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Found 1 result

  1. Looking for a Noggiter to help me make two custom maps for my server project. Baseline of 75 USD for each, though better pay for better work, and I have plans for extending both, and will refer back to you as I am ready for that. I do value the time that people put into these things, including the time to learn them, the 75 baseline is a basic for if it covers the bare minimum which I don't think would take much time. One map is a city centered around a giant tree, for which I have a 2d map if you are interested, The city has room for extension into a few more zones around it. For skyline considerations, the region to the north is a forest, the east are some plains, the south is some mountains, and the west is some hills, these are the extra addons though, beyond what I want to do for the initial city. The other zone is meant to be a raid zone, and is supposed to be a giant spire in the heart of 4 (or 8 ideally) different elemental regions. The regions don't have to be big, just enough for a single raid boss is fine, but bigger regions are worth more to me, as long as they are nice, I would rather have one really nice raid boss room than have a mediocre map the size of westfall per region, though somewhere in the middle is probably ideal.