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Found 53 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hi! In collaboration with @kekie i've converted into game-ready models some of his human models (some are revamped parts of stormwind castle, etc.), all of them are WMO's except one that's an m2, I'll update this post whenever i do some of his other models (gotta finish some fountains, and small pieces that would all be m2), i'll update too in the future if he creates/finishes some other models. My part of the work has been finishing some unfinished model parts, some UV seams fixes, added blendmaps for the fake ambient occlusion, and create simple collisions, all of that in WoW Blender Studio ^^ All the models will be into these folders: WMO's: World\WMO\Kekie6 M2: World\Kekie6 If you find any error or thing to fix, comment, and i'll try to fix and update as fast as I can ^^ Have fun with 'em!
  2. What I will assume you know for this tutorial. How to acquire files from CASC or Your way around the 010 Editor and have the relevant template Adding files to MPQ Editing the correct DBC files to add model to client How to use blender to decrease poly count if required Tools you need M2Mod 9.0.0 My MultiConverter fork The most recent listfile.csv in the same directory as both of the two previous programs Step 1 - TXID Removal For this step you can use any TXID removal method you want. This step can also be done at any point before the MultiConverter step but it's just easier to do it now and not forget it. I will get round to reimplementing the TXID removal that MultiConverter 3.6 has in my version, at which point you won't be reading this step Sylvanasshadowlands3 is weird and M2Mod requires her Skel to be renamed to sylvanas.skel, I haven't seen another skel model with this issue. Step 2 - Convert to M2i Load the m2 you want to converter into M2Mod and click Go! ** Option Step ** You now have the model in m2i format, this is the stage where you would decrease the poly count and edit submeshes if necessary. The max poly count for a model is 21845 in wotlk, probably best to check how many it has before you run into issues later on. This guide will give you some idea of what to do HD character model triangle reduction Step 3 - Convert back to M2 Whether you or not you have forayed into Blender it's now time to convert back to M2, just Preload and Go! once more. You will now have an Export folder inside the original model folder, in my example I have an extra skel from before which I will delete now because MultiConverter uses the model name to find the skel. Step 4 - Change skin names To avoid skin errors we must rename the LOD skin files into normal skin files, however many LOD files there are rename them to be in ascending order after the original skin file. To produce something like below. Step 5 - Edit M2 number of skin profiles Now we need to go into 010 and change the number of skin profiles to be 4 or however many skins you now have. We haven't converted the file yet so you'll need to run the template at the offset 0x8 Open up the Template Results and find the entry relating to number of skin profiles and change the value of 1 to your number. Step 6 - MultiConverter All we have to do now is convert the M2 to Wotlk format This step will work for models that have skels and ones that don't. If the model has a skel you will see the size of the m2 drastically increase once it's converted whereas when there is no skel it barely changes. Drag the M2 into MultiConverter and click Fix, for one file the conversion should be very quick. The size has increased so if the green progress bar didn't give it away we have now put the skel back into the m2. Step 7 - Add to MPQ and DBC editing Now add the converted files to the MPQ and edit the correct DBCs, @Tyrallis has a guide on how to do this Retroport to WOTLK Update-1 Step 8 - Admire Ingame Please comment an issue you have and i'll try and update the guide, any issues with MultiConverter please go to my Github repo and submit and bug with reproduction steps.
  3. Version 1.2.0


    Releasing Bizmo's Brawlpub/Deeprun Dram Pub + Assets. Does not include Gameobject/NPC Spawns or DBCS Contains: Deeprun WMO With Brawlpub + textures Deeprun m2 files with textures. Contains Mapfiles Contains Minimap files.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Pack of retroported drake, protodrake and cloud serpent mounts. It should include most if not all drake/dragon/protodrake/cloud serpent mounts from Cataclysm to Shadowlands, plus the new gladiator drake mount from Dragonflight. Mounts included: - Deepholm Drakes - Skywall Drakes - Armored Drakes (originally twilight gladiator drakes, but you can use any drake skin for them and it will work) - Fel Drake - Infinite Timereaver - Stormdrakes from Legion (both armored and not, and including the armored fel variant and the unarmored void variant) - Alextrasza Drakes - Uncorrupted Voidwing - Smoldering Emberwyrm - Death Knight class mount (undead wyrm) - Heart of the Aspects - Steamscale Incinerator - Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm - Enchanted Fey Dragon - Sylverian Dreamer - Tangled Dreamweaver - Obsidian Worldbreaker - Pandaren Dragons (normal, thundering, heavenly, pvp and celestial variants) - Gladiator Protodrake - Warrior class mount - Kor'kron protodrake - Gladiator Mount from Shadowlands This includes the icons for the various mounts.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    For Wrath of the Lich King (264), Mop, Cata and Wod (272). Includes 11 cards. First DBC texture column: foil texture Second DBC texture column: card texture External link: Mediafire Password: by inico
  6. Hey everyone, ive been learning a lot recently specifically with converting some MDX files made for Warcraft 3. To preface, im starting this guide with an already-converted .m2 file from a source .mdx, i used the Lazy Converter and assigned animation ids by hand. So you've managed to convert your model, but now all its animations are jittery and look like garbage! Well not a problem, this is something we can *somewhat* easily fix on our own, without the help of something like Blender or other Model Editors. To start, choose a specific animation you want to clean up first, in this tutorial ill be using my models "Attack Unarmed" animation, locate the animation ID using 010 and a matching .m2 template from the Animations block, refer to the animation by the ID referenced here: We can see here, my animation ID is 17, with that in mind we can move on to the Bones We need to pick out specific bones based on the animation itself, use Wow Model Viewer and find the animation you selected previously. In the below gifs, you'll see the offending animation in all its glory, ill be specifically targeting the leg bones for this tutorial Now in WMV go to View>Show Model Control, uncheck "render" and check the "bones" box until you can see a visualization of the bone structure: The given render of only the bone connections is useful in finding specific bones in the structure Picking out the right bone can be difficult, but usually you can use the parent structure to find the bone you want In my case, the legs are connected directly to the waist, and visibly we see 4-5 bones in each leg chain With the given image, we can see that bone #2 is the waist, we can see all the bones connected to bone #2 in the image as well, with smaller offshoots being bones 8-11 That being said, we have two chains of 5 bones each starting at bone 2, those ranges in my case are: Bone #3-#7 and Bone #12-#16 Now that we've narrowed down where we need to make changes, lets open up a bone and see whats inside. 9/10 times the corrupted data is within the Rotation data for the animation. Bones store each animation separately in its own block like this: Right here we've located the anim id #17 data for a specific bones rotation data. Not all data is corrupted, but some definitely is let dig a little deeper to see exactly what the problem is: As you can see by the giant red boxes, some of the data here does not follow a regular "pattern", specifically, look at the 4th value in each line, these are labeled as the "W" value. These values should always line up near each other, at least with the same polarity. In order to fix this, we simply need to target the corrupted lines (the ones in boxes) and swap their negative and positive values. Heres the end result here: Now my data is following a regular pattern, with emphasis on the W values being in-line Congratulations! If you've made it this far, you just repaired the animation data for a single animation on a single bone! Great job! Lets keep working through each leg bone, fixing each set of corrupted values so that the "pattern" is intact: This bit of data corruption follows a different pattern. You'll notice some 0 values and some that are .000061, these are essentially null values, we need to leave them alone, that being said, the W and Y values here are corrupted. Lets fix them like this: Looks much better now, keep working through the structure until you finish all the bones in the set. Now we should be good to go, lets save the .m2 and try it out in-game or in the model viewer. Excellent! Were on our way to a fully working model! This process takes absolute ages, and is a bit tedious for beginners. I strongly suggest enlisting some help, perhaps 2 could split animation data down the middle and merge corrected data together when finished Thats all for now, happy editing!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This tool was made by to me unknown developer and posted on wow modding discord a long time ago but thru numerous occasions ppl were too lazy to seach for it so im pinning it here This version of FixTXID is modified and recompiled slightly by me beacuse it was stopping with each convert waiting for user input so I removed that function Usage: Download THIS LISTFILE from and place it next to the FixTXID.exe Drag'n'drop M2s(that still have TXID chunk) on it You can also run cmd loop --- Example : for /r %%i in (*.m2) do FixTXID.exe "%%i"
