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Found 41 results

  1. Hey guys, want to ask if it is possible to edit a .WMO in Blender and export it back so I can use it back with Noggit. I was doing something similar back then when I was working character/creature models with Blender 2.79 and a plugin to import .m2 and export them back. But not sure if its possible. Any suggestions on how to involve something like that ? Thanks
  2. I solved the problem Downlolad link: Hello I got question, need help. I'm use this modification and I found in patch-6.mpq(little bit modified this stuff) login screen from Mists of Pandaria located in "Interface\Glues\Models\UI_MainMenu_Northrend5". What name folder need for textures from this patch folder? Regards. Sorry for poor English. English in not my native language.
  3. Greetings everyone, A few days ago I stumbled upon an article called "This 8.6GB Mod for World of Warcraft overhauls over 14,634 textures" Link: I wanted to ask if anyone knows anything about this or knows of other ai upscaled texture mods for wotlk or pre-wotlk? I know there's a few releases here on MC, but they don't overhaul that many textures as the one above and sadly Nexus had taken down that mod long ago. Unless someone somehow happened to this have it saved?
  4. Hello how could I fix worgen aplha female for wow 3.3.5. Not perfect work with Leeviathan's WOD character, oryginal model character. How could I delete npc character model worgen (she look weird). Could some one help me fix code to make full work character creation like MOP and new's World of Warcraft? Doesn't work gender change for female orc and is invisible icon death knight class. At this moment i know how change pozition between class. This is all what I know about that. I'm new with modding/create stuff World of Warcraft. Sorry for poor English. English isn't my native language. link:
  5. Is there a tutorial for creating new races and classes? If there is no, you could make a tutorial for beginners?
  6. Hi! I'm looking for a way to downport a WoD model to Vanilla 1.12.1. Is it possible? I couldn't find any tutorials about this. Or maybe with 2 steps: WoD->WotLK->Vanilla? Any info would be really helpful!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    User BenjaminLSR of the Rochenoire team released a 2.4.3 .exe file which mimics the vanilla client in terms of item caching. This means that you don't need any custom MPQ files or other tools as wowme to add custom items to your 2.4.3 server anymore. I also copied the image of the modified bytes so this information doesn't get lost: Original Reddit post:
  8. So I've recently compiled a CManGos core for 1.12.1, and I added a new patch in with new DBC files, and such, and while the serverside shows all new dbcs are up-to-date, the client does not, I've remade the patch several times incase I had forgotten something but I didn't. I have the gluexml/framexml check removed from the wow.exe, and yet it still cannot read the patch-3.MPQ in the data folder, perhaps I am doing this wrong? Is vanilla wow different? How do I get it to read new patches? Thanks in advanced.
  9. I can always find repacks of 5.4.8 but never any cores that I can compile myself, are there ANY WoW 5.4.8 cores out there that are fairly decent? I have a feeling there isn't but it'd be nice to know where I can find one. Thank you in advance : )
  10. Greetings, i use Leeviathan's WOD character model patch, and it's awesome to have retail characters to 3.3.5 but, for some reason, the weapons of the female blood elf are reduced compared to Retail, and i need to increase the size of the weapons, if anyone can put on the comments how i can do this, i will be eternally grateful
  11. So, I usually don't edit DBCs past 3.3.5a because 4.3.4 and 5.4.8 are very ....different, and take alot more work to understand. However, I've been trying to learn how it works this past week, and I seem incapable of doing anything. I was wondering, if there's maybe an expert here, that could possibly help me out? The help would be much appreciated. If I were per say to buff a certain talent in 3.3.5a, It'd be simple as going to the near the Spell Effect column, and go under where it says "Base Points". With the MoP DBCs, It is vastly different
  12. hello, is there any way you can get darker nights for TBC currently? been searching everywhere and cant find it.. all i got are some tilesets, npc, character, mount models and some other little tweaks, but id really like the darker nights, would be one of the best tweaks. also if there is any TBC modder here whos gonna find my post, please contact me ^^ Fernbacher#4523
  13. Hello, to make things quick, I did see some tutorials but I didn't see any full on guides for retroporting in general. Basically, What I want to do is to be able to import Legion Artifacts, Legion armors, BFA Creature Models, Other Updated BFA models(including armors and weapons). I wanted to use all those models, and kind of like make them into sets or something of the sort. However, I don't want the models replacing existing models, I want to add-on to it. So maybe link me a few guides or links for tools and files, or something of the sort. I dunno
  14. Swapped tauren to taunka, and a slight annoyance I have is helms are misplaced and go through the taunkas head. In-game I just hide my current helm, but it is annoying seeing other players with their hats on backwards. I could just change the helm/sound race in chrraces.dbc to another, but then I just get blue cubes everywhere for helms. Is there a way to remove the helms for the a specific race, or hide helms for all characters playing tauren/taunka? or even a helm fix would be appreciated.
