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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hello dear modders, This patch was created for Warshard , this is already quite some time ago and this was WIP. (so dont expect this patch to be fully completed, i'm pretty sure some of the work isn't finished yet) I do not have a Cata client anymore, nor am i working on this. But most of the models or DBC should be there & work. Just found these patches on MEGA thought i'd share them before I delete em. I was working on the sounds and the animations back in the days, these needs a bit of fixing. But thought i'd share the work that's already done incase people are intrested in this.
  2. Version 2.1


    About There are 2-3 similar patches but I couldn't use them as they have some bugs like green textures, missing races or holes instead of ears/attachments etc. So that was the goal for this project. How to install 1. Put SoundCache-patch-15595.mpq to Data/Cache 2. Rename wow.exe from archive and put it in wow folder. If you run your usual wow.exe it will delete edited patch. Version History 1.0 (2021/07/23) Release 1.1 (2021/08/03) IMPORTANT: fixed ChrRaces table related crashes. CSV2DBC made a corrupted file. Thanks to multyhunter for providing error logs. Added missing records to Creature*.dbc tables from 15595 build 1.2 (2021/08/06) Fixed human model scaling in dbc. It caused badly drawn visual effects on humans. My table editors are going crazy with cata dbcs and changing values randomly for some reason. I hope it's the last hotfix. Credits to multyhunter for finding this trouble. 1.3 (2021/08/12) Reverted some helmet fixes. I messed up smth with texture paths. 1.4 (2021/08/15) Cloacks fixed (except guild cloacks atm) 2.0 (2022/02/13) Fixed Scourge Male hands attachments (they held map, drinks and spells in wrong hand) NPC textures added (no hidden helmets anymore. Don't know the author. Thanks to warfoll02 for finding a patch with textures) 2.1 (2022/07/01) I accidentally put old UVs in previous patch. You could see wrong texrures on some races' piercings. Fixed.
  3. Hey I recently moved over to Cataclysm 4.3.4 from WOTLK 3.3.5a and decided to port over the itemdisplayinfo.dbc information (From what I saw it has the exact same layout) so I updated it and ported it in, however... ingame the weapons /items from expansions above 4.3.4 are showing as blue/white checker-ed boxes, just curious as to what is causing it.. ItemDisplayInfo.dbc Line (example) : Could it be the conversion from WOTLK > 4.3.4 causing the problem? does it mean that the m2/skin files have not ported up correctly? When this happened before that they were done incorrectly, the model would cause a client crash however that isn't happening. I've tried with both the 010 editor script from this website (WLK > Cata) and a file called jM2converter but both have the same box outcome. Any help would be appreciated, unless the layout of the DBC is different to 3.3.5a when I copied it.. but from what I can see, it was the same.
  4. ¡Hii! I've converted the Legion's WMO with wmo-convert-rebuild_003_distro to Wotlk, but in Cataclysm 4.3.4 gives me WoW Error. Although the WMO patches from Pandaria for Wotlk work. I've everything Pandaria parsed, however I am missing some WMO, just a few. And the WMO of Draenor give me WoW error or disconnect. What I can do? I think Wotlk's WMOs should work and M2s are well converted, though I'm missing some. I would be grateful if they would pass me the script or all the WMO from Draenor and Pandaria to Cataclysm and if it wasn't possible, parsed to Wotlk for try. If you help me, I will be able to share the functional maps and with arranged textures ¡Thanks! ^^
  5. Hi, this is a tutorial I made because of the lacking info and general stagnation in this modding area post WotLK. I still haven't set up a MoP, WoD or Legion client so not sure but I'm thinking the process should be the same or similar. I'm not aware of any all race all class patches around other then 335a ones, so if anyone tries this at higher branches let me know if it worked. DBC So in 4.3.4. you still need to change only these 2 DBCs: CharBaseInfo.dbc CharStartOutfit.dbc We'll be using WDBX Editor for both, CharBaseInfo.dbc - 'load definition' choose WoD and use the wiki for values. In CharStartOutfit.dbc you have race,class,sex and starter gear item IDs, just double check files after WDBX save not sure but I think I had to resave changes twice there. SQL After you're done with DBCs you need to change the SQLs so start up your MySQL server and open your preferred tool Heidi/SQLyog/workbench then go world-table. Change these tables: player_levelstats playercreateinfo playercreateinfo_action Note on player_levelstats it could possibly already have your custom race-class characters inside, so browse thru its table data and make sure. I'm noting this bc the other day while I was setting all this up and creating my first custom class/race I kept getting the SQL error duplicate key and all the time my character actually had its stats there but they can be arranged really weird. Like my char had stats from level 10 to 85(missing first 9 levels that I've added), or the level 80-85 stats are placed way back at the end. There are more playercreate.. tables my character didn't need editing those(UD pala), but if you're making a hunter or other classes browse them all. MPQ Once you done that, all that is left is packing your 2 DBCs in a MPQ making a patch and adding it to wow/data/.. Name it appropriately like wow-update-base-28792.mpq something, restart your server and check it out. Then maybe you'll be able to make your second class peasant gorlock mud splasher characters. That can never be glorious like my UD pala Champion of the hack first X class-race combo that the universe has seen since WotLK, finished creating him yesterday he was the test bunny *on a much brighter note I haven't done too much testing with him but seems he's really not having any problems like the WotLK hacked characters language,talents,spells etc. probably due to Cata enabling new race class combos by default so maybe its set to work better then WotLK in that regard.
  6. Hey! I wanted to make some changes to the original Eastern Kingdoms map on my Cata server. So, I made them in Noggit (on the WotLK version of the map, obviously) and I now have a wdt and a couple of adt files with the needed changes. Next, as I understand, I should upconvert them to Cata, but what should I do after? Do I just put those files into a patch? Should I somehow merge the original and the edited Azeroth.wdt? If there is a step by step tutorial somewhere, I'd be grateful for a link.