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Found 73 results

  1. Hey guys, so after making my map. I want to add a portal, so players can teleport to the map. You know, like that ones that Raids have or the dungeon entrances. My thought goes to something like a doodad and then make it have properties of a teleport to that area. But not sure on how to approach this. Is any guide available on how to achieve something like that. The only guides that I've found till now they are referring to small portal, like mage portal, or it is for Ascent core and not for AC or TC at least. Thanks
  2. Ive recently started trying to make custom models and animations for those models, for WoW 3.3.5. My workflow seems to be hit or miss though and I am unsure why. Things tend to fall apart on the export to m2 step on some models and then will work fine on others. My current workflow is: Make the model, Retopo the model, make and armature (typically using rigify, and building it from the ground up for creatures, or editing the base human rig), then I will animate the model using the control rig that rigify makes, then I use the Game rig tools addon to make a rig that will export well (hopefully) and then parent the rig to ensure it has the proper hierarchy for bones in wow (one root bone), bake the animations from the control rig to the game ready rig, convert the rig to wow-bones using a Convert to wowbones script. at this point my model looks good, its animating well, and everything seems fine. I set up the M2, set the file paths for textures, set the animations for the M2, and go to export. at this point the model goes wonky once the export is done, positionally its all good, everything is where it should be, but proportions go out of wack, The arms will grow to three times the size, head and feet as well, body grows a bit(see the attached picture) Now it took a while just to get to this point, This model in particular is one I am using for testing reasons and not something i really want in game, but am trying to work the bugs out of my workflow. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. I solved the problem Downlolad link: Hello I got question, need help. I'm use this modification and I found in patch-6.mpq(little bit modified this stuff) login screen from Mists of Pandaria located in "Interface\Glues\Models\UI_MainMenu_Northrend5". What name folder need for textures from this patch folder? Regards. Sorry for poor English. English in not my native language.
  4. Hello dear modders, I'm still quite new but own alot of my "knowledge" thanks to this community , so I thought lets make a contribution. At the moment i'm working to retroport shadowlands creatures and mounts to wotlk 3.3.5a. Some models work perfectly in modelviewer but crash wow. Any idea's? Anybody has any idea why these models load perfectly in modelviewer (3.3.5a) and not ingame? the dbc & sql wont be accurate, i use similar models to do the clientside. When I have more mounts i'll release the patch/dbc/sql 2nd one isnt a mount but was (paid) requested somewhere on here so I thought i'd add it in here.
  5. So, I'm trying to convert an object into WMO format using the blender plugin. I get it exported just fine, ingame I see nothing but the collision is working. I don't know what DBC groups to put it is, I don't know what export settings so I just go with default. It's a dock wmo, so fully outdoors, no portals. Please help :(.
  6. Hello how could I fix worgen aplha female for wow 3.3.5. Not perfect work with Leeviathan's WOD character, oryginal model character. How could I delete npc character model worgen (she look weird). Could some one help me fix code to make full work character creation like MOP and new's World of Warcraft? Doesn't work gender change for female orc and is invisible icon death knight class. At this moment i know how change pozition between class. This is all what I know about that. I'm new with modding/create stuff World of Warcraft. Sorry for poor English. English isn't my native language. link:
  7. lisso98

    Hello !

    So, A friend of mine wanted me to make a skirt, for her female dwarf. The problem I have is that all my tools are obsolete, my blender wow tools for importing m2 to m2i, are broken. So I cannot make de modificiations. I would love to know if somone have the latest tools for this jobe, and where to find them. Or how to properly set them up. Thank you!
  8. So i want to ask the community to maybe remake this tutorial since i followed it but always get green textures or cube textures, i just think a video tutorial or a more in-depth tutorial would make things much easier.
  9. Hi, I was wondering if in Azerothcore, 3.3.5a was possible to make a custom spell that works in this way: - Passive spell with a proc effect. - On proc, it adds a a single charge of an aura that uses charges (like Inner Fire). My idea was to create the passive that generates charges 1 by 1 that are then used by another spell. At the moment I managed to do something like this: - Passive spell has a triggered effect that applies 1 aura on the character when I cast a custom spell. In order to do that I had to insert an appropriate line in the Spell_Proc_Event table inside of the database. Problem is that if I make the aura similar to Inner Fire, when it is applied to the character it will automatically apply the maximum number of charges. I tried to use the Spell_Proc table instead of the Spell_Proc_Event table since it has a specific column for charges, but for the life of me, it seems I can't get the passive spell to proc that way. Thank you in advance. PS: Alternatively, I tried to use a regular aura without charges, but that stacks up to a maximum number, but I would need to have a spell that removes the stacks one by one which I don't really know how to implement. EDIT: Solved, sort of... To simplify things I used the Warlock and Soul Shards. 1) I modified the soul shards in order to make them stackable and made them into keyring items (so they won't clutter the inventory). 2) Similar to how "Lovely Charm Collector's Kit" has a passive spell that is always active as long as you have it in your inventory, I added a passive spell to the Soul Shards. At the moment it is just a dummy aura, but you can actually add effects to it. 3) I modified a Shadowbolt spell to use Soul Shards as reagents. Then I wanted to be able to cast Shadowbolt even without having Soul Shards in my inventory, in order to do that: 4) I created a passive spell that removes the reagent requirement of Shadow Bolt (similar to how Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth works) and taught it to the Warlock. 5) I added two lines in the database at the table "Spell_Linked_Spell" one line allows the Soul Shard aura to automatically remove the reagent free aura and the second reactivates the reagents free aura as soon as the Soul Shard aura is removed from the character (when you no longer have soul shards in your inventory). Tnis way what happens is that as long as I have soul shards in my inventory, shadowbolt will consume them when cast, but as soon as I don't have them, it becomes reagents free. This "solution" does not give you multiple stacks of a buff to keep track of how many "charges" you have, but at least gives you a number to track the available reagents in the spellbar, so it still works out.
  10. Hello everyone, I'm pretty new in the retro-porting process. I gathered informations to retro port a weapon model into my TrinityCore (WOTLK) 3.3.5a. My medias : patch-4.MPQ : This is my MPQ patch. : The original ObjectComponents extracted with CASCExplorer 1.0.136 ( I overwritted the ItemDisplayInfo.dbc into my "dbc" directory (TrinityCore server) to match the MPQ's one. (Edited line : 31302) The M2 file was converted with At the end of the process and cache deleted, nothing change in game. Any advice or help would be appreciated ! Thank you for your time ! Friendly, Classic. patch-4.MPQ
  11. Greetings to all, I have a model that I modify with a lot of work, from WoD with blender through M2modRedux and later I edit it with MultiConvert_3.3.0 and 010 Editor so that it works in WotLK. I ran into many problems when retexturizing it since it was a "character" that turned it into a "creature" and the only problem that remains is this: The close-up model looks normal but as I move the camera away each more time the textures are intermingled as with the TXIDS problem. Could you please help me solve it? From already thank you very much.
  12. Hello everyone, first post here. so I've seen this post And I'm wondering If I could do the same with MPQ files for WoW Cataclysm? I know (Apollo-WoW) have done it, so I know it's possible. Anyone has ideas on how can I start this? Thanks.
  13. Does anyone know where I can download the arctium sandbox and client launcher? I can't find it anywhere.
  14. Hello. I watched this video This video shows the porting items from BFA to LK. I did everything as in the video. Received m2 and anim files of items , put them in MPQ. Creating strings in Spell, SpellVisualName, SpellVisualKit, SpellVisualKitModelAttach. How can I replace the added items with items that are already in the game?
  15. What I'm intending to do: To learn how to create custom schools of magic and resistances and apply them to spells, items, creatures and characters and share it with the community. What I've managed to do so far: I've made the school and resistance work at its most basic level combat-wise: the damage dealt is from its own distinct school ('Custom') and can be reduced with resistances, modified with 'Custom' spell power, 'Custom' crit chance, etc. I've edited the following files: Core SharedDefines.h -> lines 301 - 334 CharacterDatabase.cpp -> lines 530 - 532 ThreatManager.cpp -> lines 637 - 639 Creature.cpp -> line 596 ItemTemplate.cpp -> line 230 ItemTemplate.h -> line 653 Player.cpp -> lines 7596 - 7597 | line 20357 Unit.cpp -> lines 9073 & 9208 | 13264, 13265 Unit.h -> line 170 & 181 ObjectMgr.cpp -> line 2816 | lines 2910 - 2963 enuminfo_SharedDefines.cpp -> line 171 | 191 UpdateFieldFlags.cpp -> lines 126, 136, 270, 278, 286 | 156 - 175 | 354 - 392 | 1345, 1353 DB character_stats (probably irrelevant, not used in-game) item_template DBC Resistances.dbc Interface Constants.lua GlobalStrings.lua PaperDollFrame.lua and PaperDollFrame.xml The issues: There are a lot of issues, most of them possibly linked to the same unknown cause: All item icons are invisible to the client and their tooltips are distorted. Unsurprisingly, the distorted fields are those following the edited column in the database (look at the attack delay or the item message). However, all items still exist and work as usual: weapons determine your damage (although you appear to be unarmed), armor is visible on your character and reduces physical damage taken, items take space in bags, etc. A lot of NPCs are also invisible or have missing textures. Some unexplicably so, as another instance of the same creature has the correct texture. Players can also appear invisible, although targetable if you press tab or if attacked. Spell tooltips display mana costs in the billions, while the spells actually cost their blizzlike amounts. This one might be due to my absolute inexperience working with interfaces, but the amount of 'Custom' resistance is not displayed and the the slot is instead filled with the default X. Also, the spell tab just below the character model doesn't work and gets stuck at Bonus Damage (most likely because it was edited to display the Custom Bonus Damage when moused-over like the rest of schools. I've been dealing with this issue for quite a while. It wasn't until recently that I decided to give it another shot, but it's still the same. I really think the custom community can benefit from cracking this issue down and, if necessary, I can upload the code I changed from the core files to check if everything's ok.