  15. Hi there, I have recently come to a problem, I'd like to convert some of my custom made Wmo from 3.3.5. WMO format to 4.3.4., but unfortunately I can't find any convertor nor any topic regarded to this. ? And so I'm looking for some clue or information that could point me somewhere, or instruct me, I'll appreaciate any help.
  16. Hello there, since a few days I'm trying to create my first working wmo / m2 for 3.3.5a. The create part is fine and the object is shown ingame, but without the texture. The texture path is still "c:\user\..." Obviously I need to change that but it doesn't work, or better, I dont know how. I've changed the path in the wmo creator (MirrorMachineQT) and also tried to fix it in blender (version 2.8) My problem is, that the "wmo addon" for blender isn't working with 2.8, or I'm to stupid to do it Any Ideas how to fix that? My first problem: How can I change the texture path? second one: If just with the wmo addon, how can I install that? Thank you
  17. Ok it's in talenttab.dbc and spell.dbc
  18. Hello! Can someone give me a right direction so I could implement my own dynamic world state nodes, like Alterac valley graveyards, Seething shore azerite nodes, and WSG Flag carrier mapping . I got no problems with simple on-zone world states like Resources attached to some zone, but now I'm looking for server or clientside code to link some states to Map and mini map. I have my WorldStateUI.dbc open and made my custom lines but how can I attach them to in-game Map and mini map UI? For example, I see world states when a WS flag in on player but then I can't find that 1545 world state in WorldStateUI.dbc or in server side source code. So where should I dig to find dynamic world state stuff and map/mini map UI ?
  19. Hello everyone, I've been facing a problem for some days now, so before I present my problem, I'll present my situation I'm using TrinityCore for a 3.3.5a client I want to make my server public using only my IP address So what I already did: Port forwarding : I opened my 8085 and 3724 port through my router and I added the UDP/TCP rules for these ports in my Firewall, I'm using W10 I changed my realmlist table, I put the public IP in address and my local address in the local address section I checked that the different port were good at the different .conf files I changed the client realmlist to be my public IP I'm not using DNS service, as I don't need I ran the two services and I checked that 8085, 3724 were opened, 3306 for my DB is also opened Now, when I try to connect, I just fail as if I were trying to connect into some wrong address. When I run local, it works. Can someone please help me with this ? I'm running out of ideas.
  20. I have a dream to make a server in which I can throw models and edit landscape. But I do not know the main nuances: what server client, how to load models like their own and from Bfa for example, or how to make non-standard items? Or at least load the server into an online mode? I hope my English understood?
  21. Hello everyone, I had a question about whether it is possible to rotate a particle, for example if it is a fire that appears from right to left, I would like it to show from left to right. What I have: What I want: Any type of tip or advice, will help a lot. Thanks for reading.
  22. Good day to all. I just have a question... I'm using darker nights 3.3.5 patch and I was wondering if there are any patches or other ways to increase the light range of Lamps, lanterns, fires etc.. Thank you and have a nice day. =)
  23. hi, i'm new in this forum and i have a problem, i've used casc explorer to downport all the 7.3 wmo and m2 from legion and i've used the converter from luzfix to convert them, in mw and noggit they are fine, so i decided to convert my test map to wod 6.2.4, all works fine in the server, ( i can log, play...) but when i try to go in my custom map the loading screen charge like 80% then he stop, and in my worldserver the log file report this Received not handled opcode [CMSG_BATTLE_PAY_GET_PURCHASE_LIST 0x364D (13901)] from [Player: Account: 1] Received not handled opcode [CMSG_BATTLE_PAY_GET_PRODUCT_LIST 0x364C (13900)] from [Player: Account: 1] Received not handled opcode [CMSG_UPDATE_VAS_PURCHASE_STATES 0x3682 (13954)] from [Player: Account: 1] [Player: Account: 1] Client tried to call not implemented method ResourcesService.GetContentHandle({ program: 16974 stream: 1634756212 version: 1701729619 }) Received not handled opcode [CMSG_BATTLE_PAY_GET_PURCHASE_LIST 0x364D (13901)] from [Player: Account: 1] anyone can help me? ps sorry for my bad english
  24. Somebody know about this, because Ive never seen this fitches on RolePlay servers, where it should be so hot musthavy thing. So, how to make NPC's with barrel in hand on shoulder (like in Legion Stormwind Harbour) or for example like on this pic. Any ideas?
  25. Hey guys. so i was looking in game in legion and i saw Sets tab in collection appearances. i would like to collect all item specific itemID or DisplayID do you know where i can find the db2/LUA-XML of it ? it's not itemset.db2