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Found 27 results

  1. Hi there, Today I'd like to share some of my knowledge regarded to creating a working world map in-game. I will try to cover the most basic things, but I have to admit there are still some unknowns to me such as clickable zones on the world map, however, I 'd like to cover those and continents map in the future. In this tutorial I will cover a basic in-game map creation for GM Island. Required tools: Dbc Editor MPQ Editor Photoshop or any other image editor (I myself use Photofiltre) World Map Tutorial Package - download link down below (I recommend you downloading this, because I think it is useful for you to reverse engineers the stuff done in present tutorial). Link to the source:!zUpxlYpK!ctrulp0IpFncI8FYAOFsLwm64PPn9lZyzXSQkNaJ7RQ (Either copy the link with the yellow decription key to your browser, or use the decription key in yellow to acces the file.) Difficulty - Easy Estimated time - 15-25 minutes Before sinking teeth into technical details concerning map implementation you might want to check out a WoW Map Template by Balkron and a short video attached to it - So first of all some theory. When it comes to Dbc files what really matters to us right now is WorldMapArea.dbc. This Dbc looks somethings like this: Now to some collum information: 2. - this collum refers to map.dbc and literally says on which map is this world map going to be placed (1 stands for Kalimdor). 3. - this one refers to the area name (the dbc number), in this case it is 876 (GM Island). 4. - the map file name - this just refers to your file names, so if I decide to call it GmIsland all the files will have to named that way - GmIsland_1.blp, GmIsland_2.blp... 5. - upper y coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 6. - lower y coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 7. - upper x coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 8. - lower x coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 9. - has to be -1? 10., 11. - has to be 0? So this was some Dbc stuff. Now let's move to the real map stuff. Obviously what you need to is to create yourself a world map, Skarn has covered this topic some time ago, there is a link to his tutorial mentioned above if you need to create a map I recommend you going there. But now comes the tidious stuff. In order to make your map working you have to divide it into 12 256x256 images and name them just like this - GmIsland1.blp, GmIsland2.blp, this however, comes for GmIsland map, if you name your map in WorldAreaMap.dbc TelAbim you have to name your files TelAbim1.blp and so on. When it comes to chronology you have to follow the one shown in the picture down below. So GmIsland1.blp represents sector 1 and so on. This is obviously some really boring stuff, but it is essential. In addition, I think it is good for you to know that all the segments and the right (4, 8, 12) and all those on the bottom (9, 10, 11 ,12) have to be transparent and won't take the entire 256x256 area. Skarn has thought of this when making his map templates, so you don't really have to worry about this one. Now we need to put all the files into a patch, so that the game can loads those. The Dbc stuff is kind of obvious, you put that into DBFilesClient folder, and as for the blp files you have follow this chronology :Interface/WorldMap/GmIsland (Dbc name of your map)/GmIsland1.blp ... So once we are done with all of this, we can check the map in-game and see if it works. The maps seems to be working. If you are trying to create a world map for yourself, you should start by taking down the map coordinates (in-game or in the Noggit) and then according to that create the map. I hope this quick tutorial was helpful in some ways, and hopefully I will find myself some more time to extend it one day. Maybe I could cover making a new continent or making a zone clickable on world map. Link to the source patch -!zUpxlYpK!ctrulp0IpFncI8FYAOFsLwm64PPn9lZyzXSQkNaJ7RQ (Either copy the link with the yellow decription key to your browser, or use the decription key in yellow to acces the file.) If you have some questions, or something doesn't seem to be clear, or perhaps doesn't work at all, do not hesitate and write it down, I will try taking a look at it. Update #1: December 2 2023 - Some minor tweaks & addition of link to Balkron's WoW Subzone Template Package and video.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hello dear modders, This patch was created for Warshard , this is already quite some time ago and this was WIP. (so dont expect this patch to be fully completed, i'm pretty sure some of the work isn't finished yet) I do not have a Cata client anymore, nor am i working on this. But most of the models or DBC should be there & work. Just found these patches on MEGA thought i'd share them before I delete em. I was working on the sounds and the animations back in the days, these needs a bit of fixing. But thought i'd share the work that's already done incase people are intrested in this.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    After getting back into modding I tryed to reimplement some of my DBC but stumbled on some issues with the tools. these tools are made by Amaroth but are outdated. When trying to connect it gave an error. all credits for this tool go to him. I just fixed the error it gave me. This error was resolved by changing Data:Mysqlclient to MysqlConnector. ItemDBCtoDB This tool takes the CSV version of the Item.dbc and inserts this into the item_template table. The ItemtoDB tool can take a pretty long time if the tool has to insert alot of data. ClientItem this tool takes the data from item_template table inside your database and makes a CSV version out of it. this can then be converted to DBC by using DBC Util. this might have been a "me" problem, but thought i'd share it anyway incase somebody has the same issue.
