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Found 3 results

  1. Want to buy some custom models we can port into a 3.3.5a client. These include things like a HD human arthas model, a night elf mage illidan model, undead Tirion, etc. Please message me on discord: Lambey#5307
  2. Hey! Words can't express how hopeless I am right now. It seems like whenever I try to do something more complicated than dbc editing, NOTHING FUCKING WORKS! Basically, there's this model "Glaive_1H_Twilighthammer_b_01.M2": What I've tried to do is to take this model, change the middle part just a little bit in blender, export it, then mirror the whole model so it fits the other hand and export that too. Then convert the result into m2 and use it ingame. I've tried using both m2mod v4 and OBJtoM2, but m2mod would just crash on converting. OBJtoM2 would create the two m2 files and skin files for them, but the lefthand model appears as the good old blue-white cube, and the righthand model doesn't appear at all. Wonderful. P.S. I've also tried converting those two models (from OBJtoM2) to cata using jM2, but that didn't help.
  3. Hello I am new blood here and I have little to no skills with Noggit and or other World of Warcraft editing tools although I really want to learn how to create new content for World of Warcraft ever since I first played back in The Burning Crusade days. I am looking for help to learn how accomplish the above project of mine (in the video) and I have a very hard time learning online by myself and I am very much out of my element with this type of learning although I am very much more enthusiastic to learn through trial and failure for I know myself to have a very deep and strong rooted passion for this line of work and or content creation. I have an ambitious plan to add new content to (a) custom private server(s) and I will need to learn much in the ways and or the masteries of World of Warcraft content editing / modifying and or creation in general to accomplish this lofty and mayhaps even overwhelming goal of my own creation. I have come to realize that I must be strong minded, social yet independent and I must possess a very well rounded and moreover a robust skill set myself for I have little in terms of other people of whom I can come to depend on to complete this deep seeded desire that is my overarching ambitious project of mine. Although I am vague to myself and others of how, when or where my work and or new content may surface for the World of Warcraft private server community for mostly the reason being that I cannot currently host my own server(s) for a myriad of reasons and or personal adversities. I am looking to learn how I can accomplish a long deep niggling desire to convert my labyrinth of concept art from ages new and past into tangible playable and moreover clean and enjoyable content that I can share with the mostly aging private server community population before both my own desire to relive old memories and World of Warcraft itself fade into obscurity. As I continue to work and improve upon my own future projects of my own vision and device for old and future generations alike I sit building my projects up piece by piece, working day after day to make my creative dreams come into the collective gaming fray - I realize that these times now and herein they will come and they will inevitably go; the clock ticks away and I have come to see in the past that time waits for no one. I want to give back to the community which I have been in many ways creatively shaped and inspired by while within the same stroke of action fulfilling a long and slow burning desire within myself. This deep innate and pulsating core desire of mine is to invigourate my many conceptual notebooks, stacks of scattered art saturated pages and looming archives of text and table based conceptual ideas and schemes to life and to give such 'life' to an audience of which I believe would quite enjoy said hypothetical 'life' with also said new content and or 'life' being granted overwhelmingly bug and error free. Thank you for reading and or watching my post :-).