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Found 6 results

  1. I am recruiting content designers for my 3.3.5 TrinityCore server to design and implement custom quests for the Alliance in Silverpine Forest. I'm looking to roughly replicate the Horde-side experience, while updating content for a post-WotLK timeline without the Cataclysm. A number of quest chains, and side quests are needed. Pay is on commission per quest/chain completed. Am willing to negotiate on pay expected.
  2. Looking for a Noggiter to help me make two custom maps for my server project. Baseline of 75 USD for each, though better pay for better work, and I have plans for extending both, and will refer back to you as I am ready for that. I do value the time that people put into these things, including the time to learn them, the 75 baseline is a basic for if it covers the bare minimum which I don't think would take much time. One map is a city centered around a giant tree, for which I have a 2d map if you are interested, The city has room for extension into a few more zones around it. For skyline considerations, the region to the north is a forest, the east are some plains, the south is some mountains, and the west is some hills, these are the extra addons though, beyond what I want to do for the initial city. The other zone is meant to be a raid zone, and is supposed to be a giant spire in the heart of 4 (or 8 ideally) different elemental regions. The regions don't have to be big, just enough for a single raid boss is fine, but bigger regions are worth more to me, as long as they are nice, I would rather have one really nice raid boss room than have a mediocre map the size of westfall per region, though somewhere in the middle is probably ideal.
  3. I am currently looking for someone willing to undertake this effort. The UI_RS_SCOURGE is a 2001 female Forsaken model. I'd like to have it in working conditions for a project so it can be used as a creature model. Either a rig port or a direct animation port will do. UI_RS_SCOURGE can be found under: Interface/Glues/Models/UI_RS_SCOURGE PM me if you're interested. I am able to donate through paypal as payment (Donation button is required, google how to set one up, it's easy). It is preferred if the finished product is for 3.3.5, but I am able to downport. Payment will be agreed upon during discussions.
  4. Hello Model-Changing. I'm interested in getting one world map and mini map created for my new in-game playable map on 3.3.5. The map consists of 9 standard zones. Just to further clarify, I'm not looking for a map to be made on Noggit. I already have that. I want to make a map for players to know where they are located on the map (pressing "M" whilst in-game basically). I'm looking for something like this but for my own map: I'm willing to pay for your time and service. Feel free to contact me via Discord: Deathorous#4066 Thank you, Deathorous.
  5. Hello, I am looking for a person who's capable of doing some AIO systems plus some lua scripts. This is a paid request, if you think you have the time and dedication, please feel free to DM me your discord/skype ID and I'll add you.
  6. Hello all, My name is Peacy and myself along with 4 other coders are creating a custom blizlike quality server. This server has been straining us for quite some time but with each passing day we are nearing ever closer to completion! We are in need of Noggit zone developers. The zones we currently need to be done are Thousand Needles, Stranglethorn, and Westfall. This will be a paid position, and we appreciate our Noggit developers. If you are interested in making a zone for us please message me back here or contact me on skype (Priestchick). Thanks!