  4. Ignore anything not highlighted in red or blue. I looked through the MOHD chunk of a WMO that is only used once in my entire WMOAreaTable.dbc and only used once in the entire WoW world on my server. I got the root WMO ID for that model, I've then placed it into my WMOAreaTable.dbc. I expect that when I walk into that WMO the area name change to "Exposition Pavilion" however it is not doing. Do I need to convert that UINT32 value to some sort of INT? I looked at this page and apparently the WMO ID needs to be specified as an INT of 11 characters or less so a 4 character INT should be fine. (edited)
  5. Well, let's see the simplest way to put custom sounds for your server, or lua scripts. (could also teach how to do that :)) What do we need? -Patience -WDBX Editor -A local server to test that everything works fine. LET'S START ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Organize your workplace You may think it's stupid, but it's really useful to know where the tools will be where you'll be working. 2. We will start by making a folder that will be our patch, it can have any name but it IS IMPORTANT that it ends with .MPQ, something like this. 3. Now we are going to work on the parts of our patch. a) our patch will consist of two folders. b) It is important that within the Sound folder, you make another folder, it can have any name, it is only to keep an order since that is what the DBC directory requests. c) We are going to prepare the DBFilesClient folder, for this, we have to move the DBC file whose name is SoundEntries.dbc 4. Now let's get the sounds as such. a) I recommend for creatures/mounts, to use the wowhead sounds. But if this is not what you want, you can download any .mp4 sound and convert it to .ogg in any online converter. b) b) When you have the sound, it will move it to the subfolder inside the Sound folder that is in our patches folder. 5. Start work with the .DBC file a) We open the .DBC with any DBC editor, personally I recommend WDBX Editor. ab) In column 1, the ID will go. ac) in column 3, the name will go, it can be anything. ad) in column 4 the name of the file will go, it is important that you put the type of file at the end. Like this: ae) in column 24 we will put the path of our sound, so that it looks something like this: af) We save the .dbc files 6. To finalize and test our sounds in the game a) We move our patch .dbc file to our local server folder, and reboot. 7. Let's try it! you can use the .play (id) command to play the sound on the server. if all went well, it should be heard. if it says that the sound does not exist make sure you have moved the .dbc file to your local server files. 8. Now that we hear our sound on the server, we can start working on our creature. If your sound did not play, you need to review the steps above. a) To start working on the .dbc files, we need to move three new files to our patch: CreatureModelData.dbc, CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, CreatureSoundData.dbc, these three files will go in the DBFilesClient folder. b) Let's start working with CreatureSoundData.dbc ba) We will duplicate the last row, and to start modifying we have to know the meaning of each column. bb) To know what each column means, we can use the WDBX editor, I will also give some instructions so that you know what we are talking about. bb1) Column 1: ID bb2) Column 4: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature suffers an injury. bb3) Column 8: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature is standing still, like the roar of the spectral tiger. bb4) Column 10: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when you start a fight with the pet (when calling its aggro) bb5) Column 12: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature plans. bb6) Column 14-18: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature stirs. bb7) Column 19-22: The sound you want to play when the creature hits will go here. Strongly recommending that you use the WDBX Editor if you have any questions on the tables. bc) When you made the changes you think necessary to the CreatureSoundData.dbc file you will save it and close it. 9) Now we will make some changes to CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, and CreatureModelData.dbc 9a) We will start by checking a column of CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc 9a1) We will check that in column 12, there is the number 0, this is so that it takes the sound directly from CreatureModelData. 9b) We will now make a change to the CreatureModelData.dbc 9b1) In column 13, we'll put the CreatureSoundData id and then save the file. 10) Now, we transform into our creature, and listen to the new sounds!:) If you need extra help, you can message me on discord. Fruitdealer#3760 Thanks to Tyrallis
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Original DBC is by @dufec0 the difference between my and his file is, mine is editable. This DBC file displays the full set of T 10 armor when creating a character. Each class is for each race. This file is for the game version 3.3.5a
  7. Hello, We are searching for someone able to make a custom world map for a custom map. The one you can see by pression "M". We are willing to pay a fair price for a work well done. Contact via Discord. Doctor#0072
  8. I've found SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc manages what skills a race/class will have. I'm adding cataclysm class options to WotLK. Unfortunately, some race/class options, such as Human and Undead Hunters, do not start with the necessary weapon skills for their class (in this case, guns.) How would I go about adding the gun skill to human/undead hunters when their characters are created? I've checked but it's not exactly helpful, nor does it actually explain what any of the database actually does.
