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Found 6 results

  1. Hello all, I'm Uthil and for the past month i've been working this project when accidentally found PhantomXization tutorial about down porting WoD models to WotLK and i start to dig how you could do it for a classic client, and then i found Koward's aka Spik96 tool. So i start to experiment and final i found my self deep inside modding again. Yes i was modding way back and i was mostly modding FPS games like BF2 and mostly COD:Uo. Tho upon starting modding/editing WoW saw that was a whole different thing from the FPS modding that i knew. Anyway dont want to go far away, my original topic is in the other forum tho it seems now kinda empty so after a bit of consideration i decide to move my topic here, since it seemed more active than the other forum and i hope to find some help by learning more or correcting my mistakes or even people that doing it even as a hobby like me or professionally. So here is what i have done already:
  2. Hey, this is the final announcement here from the team of WoW Reforged, a neo-classical project rescaled for 10 levels. Time has come to state the obvious: we are putting this project on hold for an indefinite period of time (probably forever). We could list a lot of reasons for this decision, but will go with the most honest one: Warcraft ceased to be a priority of our interests. In an ideal situation with more time on our hands we would jump right back in work so we can pay back at least a small amount of the fun we got from this epic franchise during all those years of our youth. Sadly, we are almost certain that's not going to happen – not this way at least –, so we'll just let the nostalgia slowly fade away and move forward. It's part of growing up I guess. Our humble achievements resulted from the joint work with some of you is, of course, accessible and up for grabs. Still have one more thing to do before we close this chapter of our lives, but we won't set a deadline for that: it's the task of collecting and compiling all of the ideas we envisioned, so that at least those will live on. We hope that the release of our thorough plan will ultimately find its way to a group of similar mindset with sufficient free time and energy, and wake up in them the dedication needed to complete this project of reviving the old-school in the World of Warcraft.
  3. Version 0.0.5


    all my searches came up as "you cant modify vanilla water"... but I knew it was all lies! barely tested beta version, might be broken in areas, has some odd square looking spots at some times of day, designed to work with the 1.12 improved models which is named patch-3.mpq, so I named this patch-4.mpq, extract from Data folder to Data folder in WoW directory to install, or install the whole reshade to main WoW folder the shader on this water much more bland and whispy than the official Cataclysm release but removes all the repetition of textures that vanilla textures have includes a reshade for a replicated newer wow feel with focus on added water variation
  4. Version 0.5


    Code source is here: AdtTool project aims to provide a framework to easily creating tools manipulating Adt's. Currently only a few tools are created as examples. AllWater allows to create Ocean water as well. The tools should work with TLK but were not tested.
  5. Hello guys, I have some questions regarding an idea i have for a revamp of vanilla. It would be really awesome too incorporate Wotlk, and TBC, in its entirety in the vanilla formula. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let me sketch how i would like too see this world: Everything is Downscaled to 60. Level 60 is the maximum level cap. 1) TBC lands and WoTLK lands are locked, and you need too unlock these by playing the 'endgame' of the previous expansion. -- In order to enter TBC content you need to have done every dungeon from the vanilla world, and completed the following raids : Lower Blackrock Spire Upper Blackrock Spire Zul'Gurub The ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Molten Core Blackwing Lair (the first 2 bosses of AQ40 minimum ?) -- In order to enter WotlK content you need to have done every dungeon (also heroic) from the TBC expansion, and completed the following raids : Karazhan. Gruul's Lair. Magtheridon's Lair. Serpentshrine Cavern. (The eye: Tempest keep 1st boss minimum ?) -- When entering WotlK, you must clear all dungeons (also heroic) to unlock the first raid instance. in order to unlock the next WotLK raid you need to have cleared content in the following order; Vault of Archavon. -> The Obsidian Sanctum. -> The Eye of Eternity. -> Ulduar. -> Trial of the Crusader. -> Onyxia's Lair. -> Icecrown Citadel. 2) TBC and WOTLK are all downscaled to 60 ==> TBC mobs are 60, but harder than those of Vanilla. (you would need atleast Pre raid BIS too even 'think' about solo'ing mobs in TBC) ==> WOTLK mobs are 60, but harder than those of TBC (TBC gear / Vanilla T2.5/T3 needed too even 'think' about solo'ing those mobs) --Also gear is Downscaled to 60. Vanilla endgame gear < TBC endgame gear < WotLK endgame gear. BUT there are exceptions: The 3 Endgame raids from all expansions (Vanilla -- TBC -- WoTLK) are kept as the true endgame raids. The loot rewards are similar in quality, with slight differences, the raid from the next expansion giving SLIGHT better loot, as it will be harder to obtain. Naxxramas < The Black Temple < Icecrown citadel. Kel'Thuzad, Illidian Stormrage and The Lich King will give same quality BIS loot. All the other raids (Like AQ40 full, Sunwell Plateau, Mount Hyjal,..) are meant for gearing up for the respectively next endgame raids. 3) Flying mounts are unlocked in the expansion you're active when you have cleared all it's dungeons. => Unlocking Flying mounts in Vanilla content requires you to have completed all dungeons (also heroic) in WotLK content. (this will then also unlock flying mounts in WoTLK content) 3) No content is truly altered, and kept in it's 'original state' Every raid and dungeon keeps its same tactics Everything is kept the same, except the TBC and WoTLK content is downscaled to 60 and requires unlocking, but expansions being harder to clear as it is next in line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, i do not have any experience in modding or starting a server on my own. I would like too ask the following questions; How hard would it be to realize this on every level; code-wise, graphically etc. ? Does this sound like something that can be done, or enough people could be interested in ? Are there other thing you would recommend to do differently to make it better/ more interesting ? Any coders and GM's would like too help create this project, if there's enough interest ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm pretty sure i forgot a whole lot, or might have created contradictions. So i might update this if i can remember them or peopIe remind me of it by reacting on this post. I would like to appologize for my bad English, but i hope everyone can somewhat understand what i have stated. Cheers.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Cata used for a short while the classic Azeroth instead of the new one. This Link allows you to directly download the classic Azeroth, converted by Blizzard from their servers. You need to open the MPQ and extract the content yourself.