  16. Particles work, but it looks like this.... Any suggestions?
  17. I'm working on a 3.3.5 Server/Client and am looking to create a custom login screen for my project. I intend to have an animated 3D login screen depicting Goldshire, with the Elwynn Forest music accompanying it, with animated characters in the scene (Guards, for example.) I've seen other servers have done such things, such as the EpsilonWoW server, and was hoping someone might be able to help/guide me through the process of creating a custom login screen, as someone who has no experience with doing so.
  18. I was wondering if it was possible to retroport mount/creature models from BFA to MoP. I really like some of the new drake models, and I wanted to see them in my MoP server. And if so, do I have to retroport them one by one, or can they all be done at once, or can I retro port just specific models if I wanted to. I've never really done this before, and only have downloaded retro ported patches from other players who did it. But none for MoP was there sadly. I was also wondering if the same thing can be done with Legion. P.S Another slightly more unrelated question, but I know there's tons of unused models in WoW, and I was wondering how to get some of them in the DBC, I used to do it but dont really remember at all how to do it anymore
  19. I'm new to wow modding but what I'm looking to do is swap Argi for the Draenei orphan girl. Would like to feel like I could adopt one of the kids for orphan week. I'm not sure how to do that, I'm still learning and reading. If someone has the time to do it I would appreciate it. I feel like this will take me a little too long.
  20. Hello, I've recently run into an issue while porting some BfA mounts to WotLK The mount(s) look and work completely fine However, every time I patch CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc (after some testing I am almost certain it's the file that is causing the error) the NPCs textures break completely (just humanoids afaik) My CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc only has, in this case, a new row with the mount creature data and thats it. Nothing else is modified in the file. I really dont know why this happens or how to fix it. Any suggestions are welcome
  21. My intention is retroporting and fusionate the new Orgrimmar to the map 3.3.5. I was following, this guide, but the only thing I got is this error when i tried to enter. Also i tried save, copy and paste the adts from phillips patches with the last version of Noggit (3.2614), but also got me problems, this time whit the ground... My question is... im doing somthing wrong? or this is the best that can be? I have to paint the new Orgimmar myself? is any even posible? Sry my english by the way
  22. How do I Isolate the lighting and effects from this WMO file in blender 2.79b so that I can edit the lighting? I was to make a new non-copy-paste area (a third wing for elites that ultimately leads into a new dungeon) in order to create new areas from scratch. How does one edit the lighting and effects that are 'baked' into the WMO model? What else am I missing here?
  23. hello community I have a problem with the client alpha link ===) 1: my mistake is that I put all Patch in my Spanish client that is "esEs" 2: insert the sql well without any problem 3: now I give the command ".learn ID does not appear to me how to learn mount and I put Command .npc add so it appears but in npc not in mount how can I solve this problem please I have a photo and when I put the command .learn ID twice I get I've already learned that spell, I don't really have it 4: use Trinitycore Rev 61 upload image
  24. Hello, I'm trying to add the worgen druid forms for humans in my 3.3.5a Trinitycore server, but i can't seem to fine the names of the human hair colours anywhere. Does somebody know how to find these? This is what i've done so far: But i think/suspect it's supposed to look like the Night Elf one (as shown below) with all the hair color names attached after each "case nr." (such as // Violet, // Green and so on):
  25. Hello together I am new in these Forums because I search for help and maybe I find it here. I want to add to the human model a tail. I used the Draenei tail because it has it own bones already. But if I want to import it from m2i to m2 with the m2mod, I get the following error: Does that mean, that it doesn't even work, to attach the draenei tail to the human model? And if so, how can I work around this? Thanks in advance