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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Added the Blood Mage effect that Kael'thas has over the Mage Armor spell, and made the visual last the entire time you have Mage Armor on. I used an MPQ so you can plug-and-play, just rename it to any letter (for example, Patch-A) and it'll be all good! Will conflict with anything that alters the SpellVisual and SpellVisualKit dbcs, so I also added the loose files so more experienced members can add it themselves. Let me know if there are any issues!
  2. I said it in january, I did it in June but it's finally here ! In this tutorial I'll explain to you how to clone particles from a model to another one with the help of ParticleCloner, a tool made by Tigurius. This tool is old, so it doesn't work with Cata+ models since the structure of the m2's has changed. I didn't tried with spell models from Cata and up (only doodads or creatures), maybe it's different and it can work, but not sure. EDIT : it can load WoD or Legion models, but it's pretty random, if the models are similars it can work, sometimes not, just do some tests and try. What programs do we need ? - ParticleCloner - 010 editor (with m2 template) What's the process ? First, choose the particles you need in WowModelViewer on the model that you want. For this tuto I choose particles from the spell Arcane_form_precast.m2 to put on 2 models, one without bones or animations, and one with both : misc_2h_pitchfork_a_01.m2 and sheep.m2 . To make the transfert, select first the "destination" model, CTRL+left click to select the second "source" model and drag&drop on the application. (Always do backups if you did it in the wrong way, this program overwrite the original file ! ) When it's done, you'll have the particles at the same place of its original model. Now, you certainly want to move the particles to the right place. Open the m2 with 010editor and load the M2 Template. Go to the end of the file at the line " struct Particle ". You'll have all the informations you need, the attached bones, coordinates, etc... Particles have the bone from the original model, for a simple animation like this, there's only one bone. For this fire, there's three elements (flames, smoke and sparks), so there's 3 bones. I used it for a Sargeras model. You have to set the number of the bone where you want the particles to be. To move it to the right place, go to the " struct FloatVec3 pos " line. As you can see on the picture above, I modified the values on the x axis. You can change what you want to have the good coords. Just try and retry with the help of WMV to visualize the result. For the sheep, I set the particles on bone 3 who's attached to the head. This tool can copy the texture path of the BLPs used by the particles. But when you'll go ingame to see if it works, you'll have little cubes instead of the texture. WMV can load them, but not WoW. Why ? Because the tool does some mess too. In the " struct VModelFileName " 1 & 2, you have random symbols at " struct filename texture > string value " . Delete all and reload the template, or save and close the model. Do it for each particle in your model. And it's finally done ! Good job, you can manage particles ! PS : for unknown reasons, my fork is invisible ingame after I added the particles on it. Maybe because the model doesn't have enough "informations" in it because it's a little model, or because there's no bones in the original model. I don't know. Maybe one of you will find the solution ?
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Basically, multitexturing combines the alpha channel of two different textures, creating more variety in the particles and making it more realistic. It was introduced in Cataclysm but widely used since WoD for fire effects. Usually, the textures used for particles in WoD are: World\Expansion05\Doodads\IronHorde\FIRE_2X2_SHARP_MOD4X.BLP World\Expansion05\Doodads\IronHorde\Fire_Bright_Mod2x_A.BLP I tried to emulate this multitexturing effect in WotLK by combining both textures with Photoshop and increasing the rows and columns to give it more variety (since we can't animate the particle texture in Wotlk, each block has a different texture position). The result is quite decent. I would say it's 80% accurate because some features, like combining blend and additive blendingtypes on the same particle are not available in WotLK. I made two texture versions: one with 16 blocks and another with 64 (more realistic). There is also a test model included. External link:
  4. Daethas


    Right, so. As I am typing this out, I've been working on downporting one of the 7.3 t21 DK sets - the blue one, in particular. This is my progress thus far. I should make clear, I have already tried running the .blp through a BLP 2 PNG converter, re-converted it from png to blp, and it still came up with transparency issues. PTR Equivalent Compared to that, the set's also incredibly blank - particles are something I also need tremendous assistance on. If anyone has any idea how I might be able to acquire those, once more your aid would be LOVED. Thank you!
  5. Right, so. As I am typing this out, I've been working on downporting one of the 7.3 t21 DK sets - the blue one, in particular. This is my progress thus far. Looking a bit plain, isn't it? As it stands, though I'm half-capable of downporting models, I do find myself having difficulties with finding geosets! I have, unfortunately, absolutely no clue on how to find those, any help would be appreciated. I should make clear, I have already tried running the .blp through a BLP 2 PNG converter, re-converted it from png to blp, and it still came up with transparency issues. PTR Equivalent Compared to that, the set's also incredibly blank - particles are something I also need tremendous assistance on. If anyone has any idea how I might be able to acquire those, once more your aid would be LOVED. Thank you!
  6. Hi, before asking this I've tried differents things with the help of the pxr but I can't find the right chunk to set the bones that I want to my particles. For this model, I have a simple fire effect from the booksonfire.m2 , I used the ParticlesCloner tool, now the fire works ingame, but it's on the bone number 0 (between the feet) and I want to move it to the head (bone 25). In the particles chunk, the effect is divided in 3 parts because it uses 3 textures, in the bone informations I have 1, 2 & 3. So I assume it's not the setting who manages the bone of the skeleton.