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Found 107 results

  1. Hiya, I'm trying out retro porting maps to 3.3.5a from WoD. I'm following this Tutorial and converter: I toke the map draenor from my WoD files (6.0.2). When starting up the converter it runs for a while and then says it has finished but nothing shows up in the folder (finished) Any help would be much appreciated. Poisonleaf.
  2. I really want to port the Plainsrunning spell to 3.3.5, yet the spell format is vastly different from TBC to 3.3.5 and I could simply not make it work. did anyone succeed or have an understanding on how to properly port it?
  3. Noggit user manual - video version. New videos will be added later. Check my YT channel for more! Repo here:
  4. Amaroth


    In this little series I'll show you how to open, create and modify MPQs and how o make use of listfiles. I'll also cover up basic MPQ security. Check my YT channel for more!
  5. Hey guys, as I'm already working on my english YouTube channel focused on modding where I will be creating modding tutorials, I would like to know what should I focus on, which series should be created/prioritized and so on. So please, answer my poll, feel free to leave comments if there's anything you'd like to see and what is missing in poll options and so on. Thanks for your time and your answers!
  6. I have an older, czech YT channel, but as most of you don't speak czech, I have decided to start a new, ad-free english YT channel. You will be able to find video versions of all kinds of WotLK WoW modding tutorials there or you can request one to be created. Those tutorials are meant to be noob-friendly and easy, so you can start as easily as possible. I will also create some timelapse videos later to help promoting WoW modding in general. I hope this will be helpful to our community. You can tell me what kind of videos you would be interrested in HERE.
  7. Version 11


    There was a report about this supposedly containing malware, though my PC is clean, the pack is clean, and the reporting person's antimalware was behaving in a very odd and jumpy manner overall. Note that this pack contains couple of apps which are pretty much straight up hacks and many apps from "unknown publishers", there's also file downloading launcher and whatnot - it is susceptible material to being marked by antimalware. It should be clean. But it's up to you whether you trust me on that. As a rule of thumb, please, check README.txt file in any directory where such file is before using that part to ensure you know all the important info. Contents: AmarothTools AmarothsLauncherRelease - a fairly primitive launcher based on reading config files and downloading/uploading changelog, patches and addons from FTP. AmarothsToolkit - old version of my toolkit, later I decided to split the project into the following tools. ClientItem - a pair of tools fo syncing item_template <-> Item.dbc. GobGenerator - generates gobjects in gameobject_template out of models provided in GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc ListfileCreation - do not use unless you know what are you doing. NPCGenerator - for Creature displayID WMV > DBC > DB pipeline. WMOListFile - for obtaining a full list of files used by ADTs, M2/MDX and WMO in the folders under this. Note that its code sucks and is not 100% perfect. CASC CascView - 32 and 64bit versions of CascView, required for obtaining Blizzard files for conversion into WotLK. Listfile - listfiles for extracting files with CascView. DBC LightMapper - can be used for a great visualisation of lights on a map. WoWSpellEditor_1.8.8 - haven't gotten to actually testing this tool yet, but definitely worth sharing. WDBX Editor - for DBC editing, DBC <-> CSV conversions etc. EnGBBlizzlikeDBCs - just blizzlike DBCs, can be useful as a backup. Map AdtAdder - a small tool for mass copy-pasting ADT for inicial filling of a new map/newly expanded map, don't forget to run offsetfix afterwards as well. ADTGrids - some helpers you can use, reflecting basic grids on ADTs. FuTa - a tool for importing and exporting alpha maps (painting textures on ADTs with Photoshop). GroundEffects - tools for applying, removing or changing ground effects on ADT. GruulMeWDT - my preferred way of editing (editing, not creating!) WDT files. NoggitQt_3_2771 - an up to date test version of map editor. NoggitSDL_3_1408 - this is old SDL version of Noggit. It is non-public release, newer than SDL 1.4, fairly stable, may be able to open something Qt cannot. Rius Zone Masher - I do not really remember why I have not ever been using this tool for creation of new maps - I just know I have not been using this tool :D. Sharing it regardless. Models anim porter - I do not even remember what this is for, do not know wthere it is up to date, nor whether it is still useful at all. M2ModRedux 4.6.1 - same like anim porter. MDLVIS 1.40 - same like anim porter. MDX - same like anim porter. MultiConverter_3.3.0 - Officially Legion > WotLK converter, but seems to do alright with BFA as well. Scripts - a mix of random stuff, same like anim porter. OBJtoM2 could be useful if you for any reasons cannot use WoW Blender Studio. Leaving it here for the time being. WoW Blender Studio - still under development, but should make all the other stuff in Models section outdated and redundant. MPQ FuckItUp.exe - removes (listfile) from MPQ, making files more difficult to extract, and thus edit or steal. MPQEditor.exe - v3.2.0.535 is a very old version, but I found it to be very reliable. I had issues with up to date versions, and rather reverted back instead of risking having files corrupted. Other 010 - scripts and templates for 010 Editor. Mordred_LoginScreen - what I have used to make my own custom login screens. PuTTy_0.73 - for managing the server WMT335a - camera hack, light testing. WMV - couple of versions of WoW Model Viewer. HxDsetup.exe - HxD can be used as an alternative hex editor, unlikely to be useful to any 010 Editor owner. xyz-hack.exe - useful for precise gobject spawning. This is a hack, please, do not abuse. Textures BLPConverterGUI - enables mass PNG <-> BLP converting. BLPPhotoshopPlugin_1.0 - Photoshop BLP file support. README.txt - version, release date, links… Wow.exe - removed MD5 check, enabling UI edits within patches etc. Share this with your players, especially if you want to customize anything in your UI, including the login screen. If you are following my english YT channel, this is a toolpack I will be using there. Overview video: My Eng YT channel HERE
  8. These videos are here just to give you some basic information about me as a "tutor", WotLK modding in general and about server and client side modding. More are going to come out soon-ish!
  9. I tried to convert Draenor according to this video. But WC_ADT_Convert does not work. He pretends to be something going on, but in the folder <<Finished>> nothing.
  10. Hiya, I'm wondering if someone can explain/redirect me on a retard friendly ( if possible) guide on how to retro-port textures from for example WoD to 3.3.5a and replace them with current once inside your project ( if that's by hand inside noggit then No problem obvly) Pref, also on how to find and extract said textures. Any help is appreciated as always. Poison.
  11. Version 1.0


