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Found 16 results

  1. TEXTURE ANIMATION: THE TUTORIAL Hello everyone. In this tutorial I will explain how texture animations work. It's based in WotLK but it's exactly the same for Cata and beyond. We will add a basic texture animation to this test model: (you can download it in the Tools section) This method is quite useful to simulate waterfalls, energy beams, fire and much more. If you want to add an advanced opacity mask, check my other tutorial. TOOLS -PyModelEditor. -My test model. Take in mind that it can be done in 010editor as well, but it's a little more complex. Once you know how texture animations work with PyModelEditor, feel free to explore it a little further creating multiple animation layers with different renderflags or adding them with 010editor. THE TUTORIAL Run PyModelEditor and open the test model (TexAnimPlaneTest.m2). 1- Go to GlobalSequences. 2- Write "1500" (without the quotation marks) and click on "OK". This is the ammount of time our animation will take. 1500 milliseconds is 1,5 seconds. The more milliseconds, the slower the animation will be. 3- Go to Edit UV Animations. 4- Click on "Add" to create a new texture animation. 5- Once the new texture animation is created, go to "Edit Translation". 6- A new window will open. Go to "Add AnimSub". 7- Change the Interpolation to "Linear". 8- Apply the global sequence you just created. 9- Paste this line: 0:{ 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } 1500:{ 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 } Now, click on Ok on all the windows you have open to apply the changes. 10- Go to Edit Materials. 11- Select the material of the mesh you want to add the texture animation (in this case, the test model only has one) and assign the texture animation you just created. You can now save your model. If you test the model in-game, you will notice that the texture animation works fine, but there is some kind of dragging bug and it doesn't loop correctly: This happens when the texture is not tiled. To tile the texture, open the model with PyModelEditor, go to Edit Textures and check both "X-Wrap" and "Y-Wrap": This should fix the problem! (you can also do it in 010editor by changing the TextureFlag to "3"). TL;DR VIDEO UNDERSTANDING THE ANIMATION SEQUENCE Now that you managed to make your own texture animation, you may be wondering how to reverse the animation, or move it sidewards instead of upwards. The key is in the animation line we added in PyModelEditor: As you can see, each line has 4 segments: time frame, horizontal movement, vertical movement and an unused stack of data that we will never touch. In frame 0, your texture stays on its default pose (0, 0, 0), but in frame 1500 it moves vertically (0, 1, 0) and goes back to where it started (it loops). "1.0" is the ammount of times the texture loops. If you change it to "0.5", the texture will start moving but will return to its defult state when it has traveled half the texture. If you replace "1.0" with "-1.0", the texture will go downwards instead of upwards. So, basically, "1500:{ 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 }" means that in 1.5 seconds your texture will loop vertically once. Another example: "3000:{ 0.0 , -1.0 , 0.0 }" means that in 3 seconds the texture will loop vertically once (but downwards). If you put "1.0" in the horizontal segment instead of the vertical segment, you'll see something like this: And if you want it to move to the corners, you simply need to put "1.0" (or -1.0 if you want it to go to the opposite direction) in both the horizontal and the vertical segment: CONCLUSION Texture animation is quite easy once you know how the numbers work. You just need some practice and experimentation to master it. If your model has many .skin files, PyModelEditor won't manage the texture animations so well. The best tool for those cases is 010editor. I recommend you to start with small models first. This tutorial was requested many times. Hope you find it useful.
  2. Here is the entire raw compile of vanilla MPQ body paint armors upscaled 4x using deviantpixel model and cupscale program, all are in png and ready to be ported to blp if anyone knows how to make these work in vanilla, classic and turtle wow without the naked body bug, feel free to use them and upload here. I also made a Shoulder package which i will update later, which is working on said clients.
  3. lisso98

    Hello !

