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Found 11 results

  1. Greetings welcome to my store ! In this topic you can buy my 3D models that are compatible with World of Warcraft 3.3.5 --- all files contains only Model itself you will have to add it to the DBC by yourself To buy the model click on PayPal button it will redirect you to CheckOut Site where you can buy the model after payment is done you will be redirected to Download site First item is... Sylvanas Windrunner model from Heroes of the Storm ported to WoW there is also thw wing added to only one side due it being a request for the commision that his was years ago Price 10$ If you have any problems with buying stuff contanct me via PM or DM on my discord "A2#6767"
  2. Version 1.0.0


  3. Five Genshin models have been added. Yae Miko . Ning Guang . Raiden . Ganyu. shenhe To buy the model click on PayPal button it will redirect you to CheckOut Site where you can buy the model after payment is done you will be redirected to Download site. all files contains only Model itself you will have to add it to the DBC by yourself ...
  4. Hello To buy the model click on PayPal button it will redirect you to CheckOut Site where you can buy the model after payment is done you will be redirected to Download site. all files contains only Model itself you will have to add it to the DBC by yourself There are five . Barbara , keqing ,jean, mona , fischl ,
  5. Has anyone in the creative community created a 'from scratch' new Blizz-like dungeon for World of Warcraft? I want to know this and if possible to get in touch with the people who have done this or have come close to this achievement for I wish to create new Blizz-like dungeons for World of Warcraft. Yet like how Blizzard operated back in the day (and more so than ever now) many hands make less work and unite and vanquish via a combined talent front. Rome was not build in one day nor was it built by one set of hands. I wish to find practical and community accompanying ways to pursue the creative process for these new Blizz-like dungeons. I am particularly inspired to pursue these new Blizz-like dungeons for I find it exciting that there is forgotten content of merit that can be resurrected by the community and for the community from the digital abyss. With this being liken to an archeologist that is restoring lost avenues into the past, there is so much unimplemented content that was cut from development for the team at the time simply did not have enough resources to implement the content from the lore into where it should have been in the World of Warcraft. I press onwards to change these lost chapters in the Warcraft universe; perhaps what was lost can be found once more? I can be found on YouTube where I post video logs of what I progress at in meaningful ways regarding my game creation process (including my work with new Blizz-like content for World of Warcraft) via the channel named Rocket-Powered Ice Cream: also I can be found at deviantART herein:
  6. Hello everybody, I recently started to rework some old Elwynn models so they could fit with our modern graphics. Ingame, everything seems to work fine, but there is an invisibile issue here : The models are heavy ! This bridge alone takes 125Ko, which is way more than other similar models. In fact, half of this M2 size is due to collisions : Collision Adder gives every single face its own rigidity without discrimination. Any rope, any part of a wooden plank will be solid. Since I'm not planning to create World of Antcraft, this is a big waste of computer resources : If I don't find a solution, all of this will stack up and make the game unaccessible for weaker engines... So I would like to know how I can filter the collision adding, or make a collision sub-model mixed with the original one, something like this : Thank you for your attention.
  7. Hello I am new blood here and I have little to no skills with Noggit and or other World of Warcraft editing tools although I really want to learn how to create new content for World of Warcraft ever since I first played back in The Burning Crusade days. I am looking for help to learn how accomplish the above project of mine (in the video) and I have a very hard time learning online by myself and I am very much out of my element with this type of learning although I am very much more enthusiastic to learn through trial and failure for I know myself to have a very deep and strong rooted passion for this line of work and or content creation. I have an ambitious plan to add new content to (a) custom private server(s) and I will need to learn much in the ways and or the masteries of World of Warcraft content editing / modifying and or creation in general to accomplish this lofty and mayhaps even overwhelming goal of my own creation. I have come to realize that I must be strong minded, social yet independent and I must possess a very well rounded and moreover a robust skill set myself for I have little in terms of other people of whom I can come to depend on to complete this deep seeded desire that is my overarching ambitious project of mine. Although I am vague to myself and others of how, when or where my work and or new content may surface for the World of Warcraft private server community for mostly the reason being that I cannot currently host my own server(s) for a myriad of reasons and or personal adversities. I am looking to learn how I can accomplish a long deep niggling desire to convert my labyrinth of concept art from ages new and past into tangible playable and moreover clean and enjoyable content that I can share with the mostly aging private server community population before both my own desire to relive old memories and World of Warcraft itself fade into obscurity. As I continue to work and improve upon my own future projects of my own vision and device for old and future generations alike I sit building my projects up piece by piece, working day after day to make my creative dreams come into the collective gaming fray - I realize that these times now and herein they will come and they will inevitably go; the clock ticks away and I have come to see in the past that time waits for no one. I want to give back to the community which I have been in many ways creatively shaped and inspired by while within the same stroke of action fulfilling a long and slow burning desire within myself. This deep innate and pulsating core desire of mine is to invigourate my many conceptual notebooks, stacks of scattered art saturated pages and looming archives of text and table based conceptual ideas and schemes to life and to give such 'life' to an audience of which I believe would quite enjoy said hypothetical 'life' with also said new content and or 'life' being granted overwhelmingly bug and error free. Thank you for reading and or watching my post :-).
