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Found 80 results

  1. Once you have imported a model and while editing it, you will see exactly how it will look once added to the game, thanks to the addon's automatic generation of materials for blizzlike rendering. Here is a comparison of the same WMO imported with the addon (left) and as an .obj via WMV (right): The addon supports both the internal Blender renderer (soon to become Eevee renderer) and Cycles renderer, with materials generated for the one you import the model in. You can change the renderer and re-generate materials at any time. The addon provides you with a vast array of tools to show, hide, and edit any aspect of the WMO. You can change the existing mesh, create new rooms with portals between them, move doodads around, and light everything up! In addition to manual editing, many tasks can be auto-performed globally, for example ambient lighting: Doodads, too, can be lightmapped manually or auto-aligned to fit the surroundings:
  2. Welcome to this quick guide. ** DISCLAIMER ** This will NOT downport character models Since many of you have been PMing me desperately asking : "How do you downport this shit man??" Here you go. Enjoy. Tools needed: CascExplorer Adspartan's Multiconverter BfA Listfile (put this in your CascExplorer folder) Thanks to Wungasaurus for the correct listfile ------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy your new models, homeboy
  3. Version 1.0.2


    [Human] House collection Here you can find a bucket of retextured Houses and other Human stuff! Further down you can see the whole patch, what kind of .wmo's you will find in the patch! Please say it, if anything is missing. Leave a like or a comment =) To try it by yourself - look at the file [Human] General colored Human roofs 3 Models, 9 colors! or also [Stormwind] Sliced Stormwind Houses retextured Enjoy it! Decryption-Key: !4hVLkqffpRAhUF1laSzHGMh5swHle13GmsDcxDj0eqk List: Human Wostorys & Farms Human Silos Human Guildhouses Human Barns Human Lumbermills Human Magetowers Human Barracks Human Chapels Human Inns Human Goldmines Human Blacksmiths Human Mills Human Stables A huge Thanks at this point to @Valkryst!
  4. Version Sources


    Someone picked up the development, go >here< to follow the progress and send your issues Here is my multi converter, it can convert m2, wmo, adt, wdt and anim (7.3.5) from Legion to be used on wotlk (map can be visited with the client or edited with noggit). M2 using .skel are not supported. To use it just open it then drag and drop the files you want to convert (or a folder containing some, subfolder included) and click on "Fix", the files will be overwritten and it will delete the files that are unused on wotlk. If the .skin files are in the same folder they will be converted too. M2 already converted to LK format won't be converted again. As for WMO converting them multiple time won't affect them. ADT need their _tex0 and _obj0 counterpart to be converted. Warning: don't take the WDL files from blizzard, they have changed and causes wow error. Warning 2: the next releases of Noggit will require you to use the version 3.3 or newer, the m2 converted with the old versions were missing some data that Noggit now need, without it'll crash. What needs to be done : Fix forward flying animation for a few models Animation particles Set WMOs liquid types that correspond when the ID is too high Set fel liquid to green lava on adt for a better / more accurate look Some map might not look good because several effect like texture scaling that aren't there in wotlk, the 2 additional layers for texture introduced in wod, ... For those who want to report a problem : Tell me on which model(s) you've seen the problem and add screen(s), it help me fixing the problem faster. And send me your error.log where there are errors during the conversion !! And please use an external website to upload the screens because each time I upload a new version the screenshots in comments appear in the changelog for some reasons and I have to delete them which also delete them from the comments Thanks a lot to : All those who contributed / are contributing to the wiki, I couldn't have done it without this precious source of informations! Mjollna for her m2 converter and awesome ADT diagram! PhillipTNG for his m2 conversion script which helped me write mine in the beginning. Sources are now available, see last release.
  5. How do I Isolate the lighting and effects from this WMO file in blender 2.79b so that I can edit the lighting? I was to make a new non-copy-paste area (a third wing for elites that ultimately leads into a new dungeon) in order to create new areas from scratch. How does one edit the lighting and effects that are 'baked' into the WMO model? What else am I missing here?
  6. Version 1.0


    I was asked by someone to help with some editing regarding Cataclysm Lordaeron city model. Now I am sharing this model to you, there could be some more people who could appreaciate it. Changes: - All doodad models were removed from the courtyard. - Courtyard was overhauled in general - awful grass texture was completly removed (you have to put there terrain now), moat texture was change to stone - A new passage was made that connect Blood Elven quarter to with the gardens. - Corridor connecting Courtyard and gardens is now opened (there was a closed gate originally).
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This script is fixing the "unknown_box" (name that it has on wiki) which is responsible for wmos render batches culling which can cause batches to disappear if the box contains incorrect values this scrip iterates thru values in MOVT and uses min max indices to insert them into MOBA batches to fix the box
  8. Version 1.2


