable. Transmog.. for example. Looking for group.. but exclude heirlooms. The only major sacrifice is the azeroth landscape.. By using legion I will be stuck with the legion based azeroth. Which is fine with us. The NPCs are there.. the questing is there.. I can tweak and remove as needed to tie up loose ends and remove quests that forward to future expansions. The alternative to be able to move new character models and spells on the old landscape is a process that will take FOREVER to accomplish. And when all that's really bad about it is that it's too easy. And I can fix that. I don't see that it's a terrible idea to maintain all of that which will free up time to get right into the fun stuff. Anyway I want to start this tomorrow. And am looking for resources and tutorials to help me get this going. I've done some sql editing in the past and have ran a private server but it's been years.. not since before WotLK. So any help would be great.
  8. Hey! Could anyone make a tool, or just a simple script, that would allow you to input any skin, face, etc. like here: And then calculate playerBytes and playerBytes2 for the "characters" sql table. The calculation itself is described here, I think, but I don't understand anything in php.
  9. Version 0.1a


    Just a simple tool for calculating PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2 in characters.characters table for WotLK TC2 database (may work with newer or different databases as well, but that needs to be tested). It may be usefull especially for projects where NPCs based on player looks or players based on NPC looks are being used. It is able to get: Skin color Face Hair style Hair color Facial feature From PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2, or it is also capable of doing exactly opposite - getting bytes from character display IDs. The problem is that alghoritm which core uses for generating PlayerBytes seems to come up with sometimes different values (although they give the same IDs as my alghoritm when being converted back). That may possibly cause some bugs or issues, hopefully not, but I would like to point that out anyway. So, use this tool carefully and feel free to let me know about anything you find out or if it just works fine for you. Getting IDs from bytes should definitely work without any problems, getting bytes from IDs - use that carefully. Thats all.
  10. It is possible to create CharacterCreation screen according to the common loginscreen creator method? I made a screen and i wonder if i could use it as character creation screen. Or I should redesign the original charactercreation.m2-s? ? And what is the best way to use high res picture as background? my printscreens are pixeled when i change them to 1024x1024.