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Found 107 results

  1. I have always been fond of the Cataclysm spell effects for shamans, specifically the blue, watery shaman heals. Ever since I discovered the WoD character model patch for Wrath I have been wondering if it is possible to transfer the shaman spell effects from Cata to Wrath. I have no idea how to transfer files from one version of WoW to another one and would greatly appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks
  2. Hi there ! As I'm not quite sure to know where the problem originates, I'm posting in misc. I'm actually following Amaroth's english tutorials and I just started painting mountains and beach of a small test island. On Noggit (Version compiled from repo a week ago), it looks like this : But in game (WotLK), it looks like this with low shadows : And like this with all parameters to ultra : The first screen displaying noggit was made AFTER I saw the problem, so as you can see, most of the textures are fine, but there are still some stripes on the left that were definitely not there when I painted it, and the chunk near the circled cursor got pretty weird too. Maybe it's a very simple problem I don't know (But I hope so !). I tried to search for it but I didn't find anything, so if you have any idea, please let me know.
  3. I have an older, czech YT channel, but as most of you don't speak czech, I have decided to start a new, ad-free english YT channel. You will be able to find video versions of all kinds of WotLK WoW modding tutorials there or you can request one to be created. Those tutorials are meant to be noob-friendly and easy, so you can start as easily as possible. I will also create some timelapse videos later to help promoting WoW modding in general. I hope this will be helpful to our community. You can tell me what kind of videos you would be interrested in HERE.
  4. Heyhow, i have a little problem with the newest models wich i downport from legion to wotlk. Some helmets a bit to small (~1.04-1.08) so that u see head parts threw the helm or its a bit inside ect, the position is perfeckt , i tryed it to edit the position on all ways but all time anything fucked up^^. I found here one who made this but i dont get it and he was longer not online. But of cause i pn him 2 weeks ago . But i dont get it work im not sure what i have to do there, wich values i have to fill. The green values i think i made correct the red i dont know it rly. With this it work in the wow modelviewer but not in game there is the modle invisible Maybe anyone know how to handle this
  5. I tried to convert Draenor according to this video. But WC_ADT_Convert does not work. He pretends to be something going on, but in the folder <<Finished>> nothing.
  6. Posting what I did on modcraft here as well :). I don't post much on the forums but I do however read quite a bit, the one thing I am getting a strong sense of, is how people want to move past WOTLK and onto the later expansions. (I am one of them ). I am also noticing at least 2 reasons as to why people have not so far. 1. To many different tools are needed to do so, alot of different tasks are needed to be done by to many different applications, when, in reality, the process could be simplified and integrated into 1 program (Noggit). For Example: Instead of using futa and adt adder then the offset fix and gruul me (4 different applications) to get your first map up and running. You can have a "Create New Map" button in noggit. When clicked it would ask you to input the map name, base texture, if you want it covered in water and what kind of water, and the general height of the adt. After all that is put in you hit a create button. Then a progress bar will show up as noggit automatically creates the adt files, does the offset fix, creates the wdt and wdl files all in one swoop. All that is left is for you to do the Map and Area DBC for it to be recognized. We have the source for all these programs if I remember correctly? You would still need Futa for alpha maps but the other 3 programs you would not need anymore. Basically intergrate the tools we are already using into 1 program instead of being split into many different programs. Gruulme would still have its use as well outside of noggit for if you change the size of your map or something like that, but I am sure that could be intergrated as well. I think you get the idea . 2. The other reason I think people aren't moving past wotlk is the server emulation. To be honest the other cores no matter how you slice it are not up to snuff with wotlk, which is no suprize. To be honest I could careless if everything is spawned and 100% blizzlike gameplay. I would rather have the empty sandbox where nothing is spawned but all the systems like say (spells, professions, questing, talents etc... etc..) are working 100%, spawning and such can come later (as that really is a ton of work). Besides, we are here to create our own gameworld inside the world of warcraft universe, why would we need the blizzlike spawns and encouners to be blizzlike scripted? No idea how to fix this one, besides just waiting . Those are the 2 main things I have noticed. We have an ADT converter, a wdt converter which can convert and create the necessary files needed for maps to be recognized in WOD (ADT, WDL, WDT). We have a M2 and WMO converter which can convert down to WOTLK or WOD. Which means we have the ability to read those specific files and convert them down and up correct, with the sources on how to do so? So if all that information and such is integrated into noggit we should be able to read and write adt files in noggit for later expansions (WOD mainly). We can use the info from the M2 and WMO converter to be able to render those objects in noggit (cause it would need to know how to read the M2 and WMO files). So that convers the maps and all the objects in that version of the game. We have the information, all that is left is to make it a reality right? Maybe its just me lol, I just believe all this stuff could be simplified greatly to make things quite a bit easier for everybody to do, so wow modding as a whole, can move past wotlk. I have actually tried to learn how to code in c++ (spent quite a lot of time on it actually) just so I could help with these things or do them myself, just, it didn't stick very well so it is gonna be quite a long time before I can be of use with these things as I need to learn it. Hopefully this helps with giving the people that can code, the ideas and thoughts needed to help things move forward? I would really love to see things step forward, as a whole.