    I've decided to share some of my custom made models made for nearly finished Dragon Isles zone. I hope somebody finds use for these models. It is likely I will add more in future, or change the existing ones. If you run into any issues with the models, write it down to the comment or PM me, I will do my best to gest those fixed. Patch-M contains: M2 and WMO models with textures and all non WoTLK M2s doodads used for the models. If you are interested in Dragon Isles custom zone, which makes use of these models:!LZxHDIQa!zCLRjttIxUXP_VtnlXBH9Jb52QQzrqpUR5j10SAFufM Update 1 - 1.1 - Added more models - Dragon Towers, Dragon Stones, Dragon Tablets, Dragon Vasas - each model has a normal and a damaged variant. - Fixed some texture issues, fixed a missing model issue. - Minor changes to doodad sets. - Added more vertex paint. - Slightly decreased patch size - most of useless files were removed. Update 2 - 1.2 - The Master's lair model is more detailed now. - Fixed the shader on the dwarven ship. More details were also added.
  9. Hi there, I have recently come to a problem, I'd like to convert some of my custom made Wmo from 3.3.5. WMO format to 4.3.4., but unfortunately I can't find any convertor nor any topic regarded to this. ? And so I'm looking for some clue or information that could point me somewhere, or instruct me, I'll appreaciate any help.
  10. Version 1.0


    This patch contains all available (those we have a lisfile for) models from Legion Beta converted on WoTLK (3.3.5a). It does not contain .ADTs and other map related files. The aim of this release is to enlarge the range of assets worldbuilders can use for creating zones. Decyphering key: !D23xKXVQlOTgbo1MJG1c2LBcl8LBXwck9V138ED4Qjs
  11. Version 1.0.0