  9. Hello! I switch the bloodelf race to alliance faction, but now i get stuck at the flightpoints from Silvermoon and Tranquillien. The flightmaster has all the alliance nodes, but he doesn't show Silvermoon and Tranquillien. I look trough the TaxiNodes.dbc, TaxiPathNode.dbc and TaxiPath.dbc, but i dont find a flag for the faction (Alliance&Horde) who can use this taxi node. Does somebody has an idea?
  10. Version 1.1.9a


    A project I started initially to learn how DBC files worked that eventually turned into this and thought it was worth a share. This editor has full support for reading and saving all release versions of DBC, DB2, WDB and ADB. This does include support for Legion DB2 and ADB files and works with all variants (header flags) of these. Like the other editors I’ve used a definition based system whereby definitions tell the editor how to interpret each file’s columns - this is a lot more reliable than guessing column types but does mean the definitions must be maintained. So far, I've mapped almost all expansions with MoP being ~50% complete and everything else being 99%+ (excluding column names). Source can be found here. Features: Full support of release versions of DBC, DB2, WDB and ADB (WCH3 and WCH4 are not supported as I deem them depreciated) Can be set as the default file association Opening and having open multiple files regardless of type and build Open DBC/DB2 files from both MPQ archives and CASC directories Save single (to file) and save all (to folder) Standard CRUD operations as well as go to, copy row, paste row, undo and redo Hide, show and sort columns A relatively powerful column filter system (similar to boolean search) Displaying and editing columns in hex (numeric columns only) Exporting to a SQL database, SQL file, CSV file and MPQ archives Importing from a SQL database and a CSV file An Excel style Find and Replace Shortcuts for common tasks using common shortcut key combinations A help file to try and cover off some of the pitfalls and caveats of the program (needs some work) Tools: Definition editor for maintaining the definitions WotLK Item Import to remove the dreaded red question mark from custom items WDB5 Parser which is an attempt to automatically parse the structure of WDB5 files Things to Note: You need .Net 4.6.1 installed (download) Importing gives you the option to import; new rows, changed and new rows and to override all data Exporting to MPQ allows you to append to an existing archive or to create a new one Currently any SQL import must have identical columns to the file’s definition Legion ADB files MUST have the DB2 counterpart open before as required information is stored in the DB2 file. The program will prioritise DB2 if DB2 and ADB are opened at the same time The WDB5 Parser works surprisingly well thanks to the new field structure data however it does trip up on inline strings so definitions may need to be validated manually Undo, redo and copy data history are lost when changing the current file Everything is stored in memory so if your PC is ancient the program will crash attempting to read hundreds of files at once! Credits go to Ladislav Zezula for the awesome StormLib and thanks to all those that contribute to the WoWDev wiki. I’ve also patched the definitions together for various sources across the internet, there are too many to name, but thanks to all.
  11. I've spent the past few weeks working on a tool that makes editing LightIntBand.dbc so much easier. You can get it here, along with instructions: And you can get the source here:
  12. Version 1.01


    There are generic .dbc editors available, but they are absolutely not geared towards being good for editing specific .dbc files, the first one I came across being LightIntBand.dbc. So I decided to make a program that is much easier to use, intuitive, and gives you an idea of what your changes will look like. Made with Delphi community edition. Should work on XP, will definitely work on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. Github repository: It's very simple to use. Here are the steps: 1. Much of the interface is disabled when first run. To enable it, click on File -> Load... -> Select LightIntBand.dbc 2. Now the interface will appear, after freezing for a couple seconds. That's normal, the tree list of all the records just takes a short while to be populated due to all the records present. 2a. If you want to add new records, make sure the tree list is selected, and press the insert key. 2b. If you want to remove records, make sure a node is selected, and press the delete key. 3. Select a record from the list. There is a text box above it where you can enter an ID to go straight to that record. 4. The two text boxes above the 16 GUI entries on the right show the ID of the currently selected record, and the number of entries that will be processed by the client. 5. To change the number of entries that will be processed, click on the text box to the right with the drop-down arrow, and pick a number from the list. 6. To keep your changes, click on the Apply button. Note: This does not save the changes to the file. 7. To save the changes to a file, click on File -> Save... -> Save as LightIntBand.dbc -- There shouldn't be any bugs, as I've tested extensively. If any appear, please report them with as much detail as possible.