    So, A friend of mine wanted me to make a skirt, for her female dwarf. The problem I have is that all my tools are obsolete, my blender wow tools for importing m2 to m2i, are broken. So I cannot make de modificiations. I would love to know if somone have the latest tools for this jobe, and where to find them. Or how to properly set them up. Thank you!
  4. Pls help ! texture warping on the model
  5. Hey! I tried to get some armor from legion, just the textures (none of those fancy 3d things), which seems like a very simple task at first. However, the following textures keep showing up as fully green when I equip them on my character: item/texturecomponents/armlowertexture/mail_raidhuntermythic_s_01_mythicgreen_bracer_al_u.blp item/texturecomponents/torsolowertexture/mail_raidhuntermythic_s_01_mythicgreen_belt_tl_u.blp I tried renaming (e.g. changing the U to M), tried extracting and re-creating the BLP - nothing helps.
  6. Hi there ! As I'm not quite sure to know where the problem originates, I'm posting in misc. I'm actually following Amaroth's english tutorials and I just started painting mountains and beach of a small test island. On Noggit (Version compiled from repo a week ago), it looks like this : But in game (WotLK), it looks like this with low shadows : And like this with all parameters to ultra : The first screen displaying noggit was made AFTER I saw the problem, so as you can see, most of the textures are fine, but there are still some stripes on the left that were definitely not there when I painted it, and the chunk near the circled cursor got pretty weird too. Maybe it's a very simple problem I don't know (But I hope so !). I tried to search for it but I didn't find anything, so if you have any idea, please let me know.
  7. Greetings, Again me, again this topic. I couldn't change texture's of wmo-s. 1. thing i need, merge indoor model with outdoor model, cause I see only this way to create custom interior for houses. 2. Delete existing doodad sets 3. Change the material path for meshes. 4. and if the mesh material doesn't fit well. and need little adjust on materil, how to save the adjusted material. Im fighting with this problems for ages. I would appreciate a really noob friendly guide! Here is an example: I wanted to retexture Windrunner spire from abbanonded veiny textures to clear ones, in UV editor i swapped the textures and replaced them then everything selected and shift+q and textface to material. in wmv crash. heeeeeeeelppp plzzzz
  8. Hey there, I haven't been active for a while, mostly for personal reasons, though I've been visiting the site every day. I'm here to show you a map I made for quite a while, I used some new techniques in texturing and terraining hope you like it, also please read the story. Millennias ago, lived a mystical lone creature with the size and power greater than a titan's. They say his name was Mievak and it used to wander the universe searching for one of it's kind. One day after an endless search he finally found his mate,named Vuthinda. They lived in a small unknow planet where they built their home and dreamed about their future. But one day when the war between the Titans and Demons was at it's peak Vuthinda was caught in the middle of a battle, powerless and by the heat of battle she died.Heartbroken and depressed Mievak killed and enslaved both titans and demons, hoping in vain to somehow ease the pain which was tearing his heart apart. None were to stand his aching wrath. But his untold pain was soon to come to an end, when one day he met an Old God who would end his agony by killing his pain causes, thus wiping his dearest memories leaving but a mere image of his loving wife. Mievak soon came to his senses revealing his true self, a twisted beign, a dark corrupting creature hidden beneath his sturdy bones and soft flesh. Under an innocent look, under a pair of beautiful love-seeking eyes, he is there, ready to torment mortal's souls. He is waiting!
  9. I show you two noggit errors, maybe someone know how to solve this. On picture one, there is something weird bugg, one chunk looks like turned into shadow cube. I tried to delete shadders, rise low the height everything but it doesn't dissapeared. Then I deleted the whole chunk but the shadow shade still there, lol. And it still appear in game. On the second picture my new noggit can't open texture palette, only open the exinting textures on the local adt-s can't load all the 65 side textures. I used old version of noggit to make my textures but its annoying to use 2 version of noggit. Any idea to fix this? If there isn't a solution for this I can make peace with this method.
  10. I modified a texture in blender, but when I reopened the model in blender the textures weren't save in the new position. I clicked the button like in the image "Save all Images" but it didn't save. How to apply changes on the wmo-s texture? On the picture you can see my texture which weren't save after export the wmo. And it changed to standard position.
  11. Hey! I wanna make a tabard that would not have anything on the chest, but would only have the bottom part (like Arthas and Illidan have, for example). In order to figure out what should and what shouldn't be on the blp, I created one and added some numbered lines. Here is the texture: And the screenshots: Keep in mind I only used the Chest_TL.blp, so it looks like the very bottom part of the tabard (one that is missing on the screenshots) is from the Chest_TU.blp. Anyway, even having such a useful texture with numbers and letters, I'm still really stupid and I don't understand how to achieve my goal. Please help.
  12. Hi fellows, long time ago I discovered an interesting workshop on youtube with a guy who worked in game industry with famous enterprises like Blizzard and Ubisoft. Here, he teaches to a class of students how to paint textures from scratch for low poly models with a cartoonish style. There's tons of videos about texturing on the web, but this workshop is particulary helpful because this guy, Jamin Shoulet, gives some tips and talks about experiences, techniques, etc... Plus, you can work "with him" in the same time, like the others students because it's not a timelapse. Have a good class !
  13. Version 3.0


    This is my empty world map parchment of ground and ocean, restored from multiple zones of blizzard. This will facilitate the life of those who create own maps I usually use this patterns for my maps of custom zones Added in 3.0:
  14. Version 1.0.0


    "ui_patchment_empty" is a seamless texture and can be used everywhere in wow design