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Found 41 results

  1. Hi there, I was wondering is the modern glowing outline that NPC's have in Wow since WOD, could be retroported to 3.3.5a, or is there an addon that emulates this effect? Thanks!
  2. First of all, Hello everyone. it's probably a silly question. but i'm working on a community project (will be revealed soon) and i was asking myself a question. is there anyway we could re-organize how .MPQ patches are loaded by the client ? This is the actual structure : common.MPQ > common-2.MPQ > expansion.MPQ > lichking.MPQ > patch.MPQ > patch-2.MPQ > patch-3.MPQ I would like to have a new structure like : common.MPQ > Vanilla.MPQ > TBC.MPQ > Wotlk.MPQ Do anyone has knowledge in this field ? and if possible can help out ?
  3. Who know, how to mod 6.2.3 client. Mb somebody have link to tutorial. I found guide how to convert .adt to WoD, but I don't know how open WoD MPQs and create it with moded files.
  4. Isdir

    Cata ADT's

    Hello, I really need your help. I'm looking for Cata pack with ADT's and else for 3.3.5 if there is one. Some time ago I found this pack, I think on this site, but unfortunately lost the link
  5. Hello again Sometimes some NPCs with waypoints have strange bug. For example, I made guard NPC, who will walking from point A to point B (With 40 points at all) And when he walk on this path, he can stop for a second and move around (like NPC Spawndist) and after he will walk next. Wtf?
  6. Hey guys i have a question.. how to become the pfad of the m2 files from a new creature of legion via DB2 ? I only see numbers in the db files CreatureModelData.db2 and CreatureDisplayInfo... i have the Display ID from wowhead like but now i need the path from this display id in the patch file... finsternis only change exists display ids with a new style but i want to make a new creature display id in the dbc files... i hope anyone can help
  7. Hey-hey) One question. Can I convert every model from latest patch to 3.3.5a with Adspartan Model converter and m2 particles fixer? I thought yes, but I have "client crash" with Cata till MoP converted models (Wildhammer cottages for example) It's crash without error, just client.
  8. Hello can anoyne export Legion Pala Mythic eq to Wotlk? =P and send me link please? =D Thanks in advance
  9. For those who want to report a problem : Tell me on which model(s) you've seen the problem and add screen(s), it help me fixing the problem faster. And please use an external website to upload the screens because each time I upload a new version the screenshots in comments appear in the changelog for some reasons and I have to delete them which also delete them from the comments PS : Thanks a lot to all those who contributed / are contributing to the wiki, I couldn't have done it without this precious source of informations ! ¡Thx! :)
  10. Hi guys! Im new with this about modding and that stuff, so dont be surprise if I do fuck up extremely So, I compiled my server in trinitycore 3.3.5, and I tried to add some races, I follow this tutorial:! But...I fail, in simples steps I did this: 1) I extract the required dbc files from C:\Trinity\Source\bin\Release\dbc and edit them in Talis 2) I extract the luas and xml from the enUS patches and edit them 3) I did the sql files and run them on Heidi on the world dbc 4) I created the patch, with the correct roots, I putted in wow and the edited dbc files in the C:\Trinity\Source\bin\Release\dbc back again 5) But! I run the server and I encounter this errors: (It says: "Error creating character") and in the log of the server I found this: Also, when I start the server it just ignores all the sql I just putt ( Also, I created another sql for creating blood elves warrior, and that one for a reason work...while the others its just being ignored, and in the release directory I found a note "DBErrors" with this text: I have been alredy weeks with this going trough forums withouth any answer, if someone could help I would be really thankfull!
  11. How does one get a .WMO file from WoW? I want to edit .WMO files with Blender although I cannot find a way to get a .WMO file in the first place to then start learning with the .WMO tutorials on I am working with 1.12.1 Classic WoW, I tried using WMOEditor although it seems that it not work with 1.12.1 Classic WoW. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
  12. First question: is it possible to copy only the terrain, texture and objects (m2,wmo) from ADT files without the DBC reffering on that i mean delete lights, musics, areaID-s transport ID-s. etc. All is i need the raw terrain. Second question: Is it possible to have a name of territory three times in the DBC database with different reffering to music. For example: I want to own 2 continents, each continent has an elwyn forest. I would like to change the sky one of copy but i don't want to change the others version. I think its possible because in draenor and in outland there is "nagrand" with the same name and different reffering to music.
  13. Im working on a great release for you guys because of much help, I want to upload whole dalaran with detached parts each house, wall and tower without the ground. before i make all the stuff i wanted to test if it works and i did it well because i bumped into problem.As you can see i detached in blender this bigger part of the city and i want to make further slices from this what you can see on the picture.BUT i have a problem How to solve this problem? I also include the blender picture.with interiors. In the picture from outside i cant see the interior and i see through the model when i try to go inside i crash to desktop.Anybody? Edit: I also tried to took parts from instances and put it into noggit but i got crash when i go near my custom WMO-s (i put it into outdoor which was instance wmo part)
  14. How does one create custom designed Non-Player Characters in World of Warcraft?
  15. I am trying to create custom buildings for some builds I plan to release to the public but these buildings are not appearing in Model Viewer, I have had working custom building wmos before but lost the knowledge on how I use to go about getting them to work. I use the Mirror Machine method and am converting them from .Obj to .Wmo. Here are the settings I use in Blender when I export. I am almost certain they are the cause of my problem.
  16. Hey, i convert with the tool from PhilipTNG some LK (3.3.5:12340) ADTs to MoP(5.4.8) and it works fine but now i have a problem with m2s see this pic ( ) if i go closer the m2s show, else the m2s not show. PS: i see the same error in a video from PhilipTNG Can you pls Help me ?