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Found 14 results

  1. Ninja, It is with great excitement that we announce a new era of updates coming to our beloved game. We have been listening closely to your feedback and are thrilled to unveil a series of new features that will take gameplay to the next level. From stunning new Jutsu to new stories with a fresh cast of characters, this update promises to deliver an even more immersive and captivating gaming experience based on a deep love for the Ninja World as our game’s theme. Reading your feedback over the months has led us to make the decision to stop chasing monthly updates and focus on fixing and remastering core issues with the very fundamentals of the game. Rather than constant bandaid fixes which lead to further issues, we believe that it is time to redefine what Shinobi Story is as a game and to maximize the fun and gameplay richness that we know we are able to achieve. The transition of Shinobi Story from alpha to beta represents a major milestone in our journey to create a game that is both immersive and exciting, offering you, our beloved players, a fresh new take on the ninja world that you know and love. We are humbled to have you as our partners in this journey, and together, with your feedback, testing, and community presence, we will be able to create the most content-rich ninja game possible. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Shinobi Story. We can't wait for you to experience what we have in store for you in the upcoming beta release. NEW MASTERY TALENT TREES We are pleased to announce that Shinobi Story will feature a new Talent Tree System that is set to revolutionize the way players approach their favorite masteries. Taking inspiration from recent successes in the gaming scene, we have recreated our Mastery system to be deeper, richer, and more customizable, offering new ways to make your ninja truly unique to you! Uchiha Clan Mastery Talent Tree Weapon Techniques Mastery Talent Tree (Right Side: Human Self Puppetry Tank Build) Lightning Ninjutsu Mastery Talent Tree (Right Side: Raikage Lightning Cloak Tank Build) Medical Ninjutsu Mastery Talent Tree Aburame Clan Mastery Talent Tree - Neox's Choice for winning! Players will be able to reset within their Mastery with Koban, allowing players to try out different builds and points combinations without having to buy a scroll; but switching masteries will still require a Reset Scroll With our new Talent Tree System, you will be able to fully spec into a single mastery if you choose, creating builds not seen before such as Full Uchiha, Full Medical, and many more. By removing previous restrictions, players will be able to delve into theorycrafting and explore endless possibilities to tailor their playstyle to their liking. With this new system, we are confident that players will have a more immersive and exciting experience than ever before. NEW MASTERIES & REDESIGNS Announcing a range of new masteries and redesigns for Shinobi Story. The new masteries include the Aburame Clan, which offers both Ranged DPS and Melee DPS specializations, and Weapons Techniques/Puppets, which features Ten-Ten Style Weapons Techniques, Puppetry Pet Spec, and Human Puppetry Tank Spec. We are also excited to introduce the Magnet Combination Mastery, inspired by Gaara's Sand Tank, which offers Iron Sand Ranged DPS. Additionally, the Spiritualism mastery includes Jashinism Melee DPS/Tank Hybrid and Holy Monk Melee DPS/Support Hybrid specializations. In addition to these new masteries, we will also be designing new ones such as Inuzuka, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Nara, Kaguya, Namizake, and Explosion to offer a more engaging and immersive gameplay experience for our players. These updates represent a significant step forward for the game, promising to deliver exciting new opportunities for players to do battle like never before! A few examples... Fire Style: Phoenix Flare Punch Fire Style: Fire Fist Technique Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu Water Style: Life Currents Jutsu Fan Style: Wind Slicing Barrage Wind Style: Tornado Fists Technique REMASTERED WORLD & VILLAGE In collaboration with an additional world designer, we will be undertaking a major overhaul of our maps. Our goal is to bring our game world to a much higher level of quality by adding depth, replacing lower quality models, and injecting new content zones throughout the world. With this new attention to detail, we aim to create a more immersive and full-bodied gaming experience that will leave players truly immersed in the Ninja World! We are delighted to announce that we will be releasing two new lands in our game world, along with a revamped Hidden Leaf Village. The new version of the village will be free of lag, feature unique districts for each major clan, offer numerous RP spots, building interiors, and boast a completely new layout. In addition, we will be introducing a Major Hidden Village that will be a playable faction, which will bring the total number of Hidden Villages to three. This new addition will elevate roleplay customization and PvP balance, allowing players to explore and adventure in a game world that is richer and more rewarding than ever before. FACTION SYSTEM OVERHAUL We are thrilled to announce that Shinobi Story will be featuring two new Hidden Villages as playable factions, offering players a fresh new take on the ninja world. In addition, we are redesigning our Faction system to be more semi-serious, providing players with the freedom to switch factions depending on the story they want to tell, and the ever-changing goals they have. With this new system, players will be able to join factions that fit their playstyle and create alliances that are meaningful and engaging. As part of this redesign, we are also removing "Rogue" as a solid faction and instead turning them into criminals who are hated by all. After their sentence, they will be able to repent and join a different Hidden Village faction, creating a sense of redemption and a deeper level of player engagement. These changes to our Faction system promise to bring a new level of excitement and immersion to our game world, in addition to faction-specific cosmetics and faction-tied stat boosts to promote a sense of loyalty to villages for those who stick to their choices! With greater flexibility and more meaningful player choices, players will have many options of play… and players may even see the return of Player Kages with a completely automated system inside of the faction! NEW PROGRESSION SYSTEM We would like to unveil a complete overhaul of the progression system in Shinobi Story, designed to take the game to a more streamlined design. Our team is working to remove the old, confusing, and multi-layered system that has frustrated many early-level players, replacing it with a new Main Storyline that will take players from level 1-60 in a immersive way. With no need for mindless grinding, players will be able to progress at their own pace, enjoying a seamless and engaging experience. But that's not all - we are also removing the tedious daily grind for Chuunin and Jonin ranks, instead allowing players to progress by exploring the ninja world, completing missions, and engaging with the game's many exciting features. This new progression system is designed to provide players with a sense of purpose and accomplishment, while freeing them from the monotony of repetitive tasks and sending them on their way to the end-game content! Our goal is to deepen the in-game lore and story aspect of Shinobi Story, and delivering it through more thought-out questlines as well as introduce new voice acted quests to truly impress the players with our new development skill! PLAYER HOUSING Introducing a new feature to Shinobi Story: Player Housing. Our goal is to create several Housing Districts throughout the game world that will feature Torii Gate portals, providing players with their own instanced land that is appropriately themed to the district they own a house in. For example, a District in the Land of Fire will have grass, trees, and a skybox as the surroundings, while a Rain Housing District will resemble that zone. With this new feature, players will be able to fully customize their land as they see fit, with the freedom to build whatever they desire. From player farms and restaurants to art projects and recreations of villages, the possibilities for creative expression are limitless. This feature is set to be an exciting addition to the game, promising to bring a new level of player engagement and creativity to Shinobi Story. RAIDS & DUNGEONS We have been wanting to introduce Raids and Dungeons for a long time now, and some of our new concepts are: The Tomb of Jashin & The Underground Laboratory which promise to tell unique stories, and offer many challenging bosses to defeat with your squads! We are also interested in introducing a Mythic Plus (M+) style system for dungeons which will scale enemies to be much harder, but also reward better loot - both dungeons and raids will have a high score system to truly distinguish which squads are the most elite! NEW UI REMASTER With the release of the Shinobi Story Beta, we are excited to unveil a fresh new look for the player's layout and view, one that strikes a balance between modernity and original design charm. We have worked to deliver changes that immediately stand out, starting with the more prominent minimap (that works) and health bar, providing players with greater viewable space. New User Interface in Shinobi Story's upcoming Beta Release We have removed unnecessary clutter and streamlined the layout to create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. Additionally, while staying true to the game's iconic design, we have refreshed the appearance of the Action Bar, giving it a clean and polished look. Elite mobs will be shown with a gold portrait frame & a Elite symbol These changes represent a significant step forward for the game, improving the overall quality and enhancing the player's experience. We can't wait for players to experience the updated layout and view firsthand, as we believe it will elevate the game to a new level of visual appeal and functionality. MAP & MINIMAP We understand that navigating the vast and intricate world of Shinobi Story can be a daunting task for both new and veteran players. That's why, with the release of the Beta, we are excited to announce that we will be providing a full map and minimap to assist players in their travels. This update is aimed at providing players with a more immersive and intuitive experience, making it easier to understand where they are in relation to where they want to go. With the addition of these new tools, players will be able to navigate the game world with greater ease, improving the overall quality of their gameplay experience. Whether you're a new player just starting out or a seasoned veteran, these changes are sure to enhance your journey through the world of Shinobi Story. Get ready to explore the game world like never before! Additional Bulletpoints We're Developing.. Introducing a vast array of new cosmetics to help players truly personalize their characters and make them stand out in the ninja world. Exploration & Puzzle solving open world main progression system Huge focus being placed on open world exploration & interaction with the world in unique ways to utilize unique masteries New battlegrounds, offering exciting new ways for players to test their skills against one another in thrilling and competitive combat. A range of new evergreen content that is always relevant, giving players fresh challenges and experiences that they can enjoy at any time. A comprehensive profession overhaul, revamping the professions system to make it more intuitive and rewarding, with new benefits and bonuses to help players progress. Improved catch-up options, allowing players to more easily progress and catch up with their peers, ensuring a more level playing field for all. A wide range of bug fixes and performance improvements, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience for all players. Cash Shop rework - most items will be moved to being acquired in-game New Ninja Missions panel purchasable with Koban monthly offering unique rewards (similar to the Trading Post) Professions overhaul - offering deeper levels of crafting for each profession as well as a couple new ones, including unique and rare recipes, formulas, and blueprints to truly make a name for yourself as a legendary crafter! Organization/Guild leveling perks so groups can work together to unlock organization-exclusive rewards! Removing "scaling" in the sense of what we have now, and make everything scale off of the same stat, thus deepening and expanding all hybriding possibilities! All masteries will be played similar to WoW classes in a sense that there will always be buttons to press and very low (if any) downtime! New Energy mechanic, doing away with movement charges! This will allow ninja to use movement abilities that cost energy rather than charges. This will allow us to explore mechanics and talents based around energy consumption & generation! Vastly improved tutorial and early game to increase early player retention. Greatly reducing Download size to 7-10 GB roughly to increase downloads/cut back on waste and bloat Completely remade new player experience to keep new players engaged enough to be able to have fun straight away! We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our players who have taken part in the alpha journey thus far. It has been an incredible ride, from the game's humble beginnings to the robust and immersive world it has become today. As we transition to the Beta phase of development, we are excited to embark on a new chapter in the game's evolution. We understand that this will not be an easy or quick process, but with the support and feedback of our community, we are confident that we can create the most unique and content-rich ninja game ever made. We deeply appreciate your patience and assistance as we undertake this overhaul, and we look forward to working with you to create a game that truly captures the spirit and excitement of the Ninja World unlike any other game. “Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.”
  2. Shinobi Story a Naruto Inspired MMORPG Made in Wotlk Engine Ninja, We have done it. We have finally released Shinobi Story for Early Access Alpha! This means that Shinobi Story is still undergoing a lot of live development, but we've let players in to finally begin their own journey to finding their unique ninja way! We will be allowing players to test features, play the game, PvP, PvE, Roleplay, and even customize their characters! With a living economy, a huge world, and a dedicated community, you will find Shinobi Story to be an excellent place to make a name for yourself- whether as a friend or a foe... that is up to you! Download the alpha now to tell your own Shinobi Story! Shinobi Story is a 3D Free MMORPG where you play as a character in the Ninja world! Choose your village and rise up the ninja ranks, even up to the Kage! We made the game entirely in 3.3.5 Wotlk, 90% custom models, and honestly, custom everything. New Scripts, new systems, new skill shot style PvP system, world bosses, the largest custom map published in wow modding so far, and more! Give us a shot! Discover your own Ninja Way With a Village Ranks system, your character is able to have real control & power within their own village, affording higher ranked ninja greater respect and authority that can be given by a player hokage! Journey up the village ranks by taking the deadly chuunin exams, hosted in a mega-event by the staff in heart-racing events such as surviving the gauntlet that is the Forest of Death, testing your wit for battle in 1 on 1 duels watched by the whole village. Will you fight to protect your comrades, or to turn your back on the village completely... Play with a Community Dedicated Towards the Ninja World Shinobi Story has an ample community filled with die-hard fans and enthusiasts which will make you feel right at home if you're a fellow fan! Join our growing Community Discord Server to not miss the fun & mingling with our community! After all, food tastes better with company, right? ➤➤ Immerse Yourself in PvP with a Working Bingo Book & Rogue System We have a custom coded Bingo Book system for Rogues & Loyal Ninja to be able to track and hunt each other! Punish your enemies by robbing them of money when you track them down, defeat them in battle, and claim their bounty as yours by taking a portion of their money as blood money! With enough infamy, the Village will cast you out, forcing you to live the life of a Rogue Ninja! Seek out other rogues & establish secret organizations to plot your revenge! Whatever your motivation may be, money, power, or pure sadistic slaughter, the choices you make in Shinobi Story will permanently alter the course of the game! What are you waiting for... see ya' at the Village Gates! DISCORD | PLAY NOW | FORUMS | YOUTUBE | TWITTER
  3. Shinobi Story is a 3D Free MMORPG where you play as a character in the Ninja world! Choose your village and rise up the ninja ranks, even up to the Kage! We are a player driven game where the community makes decisions for the game world. Gather your allies, fight your enemies, master powerful jutsu, protect your village, or turn your back on it entirely-- this is your Shinobi Story!
  4. Shinobi Story is a 3D Free MMORPG where you play as a character in the Ninja world! Choose your village and rise up the ninja ranks, even up to the Kage! We are a player driven game where the community makes decisions for the game world. Gather your allies, fight your enemies, master powerful jutsu, protect your village, or turn your back on it entirely Full credits to Jimmus (Sr. Dev.), Godsk (Dev.), Danny (Dev.), Lizzard I guess, Vlad
  5. Show your support & keep updated by following our social media! ? A work-in-progress for my project, Shinobi Story! Shinobi Story is a Roleplay / PvP /Sandbox RPG in which you can make your own shinobi & truly customize them to whatever you want! We have a lot of exciting features- ranking up through the ninja system, learning powerful jutsu, being able to rise to a position of leadership among your fellow players, betray your village to chase power, explore our large world, and even permanently kill other players, to name a few things!
  6. From the album: Shinobi Story - a Naruto MMORPG

    © Shinobi Story

  7. From the album: Shinobi Story - a Naruto MMORPG

    © Shinobi Story

  8. From the album: Shinobi Story - a Naruto MMORPG

    © Shinobi Story

  9. From the album: Shinobi Story - a Naruto MMORPG

    © Shinobi Story

  10. A Naruto RP/PvP Project Hey everyone, My project, Shinobi Story is officially recruiting! For our release of alpha in March 2020, we are doing a hard push to get everything done that we would like to. For more information on the project, please do not hesitate to check out our Twitter & Discord We are currently recruiting the following positions: People proficient with 3D modeling, rigging, weight paint, OBJ to M2 conversion People familiar with spell effects to make clothing & other effects (think backpacks, pouches) in 3.3.5 People proficient with AIO & menu creation If you think you have a unique skillset to offer, please do not hesitate to reach out! Please contact me on Discord VLAD#0001 (case sensitive)
  11. Show your support & keep updated by following our social media! ? A work-in-progress for my project, Shinobi Story! Shinobi Story is a Roleplay / PvP /Sandbox RPG in which you can make your own shinobi & truly customize them to whatever you want! We have a lot of exciting features- ranking up through the ninja system, learning powerful jutsu, being able to rise to a position of leadership among your fellow players, betray your village to chase power, explore our large world, and even permanently kill other players, to name a few things!
  12. Vlad


    From the album: [Showoff] Shinobi Story - a Naruto MMO

    Yup, that's how the animated login screen looks in-game! ? Feel free to join our Discord Server to keep track of our progress live! oooooooor.. our twitter for a constant stream of content from us! Big Kudos to my team & Dan and Phill

    © ShinobiStory 2019