  8. Comment convertir un modèle 3D cutom en m2 pour l'ajouter dans le jeu. Tout d'abord, voici la liste des programmes requis: Blender (ou tout autre logiciel de 3D permettant de modéliser et exporter en .3ds, néanmoins Blender reste nécessaire pour l'exportation en .obj si vous ne pouvez pas exporter avec votre programme habituel en ayant les mêmes options) OBJtoM2 (Disponible ici) BLPtoPNG (Disponible ici ou autre logiciel permettant la conversion de png en blp) MPQeditor (Disponible ici) World of Warcraft (oui, je pense que c'est nécessaire :D) Et bien-sûr, son cerveau avec un peu de jugeote :troll: Étape 1: La modélisation Bon, ici je ne vais pas vraiment vous apprendre quelque chose, je fais ce tuto en supposant que vous ayez déjà quelques bases sur Blender. Si ce n'est pas le cas, cette personne s'en chargera bien mieux que moi. On va donc commencer par simple : la légendaire et basique......Boîte! Jusqu'ici, rien de bien compliqué, vous pouvez même remplacer cette jolie caisse par le modèle de votre choix. Une fois votre modèle texturé et prêt à l'exportation, vérifiez bien le nom de votre matériel car celui-ci déterminera le nom de votre texture blp Étape 2: L'exportation Maintenant, exportez votre modèle en .3ds (cela va servir à maximiser la compatibilité pour la conversion et à trianguler vos faces par la même occasion) Une fois fait, réimportez-le dans blender et remettez la texture à sa place (remarquez comme les faces ont été converties en triangles) Il est maintenant temps de l'exporter en .obj pour passer dans le convertisseur (attention à respecter les options cochées) Étape 3: La conversion Pour convertir votre modèle, copiez OBJtoM2.exe dans le même dossier que votre fichier. Vous devrez également créer un nouveau fichier texte dans ce même dossier (avec le nom que vous voulez) qui servira de "starter" pour lancer l'application. Attention, ce fichier texte devra contenir des informations bien précises: Enregistrez ensuite votre fichier avec l'extension .cmd pour qu'il devienne un exécutable. Une fois tout bien préparé, vous n'avez plus qu'à lancer l'application via le cmd. Une fenêtre de commande devrait s'ouvrir puis se refermer une fois la conversion terminée. Vous devriez normalement voir apparaître votre m2 et son skin dans votre dossier. Il ne reste plus qu'à vérifier si tout s'est bien déroulé comme prévu en l'ouvrant avec un éditeur hexadécimal (ici j'utilise 010editor). Si vous regardez le nom et le chemin de la texture, vous verrez que c'est bien le nom de votre matériel sur blender, avec l'extension .blp qui vient s'ajouter automatiquement. PS: n'oubliez pas de convertir votre texture en BLP. Étape 4: Compilation du patch et vérification J'espère au moins que vous savez comment faire un patch. Maintenant ouvrons WowModelViewer pour voir si notre conversion est un succès. (et je crois bien que oui chers amis) Voilà! Vous avez réussi à convertir votre modèle custom en m2, félicitation! Mais que donne-t-il en jeu? Et bien il n'y a même pas à s'inquiéter pour les collisions, ce joli bijou de programme s'en occupe pour vous! Petit infos complémentaires Je viens de vous montrer comment convertir un modèle qui n'utilise qu'un seul matériel (donc une seule texture, un seul geoset). Mais qu'en est-il des modèles qui en ont plusieurs? Et bien c'est la même chose. Voyez ici notre belle boîte avec un objet exclusif posé dessus. Vous avez donc ici plusieurs geosets et textures. Il suffit de répéter la même opération que ci-dessus (en pensant bien à changer les informations dans le .cmd) et vous pouvez constater que les deux sont bien ajoutées. Et vous avez un beau résultat dans votre WMV
  9. Hi guys, someone asked how to import models from HotS to blender, but this 3D software doesn't have a lot of plugins to do it. I'll share with you my researches and how I personally do it for me. Tools CascViewBlenderAddons for Blender (links in the section dedicated to this program)Heroes of the Storm game folder3DSmax 2012 and up (for the second technique)(if you take a lower version, you'll need an older plugin)This addon for 3DSmaxExtract models from the game First, you need to have the game installed. Open the Casc Viewer, click onGame Storage, and select your game folder. Now, explore the folders and choose the model that you want. In my case I'll take Uther. Now, right-click (or F5) on it to extract the model. Choose your folder and save it. Direct to Blender I've searched on the web after some plugins for Blender, but have not managed to make them work. Some are too old, others not compatibles, etc... The new M3 file format from HotS is a little bit different of M3 files from StarCraft, so SC modders are using a converter to make the models compatible with their tools..Heroes M3 To Sc2 M3 Converter Here's some M3 blender plugins, maybe you'll have more chance than me to make them work :This one is 5 years old, so I think it can possibly work with older versions of Blender.This second seems more complete and more up to date.This last is normally compatible with the 2.71 version.Sadly, no one was working for me (and I don't have time to test all blender versions with all plugins), so I've chosen the second solution. To Blender with 3DSmax 3DSmax part I don't really like this program for now, I have not taken the