    Version 2.0 is under development at the moment. Repo: Upcoming features: Change UI to WPF Provide configuration options via XML (thus extending compatibility) Direct DBC editing (without need of conversions to CSV) Include features ensuring avoidance of duplicate display and gameobject creation Extend possibilities of choosing what gets generated and what not Video tutorial: Yet another little tool from me. This one creates gamobject displayIDs and template gameobjects out of listfile, which means that it can create thousands of gameobjects in a few seconds - great for projects making their custom models and retro-porting them from newer expansions. Listfile can be anything containing full paths to files separated by line breaks. It creates gameobjects only for M2 and WMO files, others are ignored. Tool also generates template gameobjects with their model names as names (and optional prefix/postfix), which means that generated models are easily recognisible and that when you find nice-looking model in WMV and want to use it for spawn or for creating some gameobject you need, you can find that gameobject's template generated version just by typing its name into lookup command. This makes this tool viable even for usage on models which already are in WotLK client, as it makes life of spawners much, much easier. - Generate your GameobjectDisplayInfo's CSV file and put it into directory where GobGenerator is. - Get or create a listfile. The easiest way of doing so is simply creating an MPQ with all models you want to have gameobjects made of and just extracting its listfile. Note that you can also use listfiles of blizzlike MPQs, if you want to generate gameobjects for all blizzlike models as well. - Open GobGenerator. Select input listfile (you can also type into model path field, which makes using larger number of listfiles with similiar names in the same path very easy). - Fill in your database credentials. You may want to test a connection before proceeding. - Start displayID is being taken from your GameobjectDisplayInfo.dbc (its 1 higher than the highest ID found in DBC). If you happen to see value 1 here, something is really wrong and check if your CSV is OK and in GobGenerator's directory. - Start entry is by default 400000 and I'd suggest you to keep it that way. There are some gobs on 300000+ entries in blizzlike TC2 DB, thats why I've used 400000. Final entry of generated gameobject will be start entry + gob's displayID. This means that gob with displayID 96835 will have entry 496835 - and that can be sometimes very handy. - Fill in prefixes and postfixes of gob names. Don't forget to add space behind prefix and in front of postfix, if you want to have it there. Gob's name will be prefix + its model name + postfix. So, if you choose "[Gen] " as prefix and " [DO NOT EDIT]" as postfix, result gob name might be something like "[Gen] mymodel.m2 [DO NOT EDIT]". - By default INSERT queries are being used, which means that if any gameobject entry is already taken in DB, it will result in error. You can choose REPLACE, which will overwrite whatever might be on entries where gameobjects are to be put. - Done, click on generate. If you have multiple listfiles, just select the 2nd one and click on generate again and so on. - If anything goes wrong while SQL queries are being executed, those which weren't successful are being held in a backup file. There is also a file which keeps all possible SQL errors. Thats all, C# src is, as always, included, and DBC to CSV convertor DBCUtil I use for this kind of quick tasks as well. If you happen to find any critical bug, let me know, but I don't really have a spare time to make source nicer or something like that, so report really only issues with functionality itself.
  12. Version 1.2


    Version 2.0 is under development at the moment. Repo: Upcoming features: Change UI to WPF Provide configuration options via XML (thus extending compatibility) Direct DBC editing (without need of conversions to CSV) Include support of items held in hand A tool for generating CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc and optionally creature_model_info and creature_template data for a character created in WMV. How to use: - Convert your up to date CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc to CSVs and place them into the folder with this tool. - Open a WMV. Create your character, and save it as .chr file (F7 hotkey). Also save its texture (by using File>Export Model>X3D... option you'll get texture you want and some mess you can delete). Repeat this step for each character you want to create creature displayID for. - Open an NPCGenerator. Fill database connection credentials (you need to do so even if you turn off creature_model_info and creature_template generation, because NPCGenerator will need to get item display IDs from your database). - Now just click on Select .chr file, select your .chr file. Click on Select texture, select your character's texture. Check if there's anything else in window you'd like to change (you'll probably find yourself using all other options with their default values). Click on Generate. Repeat for each character. - ?? - Profit. C# src is included. I'm opened to suggestions and feedback, however, I'm quite busy so I'll probably just fix critical bugs if you find any.
  13. Version 2.0


    ItemSync is tool for keeping your Item.dbc up to date with your server's database. It can also insert items which are n DBC, but are missing in database, into database. This can come in very handy for mass-importing NPC-only items (like glaives for sentinels and so on) into database, so players can use them as well. For tutorial how to use this tool, compatibility and other useful info, check README in repository. Repo: Credits: Barncastle (and people who helped him) - for WDBXLib for DBC/DB2 and code revision&suggestions. Kaev for some small yet very useful tips about WPF. Смердокрыл for DO STUFF(tm) button suggestion.
  14. Version


    ADTConverter [Deprecated] Convert your ADTs from Wotlk(3.3.5) to WoD(6.x.x)/Legion(7.x.x) The ADTConverter is deprecated and no longer supported Requirements The converter requires NET Framework 4.0 How to use Put your Wotlk ADTs in the data Folder Start the ConvertADTs.cmd Issues Please post your Issues here Thanks PTNGee for the "PTNG_ADT_Converter"
  15. New 52809 spells fully implemented their visualization nonexistent mechanics replaced by similar The whole process took a little more than 100-110 hours Download:
  16. Attempting to completely convert the content of these zones, as close as possible to the blizzlike. Raid: Firelands Mogushan Palace Throne of the Four Winds Dungeon: Well of Eternity Halls of Origination Lost City of the Tol'vir The Vortex Pinnacle The Maelstrom Battleground: Twin Peaks Temple of Kotmogu The Battle for Gilneas Arena: Tol'viron Arena The Tiger's Peak Artifacts Legion My list converting dbc structure Legion and Mop to client 3.3.5a Achievement.dbc Achievement_Category.dbc Achievement_Criteria.dbc AreaGroup.dbc AreaPOI.dbc AreaTable.dbc AreaTrigger.dbc BattlemasterList.dbc CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc CharHairGeosets.dbc CharSections.dbc CharTitles.dbc ChatChannels.dbc ChrRaces.dbc CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc CreatureModelData.dbc CreatureSoundData.dbc CurrencyTypes.dbc DungeonMap.dbc DungeonMapChunk.dbc EmotesTextSound.dbc Faction.dbc FactionTemplate.dbc GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc GemProperties.dbc GroundEffectDoodad.dbc GroundEffectTexture.dbc HolidayNames.dbc Item.dbc ItemDisplayInfo.dbc ItemExtendedCost.dbc ItemSet.dbc ItemVisualEffects.dbc ItemVisuals.dbc Light.dbc LightFloatBand.dbc LightIntBand.dbc LightParams.dbc LightSkybox.dbc LiquidMaterial.dbc LiquidObject.dbc LiquidType.dbc LoadingScreens.dbc Map.dbc MapDifficulty.dbc NPCSounds.dbc ObjectEffect.dbc ObjectEffectGroup.dbc ObjectEffectPackage.dbc ParticleColor.dbc PvpDifficulty.dbc ScalingStatDistribution.dbc SoundAmbience.dbc SoundEmitters.dbc SoundEntries.dbc SpellIcon.dbc SpellItemEnchantment.dbc SpellVisual.dbc SpellVisualEffectName.dbc Talent.dbc WMOAreaTable.dbc WorldMapArea.dbc WorldMapContinent.dbc WorldMapOverlay.dbc WorldMapTransforms.dbc WorldSafeLocs.dbc WorldStateUI.dbc WorldStateZoneSounds.dbc ZoneIntroMusicTable.dbc ZoneMusic.dbc My way converting dbc: 1. dbc>sql 2. manually compare dbc mop - wotlk 3. converting sql to csv 4. csv to dbc left to finish: - server part - full spell.dbc 5.4 > 3.3.5а Patch size almost 2GB
  17. I'm currently working on tool capable of adding records to DBC's CSV versions (I am not that far to work directly with DBC, I will take a look at that later). I have already gameobject displayID (and template gameobject with that displayID) generator. Now I want to work on creature models. I will need to work with: world.creature_template world.creature_model_info creaturedisplayinfo.dbc creaturemodeldata.dbc And here comes my problem, with the last DBC. I am simply not sure what are some (in fact most of) fields in it for, or how the hell they work. SizeClass, ModelScale, Footprints and in fact most of other following fields. Can someone who really does understand this DBC take some time and fill me up with as many details as possible? And please, guys, no theories. If you want to be smartasses and say things you don't have confirmed and are just assuming by taking look at page I linked, save both your and my time, I need real confirmed information from people who are really experienced with this and have tryed something I probably haven't before on their own. This DBC is kinda weird, because for example ModelScale seems to be absolutely ignored and values in collision boxes and so on seem to be absolutely useless as well to me, because leaving them blank just... never seemed to hurt anything. In fact, one of few fields I have ever needed to really use was path to model, obviously, but the rest just seem to not be used or can be set in different DBCs. Just strange.
  18. Version 0.1a


