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Found 1 result

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Heaven was originally designed for a Lineage II website. The project died after a while, and the design and coded version (frontend) have been collecting dust since 2021. We thought it would be best to port it to FusionCMS and put this beauty to use. Heaven is a FCMS: FusionCMS theme with a non-exclusive design that introduces many unique features, advanced settings, complex structure and rich layers, made by the Code Path web developing team; Welcome to the blog of the Heaven theme! Header: The header area has been completely redesigned with simple yet useful elements. It uses an improved fixed header pattern that hides the header as the user scrolls down and shows it again when the user scrolls up. Wall: Heaven theme introduces the Wall section, which has a stunning design with multiple layers. Wall has a very simple text slider with touch (swipe) support. We have realm status and a gorgeous "PLAY NOW" button next to the slider. Featured banners: This section is being used to publish hot news, You can dynamically take control over this section using the config files. News: News articles have a new structure, and it's completely redesigned with read more and thumbnail support. The very first article has a different appearance. Stop using your imagination and check out the images below to see how awesome this theme is. Heaven theme features list and meta information: Non-exclusive design: This theme has been coded based on a non-exclusive design by VEINS. Exclusive coding service: This theme has been coded exclusively by Code Path, Darksider. Unique features: This theme supports some extra features such as the sticky header, wall section, featured banners, a more complex footer with better features, and more. Advanced configs: Some of the theme's sections may change dynamically based on the user's defined configs and other different parameters. Optimized: All images have been optimized/compressed specifically for the theme. Minified: This theme uses an external minifier library to dynamically minify stylesheets and JavaScript resources to increase the page's loading time. Maximum compatibility: This theme has been tested on PHP 5.x–8.x versions, Note: this product works with FusionWowCMS/FusionCMS (repo) only. This content has been brought to you by VEINS and DARKSIDER. STAY UPDATED: