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Found 8 results

  1. Version 1.0.8b-beta


    Jm2converter is a jar tool that can port models from WoD to Wotlk, TBC, and Vanilla. It was originally made by Koward but is pretty hard to find nowadays. Here are the instructions: "##Usage (example with Frog.m2) : This is a Java command-line tool. You may need to install Java : Install Java And setup paths for your environment : PATH and CLASSPATH Command line : java -jar jm2converter.jar -in "Frog.m2" -out "FrogConverted.m2" <OPTIONS> ##Usage with whole folders(only in oppahansi's version) Command line : java -jar jm2converter.jar -in "path/to/inputFolder/" -out "path/to/outputfolder/" <OPTIONS> The "/" or "" at the end of paths is important. New option is -f for whole folders. Only in oppahansi's version. Type java -jar jm2converter.jar to get a list of all converting options and two examples Beware, when you retroport a model, you always lose some data (the newer client features) and you won't be able to get them back if you up convert it back later. The Legion support is still changing. The game is still in Beta so the M2 format changes. Right now it should work up to build 20810." These instructions are also included in the download. Enjoy!
  2. Version 11


    There was a report about this supposedly containing malware, though my PC is clean, the pack is clean, and the reporting person's antimalware was behaving in a very odd and jumpy manner overall. Note that this pack contains couple of apps which are pretty much straight up hacks and many apps from "unknown publishers", there's also file downloading launcher and whatnot - it is susceptible material to being marked by antimalware. It should be clean. But it's up to you whether you trust me on that. As a rule of thumb, please, check README.txt file in any directory where such file is before using that part to ensure you know all the important info. Contents: AmarothTools AmarothsLauncherRelease - a fairly primitive launcher based on reading config files and downloading/uploading changelog, patches and addons from FTP. AmarothsToolkit - old version of my toolkit, later I decided to split the project into the following tools. ClientItem - a pair of tools fo syncing item_template <-> Item.dbc. GobGenerator - generates gobjects in gameobject_template out of models provided in GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc ListfileCreation - do not use unless you know what are you doing. NPCGenerator - for Creature displayID WMV > DBC > DB pipeline. WMOListFile - for obtaining a full list of files used by ADTs, M2/MDX and WMO in the folders under this. Note that its code sucks and is not 100% perfect. CASC CascView - 32 and 64bit versions of CascView, required for obtaining Blizzard files for conversion into WotLK. Listfile - listfiles for extracting files with CascView. DBC LightMapper - can be used for a great visualisation of lights on a map. WoWSpellEditor_1.8.8 - haven't gotten to actually testing this tool yet, but definitely worth sharing. WDBX Editor - for DBC editing, DBC <-> CSV conversions etc. EnGBBlizzlikeDBCs - just blizzlike DBCs, can be useful as a backup. Map AdtAdder - a small tool for mass copy-pasting ADT for inicial filling of a new map/newly expanded map, don't forget to run offsetfix afterwards as well. ADTGrids - some helpers you can use, reflecting basic grids on ADTs. FuTa - a tool for importing and exporting alpha maps (painting textures on ADTs with Photoshop). GroundEffects - tools for applying, removing or changing ground effects on ADT. GruulMeWDT - my preferred way of editing (editing, not creating!) WDT files. NoggitQt_3_2771 - an up to date test version of map editor. NoggitSDL_3_1408 - this is old SDL version of Noggit. It is non-public release, newer than SDL 1.4, fairly stable, may be able to open something Qt cannot. Rius Zone Masher - I do not really remember why I have not ever been using this tool for creation of new maps - I just know I have not been using this tool :D. Sharing it regardless. Models anim porter - I do not even remember what this is for, do not know wthere it is up to date, nor whether it is still useful at all. M2ModRedux 4.6.1 - same like anim porter. MDLVIS 1.40 - same like anim porter. MDX - same like anim porter. MultiConverter_3.3.0 - Officially Legion > WotLK converter, but seems to do alright with BFA as well. Scripts - a mix of random stuff, same like anim porter. OBJtoM2 could be useful if you for any reasons cannot use WoW Blender Studio. Leaving it here for the time being. WoW Blender Studio - still under development, but should make all the other stuff in Models section outdated and redundant. MPQ FuckItUp.exe - removes (listfile) from MPQ, making files more difficult to extract, and thus edit or steal. MPQEditor.exe - v3.2.0.535 is a very old version, but I found it to be very reliable. I had issues with up to date versions, and rather reverted back instead of risking having files corrupted. Other 010 - scripts and templates for 010 Editor. Mordred_LoginScreen - what I have used to make my own custom login screens. PuTTy_0.73 - for managing the server WMT335a - camera hack, light testing. WMV - couple of versions of WoW Model Viewer. HxDsetup.exe - HxD can be used as an alternative hex editor, unlikely to be useful to any 010 Editor owner. xyz-hack.exe - useful for precise gobject spawning. This is a hack, please, do not abuse. Textures BLPConverterGUI - enables mass PNG <-> BLP converting. BLPPhotoshopPlugin_1.0 - Photoshop BLP file support. README.txt - version, release date, links… Wow.exe - removed MD5 check, enabling UI edits within patches etc. Share this with your players, especially if you want to customize anything in your UI, including the login screen. If you are following my english YT channel, this is a toolpack I will be using there. Overview video: My Eng YT channel HERE
  3. Version 3.2614


    The currently premier map editor for World of Warcraft in version 3.3.5a Noggit supports editing of terrain, water, doodad and map object spawning, vertex coloring and much more. New in this release: Updated UI (now using QT framework) Vertex manipulation tool Updated water editing tools Increased performance Integrated settings Official Twitter page (commit history and more)
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I have recently came across a really useful resource created by merfed. Basically it contains almost all the tools that exist in WoW modding scene so far, so you can quickly get them. There are also a bunch of various tutorials and guides there. The description by merfed:
  5. Hello, Model Changing community. Since a few weeks ago many people started experiencing weird problems with most cmd-based software that is used in WoW modding. The issue only appears for Windows 10 users who updated their systems up to KB3116908 update. The cause of the problem is cygwin1.dll located in the folder along with the tool. It is outdated and is no longer relevant to new Windows standarts, so please download it from here and replace. I will replace the DLLs in WoWDevKit soon. For people encountering this bug in the future: If one of your tools creates multiple processes on launch until your PC freezes and goes out of memory, try doing what I said here. Big thanks to Cromon and everyone else who helped out figuring out this issue. Big shame on Microsoft Support for sending me to check my system for viruses and doing System File Scan. Happy modding, everyone.
  6. This is frustrating as all hell! There are so few vanilla / classic / 1.12.1 WoW Modding tutorials and tools that actually work and are not 'link-dead' in the first place. I have found scores and scores of tools for 3.3.5 and up but ~95% of them all crash and or corrupt vanilla files! I can't find enough of the damned vanilla tools to do anything but add small changes -AHH!! I want to do do big changes and modifications that are not non-player character clones or item display dupes with small changes and other small scale modifications! I have had to 'mickey mouse' / non-orthodoxically combine so many half-working tools together in order to get something that works that I am surprised that any people mod vanilla at all :-(. Does anyone know where the vanilla compatible tools are that actually work? Is there a forum or a website or place -somewhere- that has vanilla tools and methods and tutorials that are compatible with vanilla's quirks and iterations? If I can somehow get enough damned tools to work for vanilla for big scale modding work I could make a big 'Vanilla Tools that Work and How to Use Them' Page so that vanilla modders could have a resource hub to 'build' from and could stop pulling their hair out trying to make non-vanilla compatible 3.3.5a tools and tutorials work for their vanilla 1.12.1 projects!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Hey Community! I check out my tool files and found something usefull things who are not here on this page. Hope you can need them! The following files include:wmo-converter-rebuild_003_distro wmo-converter-rebuild_004_distro wmo-converter-rebuild_005_distro -> .wmos from WoD -> TBC PTNG_WoD_Map_ADT_DownPorter_Tool Greets
  8. Hiho :3 The last few days i worked on two libraries which will (hopefully) result in some really nice modding tools. Huge thanks to Cromon and schlumpf who answered my questions! AdtLib335 This library can read and save your adt files for WoW 3.3.5. Current status: Reading is working and i tested it on many adt files. Saving is not yet implemented and will come later. WdtLib335 This library can read and save your wdt files for WoW 3.3.5. Current status: Reading is working and i tested it on many wdt files. Saving is not yet implemented and will come later. I also uploaded a minimal demo application. I actually wanted to write a newer Fileinfo/Loadinfo tool, but i'm way too lazy for that. If you can find any bugs, please report them! You can find the libraries in this repository: They're written in VB.Net, you can easily implement them in your .Net applications. Have a nice day!