  7. I lack the skills and talent that you fantastic modelers possess but I was wondering if any of you might consider making a patch that replaces the 3.3.5a sw/org with the updated ones from MoP. I know objects and npcs would need relocating, and that's at least something I can do, but beyond that my talents just arent up to the task to edit world maps. I'd really love to see this happen if its possible though! Even better would be if SW's park could be kept and somehow integrated but even if that's not doable I'd be absolutely thrilled to have the updated SW/Org without changing the entire world map to post-cata. Basically I'm hoping its possible to have both org and sw "fly-worthy" so flying over them isn't a parade of glitchy visuals.
  8. Commissions closed. I don't believe they will be ever opened again. What is this about Hello there little whelps, there are apparently quite a lot of people who are willing to pay for maps, but they want to have real finished map, they don't want to just hear some empty promises. I am willing to sell some maps I have already finished before (unless they were already bought by someone), and I'm also accepting commissions - you can hire me to make some project for you. A few general rules follow though: Comissions will be sold to only one person, and whoever next would like to buy them would need to have a permission of the one for whom the map was originally designed/sold. Thats in general possible when projects don't cross their interrests for some reason (different language, game style...). Map costs (very) roughly around 750 CZK (czech crowns) per ADT of ground (bottom of seas around isles don't count or are way cheaper). Google your currency to CZK conversion rate. 750 CZK is about 28.75€ or 32.75 USD now. Payments are to be sent on my Paypal account. Currency used there is up to you, I will have to make conversion to CZKs anyway, so it doesn't matter what kind of currency you send. Currency conversion fee is my problem and I won't add it to your payment. I will send you map after receiving payment, not sooner, and when its done. We can discuss sending WIP version for part of final payment though (usually % of price based of approximated % of work progress already done), if you need it for developing server side stuff. My newest maps can't be opened in Noggit, they cause crashes. Its a protection against leechers. I can tell you how to get rid of it ofc, so you'll be able to edit my maps after buying them, if you want to. I won't share that knowledge here though. Patches will contain needed DBCs, WDT, ADTs and all retro-ported or custom textures and models used. I will do all client side work - Noggit, light settings, ground effects, water and so on. I can also create custom M2/WMO models, if really needed. I work only on WotLK. At least for now. However, you can (hopefully) upconvert my maps to newer client versions, I suppose, but I can't provide you any assistance with this. I won't generate server-side maps for you, but I can help you with that by guiding you. Maps which are not done as commissions for someone are free to be bought by anyone, unless someone gives me offer to pay something I would call a really good price. In such case we might discuss closing sale of that map. Please, no strict deadlines. I am sometimes a busy person and sometimes I just don't want to work in Noggit. Its a very bad idea to try to force me to work in such times, results tend to be just way worse than they would have been otherwise. If we agree on any sort of deadline, I will try to make map on time ofc, just keep on mind that all kind of things can happen. Apart of deadlines you may want to try to put on my head, I ALWAYS keep my word and don't just break deals, at least as long as you keep your part of any deals we make. If I say I won't sell your map to anyone else, I won't, and I will help you as much as possible with protection against possible patch stealers (just remember - there is nothing like an absolutely impenetrable security measure). I always send my maps ASAP after payment is received. You can count on me when it comes to such things, and I think I am a person known around well enough to be considered trustworthy. I will make the very basic minimap and world map working for you if you want me to, but I preffer to not draw anything. I am just a beginner when it comes to painting maps or any 2D hand-painted stuff in general. But I can do it. I can create custom 3D models for you, both WMOs and M2s. But for now no animations/particle effcts/lights (so no creatures as well). And I am not importing stuff from different games, only creating new, custom stuff - stationary doodads and items or buildings. You can actually hire me just to make models for you, no problem with that, and I am also learning to hand-paint custom texture now as well. If you are not 100% sure wheter you will be able to pay me, please, don't waste my time. I've always got different things to do, so make 100% sure you are able to keep your side of agreement. If I get sense that you are just wasting my time, I will cut you off. No weeboo projects. I am not a fan of anime. If you are interrested, contact me via PM here or via Skype striker159753. Some previous projects to show off My personal project from 2014-2015. I've been modding WoW since summer 2011 - there were multiple projects before this one, but I don't think they are worth mentioning in comparision with this and the following ones. Arathor RP still exists, but has moved to Mythia map (below). Following map was already sold.: My current personal project (although no longer owned/led by me, I have retired), opened in 2016. Still running. Some parts of map were not done by me though (most of those people tend to not like :P). As this map was finished by some of my former collegues, I will never offer this map for sale, unless they give me a permission.: Both of following videos are from Erutia project. The first is a full making of video (well, not really full, that would be either too long or too fast to watch, but I've put parts of every step of progress there), the second is a trailer (with some speed spawning stuff included as well).: Comissions I've already finished, they are not for sale anymore.: WMOs I'm creating and releasing for free use.:
  9. Have you wondered how to create dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of gameobjects out of just list of model paths, so you don't have to do that all by hand? I have created a tool for doing so.
  10. Amaroth