    Just a simple tool for calculating PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2 in characters.characters table for WotLK TC2 database (may work with newer or different databases as well, but that needs to be tested). It may be usefull especially for projects where NPCs based on player looks or players based on NPC looks are being used. It is able to get: Skin color Face Hair style Hair color Facial feature From PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2, or it is also capable of doing exactly opposite - getting bytes from character display IDs. The problem is that alghoritm which core uses for generating PlayerBytes seems to come up with sometimes different values (although they give the same IDs as my alghoritm when being converted back). That may possibly cause some bugs or issues, hopefully not, but I would like to point that out anyway. So, use this tool carefully and feel free to let me know about anything you find out or if it just works fine for you. Getting IDs from bytes should definitely work without any problems, getting bytes from IDs - use that carefully. Thats all.
  19. So i converted several items from legion some time ago and i used those models in some of my noggit works but when i get ingame i face something that Noggit or WMV has no idea about --> Particles So i have here one model ... ( may hard to see but its there ) Its particles are working fine but then i have model like this and its particles are little bit messed up .. you can see border of rendered Image I tried to change BlendFlags or other flags based on comparation with that one posted abowe and no results ... so i came here since soem of my methods didnt worked and i would rather delete those particles definitly instead of leaving it as its now ... particles are messd up for many models i have here actualy ... so ... World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial06.m2 -particles working fine =============================================================== World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_table_mission.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial04.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail etc ...
  20. Hello,people.I soon started retro-porting models to 3.3.5a.All models I converted until now worked,but I decided I want some legion models to 3.3.5a.I really love how flaming ashbringer looks so I decided to try and port it to 3.3.5a.Everything worked fine till I got ingame.The weapon was just invisible.Can anyone port it down to 3.3.5a for me?
  21. Hello Guys, i have a problem with the dbconverter. I will edit one Spell *cooldown* so put the Spell.dbc on the Dbconverter.exe, all is good. But if i will do it back, from csv to dbc he tell me German English here my map.xml > map.xml What is now the Problem? If a Type not correct or not long enough?
  22. I lack the skills and talent that you fantastic modelers possess but I was wondering if any of you might consider making a patch that replaces the 3.3.5a sw/org with the updated ones from MoP. I know objects and npcs would need relocating, and that's at least something I can do, but beyond that my talents just arent up to the task to edit world maps. I'd really love to see this happen if its possible though! Even better would be if SW's park could be kept and somehow integrated but even if that's not doable I'd be absolutely thrilled to have the updated SW/Org without changing the entire world map to post-cata. Basically I'm hoping its possible to have both org and sw "fly-worthy" so flying over them isn't a parade of glitchy visuals.
  23. Ještě jedna věc, pokud textury convertnete do BLP za použití BLiPsteru se zaškrtnutým Clothing Texture, nepotřebujete ukládat textury v indexovaném módu, což dělá hodně věcí snazšími.
  24. Hello everyone Let's me first introduce myself a bit, i'm in no way a modder/editor and don't have any experience with it. I'm a multiboxer who controls 25 characters on warmane. My team consists of 20x ele shaman and 5x resto druid. I'm looking for a way to reduce the load on my computer and i thought about replacing all my tauren totem models to errorcube.m2 since the cube only has 12 polygons and no spell effects. This may greatly increase my FPS as i have to render exactly 2000 totems (20 shamans x 4 totems x 25 clients to render = 2000 totems). I wondered if anyone here could help me with this and tell me how to replace all tauren totem models to the cube. I've been googling for a week now but i can't find the exact info how to replace the totem models. I've tried myself but can't find the location of the files anywhere... This is for the 3.3.5a version btw. I would really really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this and if we can work together on a solution i'll even make a small monetary donation to you for your time. Kind regards Purplebeer