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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.0


    I was asked by someone to help with some editing regarding Cataclysm Lordaeron city model. Now I am sharing this model to you, there could be some more people who could appreaciate it. Changes: - All doodad models were removed from the courtyard. - Courtyard was overhauled in general - awful grass texture was completly removed (you have to put there terrain now), moat texture was change to stone - A new passage was made that connect Blood Elven quarter to with the gardens. - Corridor connecting Courtyard and gardens is now opened (there was a closed gate originally).
  2. I imagine this has been asked and answered somewhere before... but I've been looking for a while and can't find it. Can someone provide me an explanation of the process of porting BFA models (player, NPC, creatures, etc.) to Cataclysm 4.3.4? What tools would I need to use? What would the process be? Etc. etc. I can't find exactly what I'm looking for anywhere. And I'm wondering about both just the M2 file, as well as the M2 files WITH the .skel file. I've tried going from BFA or Legion down to WOTLK, and back up to Cataclysm, but with no luck. The client crashes every time I add the "converted" model.
  3. Hi there, I have recently come to a problem, I'd like to convert some of my custom made Wmo from 3.3.5. WMO format to 4.3.4., but unfortunately I can't find any convertor nor any topic regarded to this. ? And so I'm looking for some clue or information that could point me somewhere, or instruct me, I'll appreaciate any help.