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Found 107 results

  1. So i converted several items from legion some time ago and i used those models in some of my noggit works but when i get ingame i face something that Noggit or WMV has no idea about --> Particles So i have here one model ... ( may hard to see but its there ) Its particles are working fine but then i have model like this and its particles are little bit messed up .. you can see border of rendered Image I tried to change BlendFlags or other flags based on comparation with that one posted abowe and no results ... so i came here since soem of my methods didnt worked and i would rather delete those particles definitly instead of leaving it as its now ... particles are messd up for many models i have here actualy ... so ... World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial06.m2 -particles working fine =============================================================== World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_table_mission.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial04.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail etc ...
  2. Hello Guys, i have a problem with the dbconverter. I will edit one Spell *cooldown* so put the Spell.dbc on the Dbconverter.exe, all is good. But if i will do it back, from csv to dbc he tell me German English here my map.xml > map.xml What is now the Problem? If a Type not correct or not long enough?
  3. Ještě jedna věc, pokud textury convertnete do BLP za použití BLiPsteru se zaškrtnutým Clothing Texture, nepotřebujete ukládat textury v indexovaném módu, což dělá hodně věcí snazšími.
  4. Hello everyone Let's me first introduce myself a bit, i'm in no way a modder/editor and don't have any experience with it. I'm a multiboxer who controls 25 characters on warmane. My team consists of 20x ele shaman and 5x resto druid. I'm looking for a way to reduce the load on my computer and i thought about replacing all my tauren totem models to errorcube.m2 since the cube only has 12 polygons and no spell effects. This may greatly increase my FPS as i have to render exactly 2000 totems (20 shamans x 4 totems x 25 clients to render = 2000 totems). I wondered if anyone here could help me with this and tell me how to replace all tauren totem models to the cube. I've been googling for a week now but i can't find the exact info how to replace the totem models. I've tried myself but can't find the location of the files anywhere... This is for the 3.3.5a version btw. I would really really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this and if we can work together on a solution i'll even make a small monetary donation to you for your time. Kind regards Purplebeer
  5. Hi! I really don't like to write the same code several times, so i created some templates for me which i want to share with you today. The templates are made for TrinityCore 3.3.5, but could also work on newer versions, if they didn't change the scripting hooks. But i never tested anything besides 3.3.5. CreatureScript Gossip-Template ScriptedAI-Template Quest-Template GameObjectScript Gossip-Template GameObjectAI-Template Quest-Template ItemScript ItemScript-Template PlayerScript OnPVPKill-Template OnLevelChanged-Template Tell me if you have any template wishes or found any bugs. ~Kaev
  6. Hiho :3 The last few days i worked on two libraries which will (hopefully) result in some really nice modding tools. Huge thanks to Cromon and schlumpf who answered my questions! AdtLib335 This library can read and save your adt files for WoW 3.3.5. Current status: Reading is working and i tested it on many adt files. Saving is not yet implemented and will come later. WdtLib335 This library can read and save your wdt files for WoW 3.3.5. Current status: Reading is working and i tested it on many wdt files. Saving is not yet implemented and will come later. I also uploaded a minimal demo application. I actually wanted to write a newer Fileinfo/Loadinfo tool, but i'm way too lazy for that. If you can find any bugs, please report them! You can find the libraries in this repository: They're written in VB.Net, you can easily implement them in your .Net applications. Have a nice day!