  13. Hello guys. It's been awhile since I asked any questions on here but I have run into something where i can't figure something out. So basically to get straight to the point - I want to give the druid spell "wrath" a different icon without changing the original icon. What I mean by that is that i want to put in a new icon just for wrath and i can't seem to figure out which icons goes to specific spells. If i don't make any sense please don't hesitate to ask for deeper explanation. Thanks in advance.
  14. Version


    A powerful tool for editing DBC and CSV files and convert between the two formats. Supports all DBC-using expansions (Vanilla to Mists of Pandaria). Made by Smartwork.
  15. Can someone point me in the direction to where to find Jaina's skins in dbc files (No idea if I'm asking it even correctly) I want make jaina's model in wotlk to the one from BFA Thank you and have a great week
  16. Version 1.0.0


    I wanted the ground effects from Legion 7.1 as I already had the NODXT converted to wotlk, all I needed was the DBC files so I could use them in WOTLK. This is the DBC from Legion 7.1 Ground effects Doodad and Ground Effects Texture converted down to WOTLK(3.3.5) so you can use the groundeffects from the Cata+ Expansions. I tested with the Lost Isle map which I converted with Adspartans converter and it worked. If you convert a map down from Cata or Higher, and have these 2 dbc files in your clients DBFilesClient folder and your server DBC folder. The groundeffects for those maps that you converted will show up in-game without you having to edit anything.
  17. Hey! These two spells: and, added in 6.0.1, give your character the 'holding staff vertically' pose, and I really like that and would love to have it on my server. I would assume they involve the AnimKit group of tables, but I will not be able to replicate the effect myself, because there is no documentation on those tables whatsoever. I would therefore like to just copy the values blizz used for these spells and hope they work. However, the new dbc/db2 structure is very confusing, and, having tried, I did not manage to figure out much. I know some people here do WoD modding, and quite successfully, so if there is anyone who could help me get said values, I would be very thankful.
  18. Hey! I'm really bad at editing spells (trust me, I've tried a lot), so I thought I would gather up some spell ideas and ask the people here how to create each one. Since these are very basic "templates", I would learn myself that way. So, the general types of spells I want to create: Morph spell - simple spell (aura) which, when used,would perform the same function as the .morph command. Then, when the aura is removed (by rclicking on it's icon, for example), it would demorph your character. It would also be much much better if this aura would not be removed on logoff. Of course I understand that I will have to create a spell like that for every model I want to use. Scale spells - four spells which would 1)Increase your characters size by 1; 2)Decrease your characters size by 1; 3)Increase your characters size by 0.1; 4)Decrease your characters size by 0.1 Flying spell - same as .gm fly on (*off on unaura). Possibly with flying speed increase. Also, I'd like this spell to use the flying, not swimming animation kit, so it could be used on dragon models. Attach spell - attaches a certain model on your character. For example, an item, or a spell (e.g. eye glow). Would be nice if it used attach points instead of coordinates. Faction spell - makes you friendly/hostile with a certain faction. There are two good examples called "Faction override - {Alliance/Horde}". I'd be very thankful if someone explained how to create at least one of the listed spells. Additional question: I'm replacing destro warlock spell models with their fel versions (basically, by changing the ids in SpellVisualKit), but I can't find how the casting effect (one that appears on your characters hands) is set. Could someone tell me?