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Dreadwings and Ravenlords retroported for 3.3.5a This includes: Dreadwings (mounts with fire and particles rising into the air) - Corrupted Dreadwing (green fel) - Orange Dreadwing (sun orange) - Purple Deadwing (void purple) - Yellow Dreadwing (yellow holy) These models have Hardcoded textures. Ravenlords (I changed the ravenlord model to accept textures from the CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, first texture is for the body, second texture is for the wings and third texture is for the saddle) - Regular blue ravenlord (the one from the Blizzshop) - Purple - Green - Orange - Brown - Yellow It also contains spare models for npc mobs for some of the colors. EDIT: for better use, set a 0.4 model scale in CreatureDisplatInfo.dbc
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Customizeable protodrake mount model adapted from the Companionprotodragon model from Dragonflight. This is more of a proof of concept to convince myself it could be done (somehow) and wanted to share the results. Possible customizations are decided in the CreatureDisplayData.dbc in the creature geoset column. These are the possible customizations starting from the rightmost digit of the hex number: 0x0000000Y = Face customization: possible values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0x000000Y0 = Helm: 1 has helm, 2 or higher no helm 0x00000Y00 = Forhead: possible values 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (higher for no extra) 0x0000Y000 = Cheeks: possible values 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 (higher for no extra) 0x000Y0000 = Eyebrows: possible values 1, 2 ,4 (higher for no extra) 0x00Y00000 = Back: 1, 2, 3, 4 0x0Y000000 = Tail: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 (higher for normal tail) 0xY0000000 = Belly: 1, 2 (higher for no extra) Textures customizations: - Texture 1: skin color - Texture 2: saddle color - Texture 3: horns color It doesn't have the same range of customizations as the Dragonflight model, but some is better than none, right? Seriously, the Dragonflight model has way too many polygons for a direct retroport and I had to sacrifice the fur and horns customizations along with the big armor (that takes more than half the polygons budget by itself). As an added bonus, I added a model using the full armor, but at the cost of no customizations apart from the colors. If you want to make your own, you will need: m2mod version 9.0 Blender 2.77 m2i importing and exporting scripts compatible with m2mod 9.0 010 editor .m2 and .skin templates for 010 editor Multiconverter 3.0.0 This guide: Use m2mod to create an .m2i file of Companionprotodragon.m2 (download the files from Import the .m2i in Blender, delete the meshes you don't want to keep and reduce the polygons count to 21845 or less. Export the .m2i and follow the guide to the end. Once you used the Multiconverter, open the converted .m2 file and the file and manually edit the textures, so your model will not look completely white, and if needed fix the flying animations. Copy the file twice and rename the copies to and replacing the old ones. Your model should be ready for being patched into the game.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Retroported models for some of the mount in the upcoming Dragonflight expansion (plus icons). Retroported Mounts: Lava Slug and Lava Snail Wind Hawk Primal Dragonfly River Otter and Armored River Otter Moose Bull Kirin Water Salamander Mammoth and Lava Mammoth Primal Tallstrider Primal Thunderlizard Slyvern (fox wyvern) - Import the files in an .mpq patch keeping the file paths already in the the compressed file. - add the models in CreatureModelData.dbc and in CreatureDisplayID.dbc (then add them to your client patch and server) Some of the models look better by scaling them a little bit in the CreatureDisplayID.dbc, these are the scalings I used: River Otter (both models): CreatureModelScale = 2 Wind Eagle: CreatureModelScale = 1.1 Moose Bull: CreatureModelScale = 0.7 Primal Dragonfly: CreatureModelScale = 1.5 Primal Thunderlizard: CreatureModelScale = 0.7 Fox Wyvern: CreatureModelScale = 1.3 The Thunderlizard, Tallstrider and Lava Mammoth have some extra customizations with their geosets. You may take a look at them using the model viewer at and then flag which ones you like most in the CreatureGeosetData column in the CreatureDisplayID.dbc. Sadly, no customizeable companion dragons as they are still beyon my level and I doubt I'll be able to do anything with them anytime soon, if ever.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    An old M2 editor for Wrath of the Lich King by Tigurius. This is one of the latest versions from july 2011. Allows you to edit cameras, bones, particles, attachments, textures and more. Includes a model resizer script (PYM2 → Some models with .anim files will crash the game if you edit them using this program. External link.
