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Found 2 results

  1. So, I've found a 7.3.5 server to play on. All I really want is to replace one of the default Night Elf female skins with that cool dark gray skin that was added in 9.0, but I can't seem to find anything to tell me how to do clientside edits. I've done model swaps and such for WotLK so I'm not a complete beginner and have the texture I want to use ready to go but, unless I'm being stupid or something I just can't seem to find any guides on how to do this with the Legion system, or even much about it in the first place. I saw some oblique references on ownedcore about being able to drop files in folders which sounds terribly convenient but no more than that. Thanks.
  2. Hey everyone, I would like to create my own scenario on my server. I edited all my DB2 files (criteria, criteriaTree, scenarioStep and scenario), I did the link in the DB `scenarios`. I attached my debugger to view my custom steps, it works. BUT... I can't find a way to display the scenario UI. However, the UI works with the other scnenarios. Did I miss a step ? Do I have to edit another DB2 file ? If you have any a question or if you need a screenshot, feel free to ask ! Thank you in advance ?