  19. Version 1.0.1


    After a suggestion from Amaroth; I built this library to give other developers the core reading and saving functionality from WDBX Editor. This means that this library has full support for reading and saving all release versions of DBC, DB2, WDB and ADB. Just like WDBX Editor the reader requires a definition to load files correctly. I've moved to a class based decorator system as this is more intuitive. Included in this release is a separate library (WDBXLib.Defintions) with all the definitions that come with WDBX Editor - I've purposely separated these out as to provide more flexibility and to separate concerns. This library targets Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1. Source code and full examples can be found here. Usage: Below is an example of a definition and using it to read and write to a file. [DBTable(Expansion.WotLK)] //Defines the build number public class CharacterFacialHairStyles { [DBKey(AutoGenerated: true)] //Defines the Id column public int Id { get; set; } public int RaceId { get; set; } public int GenderId { get; set; } public int VariationId { get; set; } [DBField(ArraySize: 5)] //Defines the array size public int[] GeoSetId { get; set; } } //Reading, editing and writing a DB file with the above definition var entry = DBReader.Read<CharacterFacialHairStyles>(@"TestFiles\CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc"); entry.Rows[0].RaceId = 6; //Update RaceId for the first row DBReader.Write(entry, @"TestFiles\CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc"); Rows: The DBEntry rows are contained in a special collection class. Using the provided methods the Ids are automatically adjusted accordingly. However if you edit the Ids from the collection directly the Ids will need to be manually maintained, if duplicates are found the library will throw an exception on save. Included are a few additional methods and properties not found in a standard list. NextKey: returns the next Id available HasDuplicateKeys: returns a boolean indicating if any Id is used more than once FindByKey: returns an object by Id RemoveByKey: removes an object by Id LocalizedString: DBC file's localization was handled by a string array followed by a mask. Included is a special LocalizedString class designed for this purpose. It has the following properties: Locale: The value for that specific DBC's language (readonly) Values: A string array of all locales Mask: The mask value this[TextWowEnum locale]: An indexer that gets/sets the value for a specific language WCH5+ (ADB files): ADB files don't contain the structural information to be loaded directly so require loading the header information from the associated DB2 file first. To cater for this a ReadHeader function is exposed in the DBReader class which is then feed into the Read function. For example: var counterpart = DBReader.ReadHeader(@"TestFiles\ArtifactPowerRank.db2"); var entry = DBReader.Read<ArtifactPowerRank>(@"TestFiles\ArtifactPowerRank.adb", counterpart);
  20. Hey! That language barrier hit me hard when I tried to edit Vehicle.dbc. Could anyone explain what each of those fields does?
  21. Hey could someone explain to me how this CharStartOutfit.dbc works? These values, I'm guessing its race/class combined, and the best tool to edit 4.3.4 DBCs? CharStartOutfit.dbc.csv CharStartOutfit.dbc
  22. I'm posting this here with Glararan's permission, in order to promote his project. I would like to thank Glararan for creating this tool, and mention that I will always support any activity that benefits Cata modding. The rest of this post will be a copy of Glararan's Modcraft post. * * * Hi, It's been a while I did this project. I went here for a long time so I now remembered to share a project for editing database. - Supports cataclysm - Can read/write DBC - Can read DB2 - Creature & Game Object support Future: - Hope to support Items and other cool things Feel free to download source code on Give me a feedback if you use it
  23. I'm currently working on tool capable of adding records to DBC's CSV versions (I am not that far to work directly with DBC, I will take a look at that later). I have already gameobject displayID (and template gameobject with that displayID) generator. Now I want to work on creature models. I will need to work with: world.creature_template world.creature_model_info creaturedisplayinfo.dbc creaturemodeldata.dbc And here comes my problem, with the last DBC. I am simply not sure what are some (in fact most of) fields in it for, or how the hell they work. SizeClass, ModelScale, Footprints and in fact most of other following fields. Can someone who really does understand this DBC take some time and fill me up with as many details as possible? And please, guys, no theories. If you want to be smartasses and say things you don't have confirmed and are just assuming by taking look at page I linked, save both your and my time, I need real confirmed information from people who are really experienced with this and have tryed something I probably haven't before on their own. This DBC is kinda weird, because for example ModelScale seems to be absolutely ignored and values in collision boxes and so on seem to be absolutely useless as well to me, because leaving them blank just... never seemed to hurt anything. In fact, one of few fields I have ever needed to really use was path to model, obviously, but the rest just seem to not be used or can be set in different DBCs. Just strange.
  24. First question: is it possible to copy only the terrain, texture and objects (m2,wmo) from ADT files without the DBC reffering on that i mean delete lights, musics, areaID-s transport ID-s. etc. All is i need the raw terrain. Second question: Is it possible to have a name of territory three times in the DBC database with different reffering to music. For example: I want to own 2 continents, each continent has an elwyn forest. I would like to change the sky one of copy but i don't want to change the others version. I think its possible because in draenor and in outland there is "nagrand" with the same name and different reffering to music.
  25. Hey guys! Where can I get the most up-to-date SQL and DBC databases for Cata?