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Found 5 results

  1. Greetings, For the past few days i've been experimenting with adding custom damage schools and resistances to the game on top of what is already there. So far i've edited the following files... Core> Creature.cpp Core> CharacterDatabase.cpp Core> ItemTemplate.cpp Core> ItemTemplate.h Core> Player.cpp Core> Unit.cpp Core> Unit.h Core> ObjectMgr.cpp Core> SharedDefines.h Core> UpdateFieldFlags.cpp Core> ThreatManager.cpp DB> Characters.character_stats DB> World.creature_template DB> World.item_template DBC> Resistances.dbc Interface/FrameXML> Constants.lua Interface/FrameXML> GlobalStrings.lua ... and the core will build with 0 errors, however there are multiple problems in-game so I must be missing something. Current issues: 1. Characters are broken in many ways. Items don't show in bags or the character frame, NPCs are invisible/phased out, and the drunk effect is constantly at 100% (probably an error in characterdatabase.cpp, but I have yet to find where) CharacterDatabase.cpp Changes on 537-538 2. The core reads the item_template incorrectly, seems to look for values in their original fields. ObjectMgr.cpp Changes on 2457, 2551-2606 ItemTemplate.h Changes on 654-656 If anyone wants to offer help or insights, it would be appreciated. I'll continue hitting the code with a wrench and updating when progress is made. Once this has been solved I plan to make a tutorial out of it. Update 1: Custom elemental damage now shows properly on spell and weapon tooltips in-game. Loading an item tooltip with custom resistances crashes the game. Update 2: Looks like despite editing ObjectMgr.cpp, the core won't read the item_template table properly. It seems to look for values in their original fields, which breaks all the rows that come after the newly added ones. Added to current issues.
  2. Hello everyone, I've been facing a problem for some days now, so before I present my problem, I'll present my situation I'm using TrinityCore for a 3.3.5a client I want to make my server public using only my IP address So what I already did: Port forwarding : I opened my 8085 and 3724 port through my router and I added the UDP/TCP rules for these ports in my Firewall, I'm using W10 I changed my realmlist table, I put the public IP in address and my local address in the local address section I checked that the different port were good at the different .conf files I changed the client realmlist to be my public IP I'm not using DNS service, as I don't need I ran the two services and I checked that 8085, 3724 were opened, 3306 for my DB is also opened Now, when I try to connect, I just fail as if I were trying to connect into some wrong address. When I run local, it works. Can someone please help me with this ? I'm running out of ideas.
  3. Heya, guys. I'm new to the modeling scene for WoW, so I apologize for any "noob" things I may say/do. I am eager to learn, however I have hit a massive road block. As of now, I only have Legion installed, so the only way I can get updated models from my Casc Viewer is by using my Legion client. Well, because of this, when I extract .m2s and other data, I'm required to use m2Mod to convert it to an m2i so I can use Blender, texture, and downport or whatever. I'm pretty sure that's what I need to do. Well, in this situation, I get stuck on the conversion from the Legion .m2 file to the m2Mod file. I have one of two issues. My first being the .m2 file is usally yelling and saying it's corrupt, and the second being if I use the multiconverter, I get another fun error when I convert it after the multiconvert "fixes" it. So I'm not sure what to do here, and any and all help is appreciated. Also, I'm new to the forum and I apologize if this isn't in the right section!
  4. Heyo! First and foremost, you must have at the very least, a repack that requires you to get your own .dbc files. I use my own compiled servers, so I'm unsure if repacks extract .dbc's or not. Anywho, let's officially begin! Tools Needed: MyDBCEditor Ladrik's MPQ Editor Step One: This is the easy part, open your .dbc folder and locate a file called CharTitles.dbc. Do yourself a favor and copy this .dbc and place it somewhere just in case you mess up and have to try again. Or if you want to simply "back up" and restart from scratch. I usually place mine on my Desktop. Step Two: This may get complicated! I'm kidding, this is an easy tutorial that doesn't require much though. You're going take the CharTitles.dbc and drag it onto your MyDBCEditor.exe. When you've done that, it should look like this: Step Three: We're doing good so far! But here's the fun part! You'll see under ID 177 is the Wrathful Gladiator title, right? Right. Right click that, go to the option that says "copy line to..." and type in 178. This should make a copy of the Wrathful Gladiator title. Cool, right? Well, we need to change a couple of things here... 1st - Change Wrathful Gladiator %s to whatever title you want. 2nd - %s stands for "string" or in this case, a character's name. So "Wrathful Gladiator %s" would be "Wrathful Gladiator Valtorei". Put the %s wherever you need it to be. 3rd - Change the title in both locations, leave everything else alone. 4th - At the end of the line in column 37, there should be a number "142". For each title you add, increase this by one. In this case, you should make it number 143. 5th - Save it and close it! Step Four: Good job! Patch up the .dbc file, make sure it's placed in you data folder, clear your cache, and restart your server! (Make sure the updated .dbc is also in your dbc folder!)
  5. Hi guys! Im new with this about modding and that stuff, so dont be surprise if I do fuck up extremely So, I compiled my server in trinitycore 3.3.5, and I tried to add some races, I follow this tutorial:! But...I fail, in simples steps I did this: 1) I extract the required dbc files from C:\Trinity\Source\bin\Release\dbc and edit them in Talis 2) I extract the luas and xml from the enUS patches and edit them 3) I did the sql files and run them on Heidi on the world dbc 4) I created the patch, with the correct roots, I putted in wow and the edited dbc files in the C:\Trinity\Source\bin\Release\dbc back again 5) But! I run the server and I encounter this errors: (It says: "Error creating character") and in the log of the server I found this: Also, when I start the server it just ignores all the sql I just putt ( Also, I created another sql for creating blood elves warrior, and that one for a reason work...while the others its just being ignored, and in the release directory I found a note "DBErrors" with this text: I have been alredy weeks with this going trough forums withouth any answer, if someone could help I would be really thankfull!