  12. Version 1.1.0


    Retroported model for the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm mount. - Import the files in an .mpq patch in creature/nethergorgedgreatwyrm/ and interface/icons/ for the spell icon. - add the model in CreatureModelData.dbc and in CreatureDisplayID.dbc (then add them to your client patch and server) For TextureVariation_1 and TextureVariation_2 entries use "nethergorgedgreatwyrm_4323959" and "nethergorgedgreatwyrm_4323957" respectively, otherwise the model will be white and textureless. - add the icon path and name to a new SpellIcon.dbc entry - add a creature that uses this model in your database (I copied the Arcane Wyrm entry and changed its ModelID) - create a mount spell that uses this model and icon It worked for me, I hope it works for you too. EDIT: fixed a few animations and added 3 extra colors for the mount.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    BFA Bee Mount, usable as a flying mount. 3.3.5a wotlk retro port.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    I will let You test some off my work 4 wmos from shadowlands converted to lk 3.3.5 i pick latest file's i will not update it to another expasions do it on Your own Have fun
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This is model of a Antaeus from Hostile Waters Antaeus Rising from 2001 developer by Rage this model was extracted from the game and ported to wow in two version first is rusty version that you play as in first 7 levels and then the renred version after Antaeus is fixed after sitting on seafloor for like 20 years or so
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Viridian Phase-Hunter - Possible New Warpstalker Mount from Burning Crusade Classic Promotion
  17. Hello to the community. Yes, i'm another 'newbie' here and in modding. I'm crawling the tutorials and playing a bit with noggit and 3.3.5a and I have successfully created a map. But I'm curious about models though. How does retroporting work? I know how to work with models from existing patches with model viewer and noggit - that knowledge just came recently after a bit of meddling, but I know I can't just take the 9.1 m2 and wmo and expect them to work, but even when I convert them with newest multiconverter, Model Viewer shows nothing (at least it not crashing like previous times). Is there something more to the process? And how could I use own stuff?
  18. Version v1


    This script for 010editor converts Wrath of the Lich King .M2 and .SKIN files to Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor. Supports: -Cameras. -Particles. -Animation flags. -Projected shadows. -Transparency flags. -Blend mode overrides. Also includes: -Batch file converter. -Shadow remover script. -Sequence flag remover script. -Skin template for 010editor with shadow batches added. DOWNLOAD Some notes and technical information: -make sure you are working on "OVR" mode before running the script. Projected shadows As you may know, projected shadows are stored inside the .skin file since Cataclysm. This script creates shadows for all texture units, including those with additive materials. If you want to remove the shadows from a specific geoset, just open the skin file with 010editor, run the skin template included inside the tools folder and delete the texture batch corresponing to that mesh. If you want to remove ALL shadows from a model, just use the "Cataclysm Shadow Remover" included in the tools folder (it's useful for stuff like fire or lights, that are not supposed to cast a shadow). As you can see, the glow, which is a billboarded square with addivite renderflag, is casting a shadow and the game can't handle shadows with additive materials. To remove it I selected its shadow batch, deleted it and reduced the shadow batch count by 1 in 010editor. More info in this video: Flying mount animations In WotLK, mounts use swimming animations for flying. Since Cataclysm, however, there are separate ids for swimming and flying since flying mounts can now be used as ground mounts and therefore swim. But, if a mount model doesn't have fly animations, the game will use its swimming animations. That's why this script doesn't duplicate them. It's not necessary. WotLK flying mounts should still work perfectly in Cata, MoP and WoD. Reflections This script doesn't convert reflections since there is no exact way to know when a texture unit is used for a reflection, glow, etc. So you must do it by hand. Just open your skin file, convert it to Cata+, go to the texunit with the reflection and change its shader to "144". Here is an example using "Creature\Murloc\": You can change the "texunit" and "texunit2" fields to "0" but it's optional since those fields are unused since Cataclysm, but just in case. Animation sequence flags Sequence flags are 128 digits bigger since Cataclysm. Without these flags some animation frames loop when they shouldn't and sequences don't blend correctly. This script fixes that problem and gives smoothness to the animations. If you want to remove the extra flags for some reason, just run the "Cataclysm Sequence Flag Remover" script included in the tools folder
  19. I said it in january, I did it in June but it's finally here ! In this tutorial I'll explain to you how to clone particles from a model to another one with the help of ParticleCloner, a tool made by Tigurius. This tool is old, so it doesn't work with Cata+ models since the structure of the m2's has changed. I didn't tried with spell models from Cata and up (only doodads or creatures), maybe it's different and it can work, but not sure. EDIT : it can load WoD or Legion models, but it's pretty random, if the models are similars it can work, sometimes not, just do some tests and try. What programs do we need ? - ParticleCloner - 010 editor (with m2 template) What's the process ? First, choose the particles you need in WowModelViewer on the model that you want. For this tuto I choose particles from the spell Arcane_form_precast.m2 to put on 2 models, one without bones or animations, and one with both : misc_2h_pitchfork_a_01.m2 and sheep.m2 . To make the transfert, select first the "destination" model, CTRL+left click to select the second "source" model and drag&drop on the application. (Always do backups if you did it in the wrong way, this program overwrite the original file ! ) When it's done, you'll have the particles at the same place of its original model. Now, you certainly want to move the particles to the right place. Open the m2 with 010editor and load the M2 Template. Go to the end of the file at the line " struct Particle ". You'll have all the informations you need, the attached bones, coordinates, etc... Particles have the bone from the original model, for a simple animation like this, there's only one bone. For this fire, there's three elements (flames, smoke and sparks), so there's 3 bones. I used it for a Sargeras model. You have to set the number of the bone where you want the particles to be. To move it to the right place, go to the " struct FloatVec3 pos " line. As you can see on the picture above, I modified the values on the x axis. You can change what you want to have the good coords. Just try and retry with the help of WMV to visualize the result. For the sheep, I set the particles on bone 3 who's attached to the head. This tool can copy the texture path of the BLPs used by the particles. But when you'll go ingame to see if it works, you'll have little cubes instead of the texture. WMV can load them, but not WoW. Why ? Because the tool does some mess too. In the " struct VModelFileName " 1 & 2, you have random symbols at " struct filename texture > string value " . Delete all and reload the template, or save and close the model. Do it for each particle in your model. And it's finally done ! Good job, you can manage particles ! PS : for unknown reasons, my fork is invisible ingame after I added the particles on it. Maybe because the model doesn't have enough "informations" in it because it's a little model, or because there's no bones in the original model. I don't know. Maybe one of you will find the solution ?
  20. I have a simple question. Is it possible to import character models remde in Shadowlands for example humanfemale_hd and others. I did it about a year ago and now I have no problem in importing Vulpera male. Only the new models are problematic (I tried also other models). I was using Blender 2.79b and M2Mod v8.3.0 with 8.2.0 scripts for import M2I.
  21. Welcome to this quick guide. ** DISCLAIMER ** This will NOT downport character models Since many of you have been PMing me desperately asking : "How do you downport this shit man??" Here you go. Enjoy. Tools needed: CascExplorer Adspartan's Multiconverter BfA Listfile (put this in your CascExplorer folder) Thanks to Wungasaurus for the correct listfile ------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy your new models, homeboy
  22. Version Sources


    Someone picked up the development, go >here< to follow the progress and send your issues Here is my multi converter, it can convert m2, wmo, adt, wdt and anim (7.3.5) from Legion to be used on wotlk (map can be visited with the client or edited with noggit). M2 using .skel are not supported. To use it just open it then drag and drop the files you want to convert (or a folder containing some, subfolder included) and click on "Fix", the files will be overwritten and it will delete the files that are unused on wotlk. If the .skin files are in the same folder they will be converted too. M2 already converted to LK format won't be converted again. As for WMO converting them multiple time won't affect them. ADT need their _tex0 and _obj0 counterpart to be converted. Warning: don't take the WDL files from blizzard, they have changed and causes wow error. Warning 2: the next releases of Noggit will require you to use the version 3.3 or newer, the m2 converted with the old versions were missing some data that Noggit now need, without it'll crash. What needs to be done : Fix forward flying animation for a few models Animation particles Set WMOs liquid types that correspond when the ID is too high Set fel liquid to green lava on adt for a better / more accurate look Some map might not look good because several effect like texture scaling that aren't there in wotlk, the 2 additional layers for texture introduced in wod, ... For those who want to report a problem : Tell me on which model(s) you've seen the problem and add screen(s), it help me fixing the problem faster. And send me your error.log where there are errors during the conversion !! And please use an external website to upload the screens because each time I upload a new version the screenshots in comments appear in the changelog for some reasons and I have to delete them which also delete them from the comments Thanks a lot to : All those who contributed / are contributing to the wiki, I couldn't have done it without this precious source of informations! Mjollna for her m2 converter and awesome ADT diagram! PhillipTNG for his m2 conversion script which helped me write mine in the beginning. Sources are now available, see last release.
  23. Please help with retroporting items from the set I can easily retroport the helmet and shoulder's because they have m2, anim and BLP files, and are not tied to the geogrid of the character model. What do I need to do in order to transfer the rest of the items from the set that are tied to the character's geogrid? Do I have to combine item and character models from WOTLK in Blender?