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Found 6 results

  1. Particles work, but it looks like this.... Any suggestions?
  2. Kogart


    I downloaded wolkt (3.3.5a) with the WOD graphics and then I installed a patch for the mounts, the issue is that the NPC is bugged. Does anyone know if there is a solution? or should I resign myself to play without modifying the mounts??
  3. Syama108

    help Error Crash

    When I run around in my custom map random the game crashes. Any idea why this is happening? World of WarCraft (build 12340) Exe: C:\ProjectFolder\Client335aNoggit\Wow.exe Time: Dec 25, 2018 4:06:06.020 PM User: User1 Computer: LAPTOP-H8KGRS4L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This application has encountered a critical error: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception Program: C:\ProjectFolder\Client335aNoggit\Wow.exe Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:007B31F8 The instruction at "0x007B31F8" referenced memory at "0x00000010". The memory could not be "read".
  4. Greetings, I have this problem where certain M2s have a draw distance lower than 20 yards. This is of course pretty game-breaking and I can't see myself continuing to make the map unless I get atleast some kind of fix to this. This is my second custom map. On the first one I had islands with trees on it and you couldn't see the trees on the other island. After that I decided to make a completely new map. I had no problems at all for the first month or so, but I was just placing trees and bushes and forming hills. I also tried deleting the M2s and replacing them with new ones (from Model Viewer), but that didn't change anything. So it's either the location of the M2s or the M2 (model) itself. Do some trees have shorter draw distance than others? Even if this was the case, it wouldn't be 10-20 yards though... Well, I'm going to include the video and am hoping you guys can help me out here. Thanks.
  5. Hello, Model Changing community. Since a few weeks ago many people started experiencing weird problems with most cmd-based software that is used in WoW modding. The issue only appears for Windows 10 users who updated their systems up to KB3116908 update. The cause of the problem is cygwin1.dll located in the folder along with the tool. It is outdated and is no longer relevant to new Windows standarts, so please download it from here and replace. I will replace the DLLs in WoWDevKit soon. For people encountering this bug in the future: If one of your tools creates multiple processes on launch until your PC freezes and goes out of memory, try doing what I said here. Big thanks to Cromon and everyone else who helped out figuring out this issue. Big shame on Microsoft Support for sending me to check my system for viruses and doing System File Scan. Happy modding, everyone.
  6. Hi everyone ! I actually port some model from WoD/MoP/Cata to LK, and want to use a lot for mountable model, so here is my main problem : The problem is, in th air the model dont "fly" he just stay like in the screen, and just "move" but there is no animation flying, i try to change some data /w 010 Editor in the .M2 but its dont work, i try to search on the web but didnt find answer So i come here for maybe find an answer ! Btw, the model in wowmodelviewer have flying animation so i didnt understand why its didnt work