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Found 58 results

  1. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  2. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  3. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  4. I'm currently testing a down-ported maelstrom map from 6.x to 3.3.5a that I made and for some reason it shows different in Noggit then in my client. Screenshot from Noggit: Screenshot from WoW: Would anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening and how to fix it? I have tired searching for hints but found none. Any help would be much appreciated. P.S I have attached my patch if anyone wants to look at it and try to help me fix this. Patch-Z.mpq
  5. Hey, hope you're all doing well, me and my brother made a map, in fact this map was started long ago but I've been very busy and barely found the time to finish it, so I'm showing you my progress. It is an island, contains a small village, an apothecary "post",forests a road build upon a dried river bed etc. Hope you like it, do not hesitate to leave any comments,suggestions criticism etc.The images a bit messed up, so sometimes you see a village sometimes a shore, so be awared. Hopefully I could upload all the images here, cuz in Modcraft i could upload only 30 of them, which aren't a few but I wanted people to know the hard work I did. Thanks!
  6. Hey there, I haven't been active for a while, mostly for personal reasons, though I've been visiting the site every day. I'm here to show you a map I made for quite a while, I used some new techniques in texturing and terraining hope you like it, also please read the story. Millennias ago, lived a mystical lone creature with the size and power greater than a titan's. They say his name was Mievak and it used to wander the universe searching for one of it's kind. One day after an endless search he finally found his mate,named Vuthinda. They lived in a small unknow planet where they built their home and dreamed about their future. But one day when the war between the Titans and Demons was at it's peak Vuthinda was caught in the middle of a battle, powerless and by the heat of battle she died.Heartbroken and depressed Mievak killed and enslaved both titans and demons, hoping in vain to somehow ease the pain which was tearing his heart apart. None were to stand his aching wrath. But his untold pain was soon to come to an end, when one day he met an Old God who would end his agony by killing his pain causes, thus wiping his dearest memories leaving but a mere image of his loving wife. Mievak soon came to his senses revealing his true self, a twisted beign, a dark corrupting creature hidden beneath his sturdy bones and soft flesh. Under an innocent look, under a pair of beautiful love-seeking eyes, he is there, ready to torment mortal's souls. He is waiting!
  7. Bardh

    Hidden Town

    Hello Model-Changers, this is a map made by me yesterday, it's not fully finished, but it shows much, it shows a hidden camp, inside a dark forest, couldn't yet name it. Hope you like it. P.S Textures made by hand.
  8. Version 3.0


    This is my empty world map parchment of ground and ocean, restored from multiple zones of blizzard. This will facilitate the life of those who create own maps I usually use this patterns for my maps of custom zones Added in 3.0: