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Found 1 result

  1. Version 0.0.2


    A Blender Scene with an Alphamap Generator and the Original ADT Size. USED ADDONS BLENDER: A.N.T. Official Blender Addon, WoW Blender Studio, UNITY: Terrain Tools Unity works extremely well with the Terrain Generation using the 2019 Version in combination with the Terrain Tools and a Terrain Export Script and the Alpha Generator from Blender you can take any terrain shape from any Expansion and print it into a Unity Terrain aswell Texturing. The Terrain inside the Grid is 1 ADT. To get the Raw data out of the Terrain, on the top you can export the Terrain as .OBJ and with the Terrain Tools under the Menu Asset/Terrain Tool you can export your texture Layers as RGB the PNG is in a weird format, open it with your favourite Image Editor and Seperate the Image by Color, RGB and there are now the 3 Texture Layers-> Desaturate them and theyre ready to use for FUTA. To Convert the Terrain to an ADT use the ObjtoADT: OBJtoADT