    [Patch] Cata till MoP To help other or newbies in the community, i will share my patches whi i collected over moths and years in the community, Prefer to use at Noggit or Modelviewer. You can also find Maps, titlesets, textures ect. Please say it is something missing. Warning/Note: I check up, that nothing is broking. Short: I sorted broken files out. I know, most of the Azeroth special MoP-wmo's are missing, for example the Hobbit-like-hoods! =) Decryption-Key: Link 1: !h64voaMrlnR1_KwRWIv-dihPcVZjvM29uJH2sDhDMXc Link 2: !XyNp7SbJ8f817aQwp4uMw6De_o3Q_f8EapMESRwtv34 Link 3: !82Q_EsfEnRjFgRI66f31bA2o5Pv_iC1JcABuBkIhOnY Link 4: !BRPcuAqbodZ4Xqw7nhbp58JCkkqC_p-GptNUPuCNolc
  12. The addon allows you to import any M2 or WMO without conversion: either an extracted one from somewhere on your computer or directly from WoW Model Viewer. In both cases, the addon will do its best to find the required textures, doodads, etc. and import them automatically, unless you tell it otherwise.
  13. Hello I am looking for an ergonomic (simple to use) .WMO and .M2 viewer like WoW Model Viewer but it will not crash on a 3.3.5. World of Warcraft client. I am looking for a simple model viewer that does not need to be compiled and other complex requirements. Ideally the model viewer just asks for data location directories and comes with an .exe file included. Also I am using windows if that helps; are there any suggestions? I know that there was this really good model viewer I used in the past that had 3.3.5. support with .WMO and .M2 support but my older computer is dead and I forgot which program it was. I obtained it from one of the helpful community members here I think?
  14. I have custom made maps/vmaps/mmaps but still it dosn't seem to work with this normal pirateship (.wmo) It is spawned as a type 14 and I can't find any flags in the gameobject_template that might fix this problem. I only want to use the ship in a specific phase so noggit is a no. What to do?
  15. Hey! Cromon made an awesome tool called WMO editor and it was working perfectly for me, until one day it started crashing on startup for unknown reasons. Here is the error message: I tried compiling the source myself. Here's the error from VB:
  16. Hello! I'm sorry if this is obvious to some or that this has a easy fix. I have never worked with .wmo files and when I try to convert them they become green. I have checked all textures and that don't seems to be the problem. Can it be ParticleColor or something like that?
  17. Greetings, I'd like to ask you of help in spawning buildings with interiors in it. I mean spawning interiors serverside or putting them inside in Noggit by hand is quite tidious. From what I know there are interior sets made by Blizzard that can be seen in Modelviewer however I have no idea of how to use them. Is it even possible? If yes, I beg you for an advice Thank you, Krysik [Solved]
  18. Posting what I did on modcraft here as well :). I don't post much on the forums but I do however read quite a bit, the one thing I am getting a strong sense of, is how people want to move past WOTLK and onto the later expansions. (I am one of them ). I am also noticing at least 2 reasons as to why people have not so far. 1. To many different tools are needed to do so, alot of different tasks are needed to be done by to many different applications, when, in reality, the process could be simplified and integrated into 1 program (Noggit). For Example: Instead of using futa and adt adder then the offset fix and gruul me (4 different applications) to get your first map up and running. You can have a "Create New Map" button in noggit. When clicked it would ask you to input the map name, base texture, if you want it covered in water and what kind of water, and the general height of the adt. After all that is put in you hit a create button. Then a progress bar will show up as noggit automatically creates the adt files, does the offset fix, creates the wdt and wdl files all in one swoop. All that is left is for you to do the Map and Area DBC for it to be recognized. We have the source for all these programs if I remember correctly? You would still need Futa for alpha maps but the other 3 programs you would not need anymore. Basically intergrate the tools we are already using into 1 program instead of being split into many different programs. Gruulme would still have its use as well outside of noggit for if you change the size of your map or something like that, but I am sure that could be intergrated as well. I think you get the idea . 2. The other reason I think people aren't moving past wotlk is the server emulation. To be honest the other cores no matter how you slice it are not up to snuff with wotlk, which is no suprize. To be honest I could careless if everything is spawned and 100% blizzlike gameplay. I would rather have the empty sandbox where nothing is spawned but all the systems like say (spells, professions, questing, talents etc... etc..) are working 100%, spawning and such can come later (as that really is a ton of work). Besides, we are here to create our own gameworld inside the world of warcraft universe, why would we need the blizzlike spawns and encouners to be blizzlike scripted? No idea how to fix this one, besides just waiting . Those are the 2 main things I have noticed. We have an ADT converter, a wdt converter which can convert and create the necessary files needed for maps to be recognized in WOD (ADT, WDL, WDT). We have a M2 and WMO converter which can convert down to WOTLK or WOD. Which means we have the ability to read those specific files and convert them down and up correct, with the sources on how to do so? So if all that information and such is integrated into noggit we should be able to read and write adt files in noggit for later expansions (WOD mainly). We can use the info from the M2 and WMO converter to be able to render those objects in noggit (cause it would need to know how to read the M2 and WMO files). So that convers the maps and all the objects in that version of the game. We have the information, all that is left is to make it a reality right? Maybe its just me lol, I just believe all this stuff could be simplified greatly to make things quite a bit easier for everybody to do, so wow modding as a whole, can move past wotlk. I have actually tried to learn how to code in c++ (spent quite a lot of time on it actually) just so I could help with these things or do them myself, just, it didn't stick very well so it is gonna be quite a long time before I can be of use with these things as I need to learn it. Hopefully this helps with giving the people that can code, the ideas and thoughts needed to help things move forward? I would really love to see things step forward, as a whole.
  19. Nowadays import plugins for Blender can be used for importing the models and exporting them out of Blender. It is better to use this new software rather than tools demonstrated on the video. But the overall technique is the same.
  20. 1st Videos Says " basicaly its very usefull for Nogit spawning since you cant place M2s thru nogit into WMO you can simply do it by this way " But my 1st method was not best so far there was problems with quality looses etc ... so this second method is quietly far way better
  21. Greetings, Again me, again this topic. I couldn't change texture's of wmo-s. 1. thing i need, merge indoor model with outdoor model, cause I see only this way to create custom interior for houses. 2. Delete existing doodad sets 3. Change the material path for meshes. 4. and if the mesh material doesn't fit well. and need little adjust on materil, how to save the adjusted material. Im fighting with this problems for ages. I would appreciate a really noob friendly guide! Here is an example: I wanted to retexture Windrunner spire from abbanonded veiny textures to clear ones, in UV editor i swapped the textures and replaced them then everything selected and shift+q and textface to material. in wmv crash. heeeeeeeelppp plzzzz
  22. Hey! I used the following script (made by Skarn) on the undercity_xxx.wmo files in hopes to change the green slug to water: //-------------------------------------- //--- 010 Editor v6.0.3 Script File // // File: // Author: // Revision: // Purpose: //-------------------------------------- char sFile[]; int sIndex; int x, y, k; TOpenFileNames f = InputOpenFileNames( "Select .wmo files", "(*.wmo)" ); for( k = 0; k < f.count; k++ ) { sFile = f.file[k].filename; sIndex = FileOpen(sFile); if(sIndex < 0) return; RunTemplate(""); if (wmo_group.group_info.liquidType != 0) wmo_group.group_info.liquidType = 1; } FileSave(); Now when I go to undercity ingame my client crashes with the followinng error: Please, help!
  23. I made a model in blender, and tried to export it as wmo but all of my custom wmo-s crash, when i try to look at them. What could be the source of the problem? My export settings are simple, Vertex shading off since its an outdoor model, and thats all.
  24. How does one get a .WMO file from WoW? I want to edit .WMO files with Blender although I cannot find a way to get a .WMO file in the first place to then start learning with the .WMO tutorials on I am working with 1.12.1 Classic WoW, I tried using WMOEditor although it seems that it not work with 1.12.1 Classic WoW. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
  25. Im working on a great release for you guys because of much help, I want to upload whole dalaran with detached parts each house, wall and tower without the ground. before i make all the stuff i wanted to test if it works and i did it well because i bumped into problem.As you can see i detached in blender this bigger part of the city and i want to make further slices from this what you can see on the picture.BUT i have a problem How to solve this problem? I also include the blender picture.with interiors. In the picture from outside i cant see the interior and i see through the model when i try to go inside i crash to desktop.Anybody? Edit: I also tried to took parts from instances and put it into noggit but i got crash when i go near my custom WMO-s (i put it into outdoor which was instance wmo part)