time to understand all the tools, but I can use it for simple things. So first, open 3DSmax. Click on the MAXScript pannel and choose Run Script. In the new window, you'll see the scripts that you can run. You can just drag and drop the M3 addon in this folder, or add it manually in your program folder (in my case " C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts " ). And open it. Go to the right side of your screen, in the tools section. Switch to Utilities and click on MAXScript. Scroll down to see the new pannel called TM's M3 Import (v2.1) and choose Select file. Choose your file and open it. Once your file is selected, check what you want to keep in the model (bones, animations, etc...) and import it. Now you have your model. You can export it in *.obj file, click on the Autodesk logo and choose export. Choose a name and the file format to open in Blender later. Blender part Now launch Blender, go to import option and open your file. And here it is ! In my case, I have a blue pill (hitbox). Your *.obj will be like a *.fbx, it will keep all the informations like materials, bones, and animations. Just keep and remove what you want. And voilà. After that you can work on the modell as you wish. Let's paint Uther with abdalrahman9's technique. (all the red is the material color, not the weight paint) And I rework the face to fit well with the human model. I hope it was helpful, and good luck.
  10. Hi bnet-dev ! I'm happy to share with you my knowledges about custom wmo's. After months of research and work, I've decided to make a tutorial for those who want to make their own wmo's. Special thanks to stan84, Supora, Waveworms (from Modcraft) and other peoples who helped me. Tools Used Summary Blender (you can use another 3D program)Notepad++010 editor010 editor templatesMODRChunk fileBLPconverterMirrorMachineMPQ editorWMO editor 1] Build the model before conversion2] Conversion of *.obj to *.wmo3] Add some doodads with WMOeditor4] Add a doodadset5] Additional informations2) Collisions3) Adding lights4) Coming soon and WIP...1) Use textures with transparency 1]Build the model before conversion To begin, you should know what you want to do. Do some research to find references that will help you give more "credibility" to your building. If you work in a particular architectural style, do not hesitate to find your inspiration from photography, if you are not in a specific style look anyway how Blizzard constructed houses, castles, and other buildings, so your model fits well and is coherent with its environment. The style of Blizzard is particular with its distortions and its side a little "used". I will not teach you how to make 3D models (I'm not a professional) but I will give you some tips to make it a little bit "optimized" for WoW. Here I am working on new models of houses for Kul Tiras. The island is in a Mediterranean / Tuscany theme, I did some research to see how the houses are built in these regions. To be sure that your home is at the right scale, you can use (and it is even advisable) the human model humanmalescale.m2 (because it is the "basic" scale in WoW), but open it large enough for passing a Tauren because it must be accessible to all races (a Tauren can enter in a human house without much problem because of its wide input) . The goal is that the player's camera could pass without taking the door jamb in the head. Don't forget to delete useless faces. For your model is well composed, it takes several geosets, the number varies depending on the number of "large parts" (as the capitals for example, who have a lot, by districts, house interiors, etc ...). For mine, I based on basic models of human houses, so it will be two geosets: inside and outside. For the instance of Gnomeregan the model has 73 geosets, because it's a big model. Each rooms and tunnels are geosets, sometimes divided into several parts. This palace (from Phantomx) has 63727 polygons and 58997 faces, it's a really huge model ingame, but it has only 24 geosets. In fact, the number of geosets really depends on how you organize your model, you can't have a wmo with only one geoset if it's a big piece because MirrorMachine can't convert it, you must divide it. To have a better render with light and shadows, remember to apply the smooth shading on the concerned parts (mainly for use on curved surfaces, straight walls don't necessarily need it). 2]Conversion of *.obj to *.wmo We will go to the conversion of the model. First, save it in .obj with the correct options as below. Once done, you have two files: your model in .obj and a .mtl file with informations about materials and textures. Open the .mtl file with your notepad, you will see the names of materials and patchs of the textures used. Simply change for that of .blp's in the mpq patch. Do it for each texture. (Insert the extension .blp instead of .jpg or .png it's not really important because the converter will add it automatically) When finished, save and close the .mtl and open MirrorMachine to convert your .obj in .wmo . Select "OBJ File " instead of "WMO v14 ", "Open File " to select and open your model, "Settings " to check that your options are much like on this screenshot. Click "Start Convertion", if your model is well built, it should work without problems. After conversion, you must have your wmo + his group files (the 00 .wmo) corresponding to geosets, so I have two in my case. To verify that the paths of the textures are good, open your wmo main file in 010 editor with wmo template. Here you can see that's good. Once everything is checked, you just have to put it in a patch and test it. Here is the result with a basic human house next for comparison. 3]Add some doodads with WMOeditor A house that's fine, but without furniture it's a little empty. We are going to fill it with WMOeditor and 010 editor. This time, open the group file in which you want to add doodads. Do CTRL+F to open the search window. In Type you must have "ASCII String (a)" and write "NBOM" in Value, then click on Find All. You will have a line including what you want that appears in the lower part of the window. Now do CTRL + I to open an insert window and look for the file containing the chunk for upgrading your sub -parts of wmo. If you compare with your original line and it has changed, then it is good. Save it. Repeat for each subpart involved in your wmo. Time to get serious and open WMO editor . At first it can be a little confusing to use because it displays models with a mirror effect. So once your wmo is opened, go to Root File to find the geosets that compose it. Click Edit to see their options, check "Has Doodads". Close the window and repeat on the other remaining. We can finally start placing those famous doodads. Now go to Doodad, in the bottom box is the doodadset that indicates how many m2 it has in total. Most houses have several doodadsets, but I have not figured out how to add a second, I'm working on it. Click on the [...] to open a window with a list of m2 similar to WoW Model Viewer. Once your selected an object, double-click on it, the window will then leave and you can place it in your wmo. Please note that the window does not close so far, it just comes up behind the first one. To navigate through the window of your building, the controls are the same as Noggit. Once you have decided where you want to place your object, place your cursor there and made CTRL + V to paste it. Here are the commands that allow you to move your objects as you like. Once you're done, save your work in File>Save. Your wmo completed will be saved in the WMO editor folder, in world. You just have to go in game to see the result. Congratulations, you are with a furnished house! 4]Add a doodadset 4) When you are finished with first doodadset you can add another one. For this you need only to edit the root_wmo file. So agan load it in 010 Editor. Go to MOHD and change the nSets to "2". Then ctrl+F NDOM and insert "this" just like we did earlier. But now it's time for some differences: when we added a new row for MODS chunk we need to change the name of our second doodadset like this: Then you need to change the index of first doodad used in this set to summ number of doodads used in previous sets(if you already have 2 doodadsets and wanted to add third you set this value to number of doodasds in first set + number of doodads in second. etc etc). In my case I've added only second set when first have only 9 doodads used. So I've change the "first doodad index(FDI)" to "9": That's it. You can save the file. Pack to mpq and load in WMOEditor. 5]Additional Informations 1) Use textures with transparency In your buildings, you may be asked to use textures with transparency as a grid for example. On blender, you can see the transparency with the rendered mode or other stuff like that, and the material clearly indicates that there is transparency. In game you will have opaque texture like all other. To set the transparency, we have to open the wmo in 010 editor and look in the MOMT chunk. In it, find your texture, at the line " UINT32 blendMode " you will see that the value is 0, it corresponds to the opaque mode, just put 1 in place in order to transparent mode. It's as simple as that. Save everything and voila. 2) Collisions Normally Mirror Machine manages well enough collisions each surface must have. If some places are little bullshit on collisions or you want to make collisions as Blizzard putting invisible walls to avoid falling into a ditch, or just block passages, well I'll tell you how. Here is an example of collisions that Blizzard has done in Gnomeregan, most of the time there are "boxes" goshawks some pipes or rounded elements such as barrels and also invisible walls to avoid falling in some holes. Collisions are in fact a double of the model but with the same number or sometimes fewer polygons and fully transparent. To do the same, you just have to use an invisible texture on your geoset. 3) Adding lights a) Manually with hex editor. You can look at the video made by PhilipTNG, it's pretty well explained. Maybe later I'll add this part in text with images. 4) Coming soon and WIP... I wanted to wait a bit to publish my tutorial and put in more informations, but they need intensive work and research, so I'll put it later by updating this tutorial. What I want to show you: add music in the wmoadd footstep noises on the floor (wood, metal,...)add more lights (glowing windows,...)add liquids (water, lava, ...)And here are some WIP screens: I hope this has been helpful. Enjoy. (ps: sorry for my bad english if there are strange sentences)