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Found 1 result

  1. Hello, my name is James but I usually go by Aumex. I wanted to release my old repack for you all. This said repack contains a plethora of Creature downports ranging from Shadowlands to Cata to 3.3.5. There isn't all weapons and shields, but there's a random amount from each expansion. It was mainly just ones I thought were cool. There's some game objects as well, just random ones. Bunches of mounts made as spells, vendors placed in the starting/mall area thingy I thought was interesting. I don't quite remember much else' The patches are inside and available for opening. It comes with its Portable SQL and No there isn't a source included, also will not be selling it. I hope everyone can enjoy some part of it at least' Have fun! Also I posted here because it wouldn't let me select "Releases" So I wasn't sure on that part.