    In this little series I'll show you how to open, create and modify MPQs and how o make use of listfiles. I'll also cover up basic MPQ security. Check my YT channel for more!
  11. Noggit user manual - video version. New videos will be added later. Check my YT channel for more! Repo here:
  12. Amaroth

    M2 Basics

    Basics of creating new custom M2s for your doodads and items. By basics I mean that I won't show you creature models, animations, particle effects of lights. Check my YT channel for more!
  13. Just a quick look at 010 editor. Check my YT channel for more!
  14. An overview of my toolpack. You can download it below. Check my YT channel for more!
  15. Check my YT channel for more!
  16. Check my YT channel for more!
  17. Check my YT channel for more!
  18. You can download up to date version of this tool below. Check my YT channel for more!
  19. I really want to port the Plainsrunning spell to 3.3.5, yet the spell format is vastly different from TBC to 3.3.5 and I could simply not make it work. did anyone succeed or have an understanding on how to properly port it?
  20. Hey guys, as I'm already working on my english YouTube channel focused on modding where I will be creating modding tutorials, I would like to know what should I focus on, which series should be created/prioritized and so on. So please, answer my poll, feel free to leave comments if there's anything you'd like to see and what is missing in poll options and so on. Thanks for your time and your answers!
  21. Hiya, I'm wondering if someone can explain/redirect me on a retard friendly ( if possible) guide on how to retro-port textures from for example WoD to 3.3.5a and replace them with current once inside your project ( if that's by hand inside noggit then No problem obvly) Pref, also on how to find and extract said textures. Any help is appreciated as always. Poison.
  22. These videos are here just to give you some basic information about me as a "tutor", WotLK modding in general and about server and client side modding. More are going to come out soon-ish!
  23. Version 0.1a


    Just a simple tool for calculating PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2 in characters.characters table for WotLK TC2 database (may work with newer or different databases as well, but that needs to be tested). It may be usefull especially for projects where NPCs based on player looks or players based on NPC looks are being used. It is able to get: Skin color Face Hair style Hair color Facial feature From PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2, or it is also capable of doing exactly opposite - getting bytes from character display IDs. The problem is that alghoritm which core uses for generating PlayerBytes seems to come up with sometimes different values (although they give the same IDs as my alghoritm when being converted back). That may possibly cause some bugs or issues, hopefully not, but I would like to point that out anyway. So, use this tool carefully and feel free to let me know about anything you find out or if it just works fine for you. Getting IDs from bytes should definitely work without any problems, getting bytes from IDs - use that carefully. Thats all.
  24. I'm currently working on tool capable of adding records to DBC's CSV versions (I am not that far to work directly with DBC, I will take a look at that later). I have already gameobject displayID (and template gameobject with that displayID) generator. Now I want to work on creature models. I will need to work with: world.creature_template world.creature_model_info creaturedisplayinfo.dbc creaturemodeldata.dbc And here comes my problem, with the last DBC. I am simply not sure what are some (in fact most of) fields in it for, or how the hell they work. SizeClass, ModelScale, Footprints and in fact most of other following fields. Can someone who really does understand this DBC take some time and fill me up with as many details as possible? And please, guys, no theories. If you want to be smartasses and say things you don't have confirmed and are just assuming by taking look at page I linked, save both your and my time, I need real confirmed information from people who are really experienced with this and have tryed something I probably haven't before on their own. This DBC is kinda weird, because for example ModelScale seems to be absolutely ignored and values in collision boxes and so on seem to be absolutely useless as well to me, because leaving them blank just... never seemed to hurt anything. In fact, one of few fields I have ever needed to really use was path to model, obviously, but the rest just seem to not be used or can be set in different DBCs. Just strange.
  25. Hello,people.I soon started retro-porting models to 3.3.5a.All models I converted until now worked,but I decided I want some legion models to 3.3.5a.I really love how flaming ashbringer looks so I decided to try and port it to 3.3.5a.Everything worked fine till I got ingame.The weapon was just invisible.Can anyone port it down to 3.3.5a for me?