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Found 80 results

  1. Version 2.0


    For more detailed description and screenshots visit this project's page: Patch contains always the newest version of all buildings, all textures used by them (I make copies of Blizzard textures, mainly because if anyone of you happens to have them already and have them edited in any way, the look of my models is preserved) and also all M2s used in doodad sets. Models are for 3.3.5a, so if you work on a newer expansion, WMOs should work just fine for you (if not, consult more experience devs in such matters than I am) and you might want and need to replace M2s in doodad sets by the ones which are actually for your expansion. I'm just a beginner at WMO creation, so you might want to edit these models a little bit. I'm always opened to suggestions and feedback (even while I also like to do things in my way, by my rules, following my opinions). You can use this for your personal projects, however, I'd like to ask you to add me into the list of contributors who helped you with creating that project. I probably shouldn't have to ask for this, it should be a matter of course, but... I think I don't have to finish this sentence. If you want to support me for making this, my Paypal account is Version 1.0 - the first set of 4 buildings, which are quite small, have up to 2 rooms. No cellars, no doodad sets, have slightly bugged transparency at windows, those are reasons why they might be subject of change later.
  2. Version


    Hello, today I am giving you the opportunity to experience the adventures with me related to minecraft game i dont hide that i never ever play minecraft game and that wmo is just test to convert 1.5mln verts wmo into lk xD hope that You have strong pc enjoy
  3. Version 1.0.0


    I will let You test some off my work 4 wmos from shadowlands converted to lk 3.3.5 i pick latest file's i will not update it to another expasions do it on Your own Have fun
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Models Included ----------------------- contiguous uninstanced human monestary (Red Roof) contiguous uninstanced human monestary (Blue Roof) Projects this patch is used for ------------------------------------- A Front Too Close Discord :
  5. Ignore anything not highlighted in red or blue. I looked through the MOHD chunk of a WMO that is only used once in my entire WMOAreaTable.dbc and only used once in the entire WoW world on my server. I got the root WMO ID for that model, I've then placed it into my WMOAreaTable.dbc. I expect that when I walk into that WMO the area name change to "Exposition Pavilion" however it is not doing. Do I need to convert that UINT32 value to some sort of INT? I looked at this page and apparently the WMO ID needs to be specified as an INT of 11 characters or less so a 4 character INT should be fine. (edited)
  6. Version 1.0


    Skarn's Model Resource Introduction And Future Plans What are those packs? There are a lot of neat models locked inside huge Blizzard's WMOs such as capital sities or dungeons, so I will cut those models out of there, edit them and release for you. So, everyone will be able to "legobuild" cities and dungeons right in Noggit or any other WoW Map Editor (P.S. Hello from 2015. Noggit is the only one working). The list looks this way for now: Stormwind, Silvermoon, Darnassus, Dalaran, Ironforge. Even after I finish with the captials, there would be so much other good stuff left. I would appreciate if someone would help me with building such database of resources. I will provide an in-depth tutorial covering the entire process soon enough.Other capital cities are to come soon. This package contains the entire (except for some models) Gilneas city sliced into separate models. You can practically build an entire city using them. There are houses, bridges, streets, gates, channel sidewalks and a lot more. Can't wait to see your creations based on these models! Installation: Unpack the .ZIP archive, open WMOs folder and add the two folders containing there into your patch or working directory. Copy the content of import.txt to your Noggit 'import.txt'. Enjoy building! Here I am releasing multiple packs containing different slices from Stormwind. Every pack is themed on a parcticular Stormwind quarter. This pack requires Cataclysm textures for Stormwind which are not yet included in the pack! Cathedral Quarter This pack contains various standalone rich houses of Cathedral Quarter, Cathedral, different street elements and gates. Bonus: Detached elements of Cathedral which can be used in legobuilding. Keep This pack is full of towers, walls, decorative elements and other parts of the Stormwind Keep. Useful for building your own castles and keeps right in Noggit. Mage Quarter Separate houses, entire streets and a lot of walls and towers. Old Town A lot of canal models, houses and other environment from the Old Town of Stormwind. Dwarf Quarter Many house models and walls. If there are any bugs, don't hesitate to comment. Happy modding.
  7. Hello to the community. Yes, i'm another 'newbie' here and in modding. I'm crawling the tutorials and playing a bit with noggit and 3.3.5a and I have successfully created a map. But I'm curious about models though. How does retroporting work? I know how to work with models from existing patches with model viewer and noggit - that knowledge just came recently after a bit of meddling, but I know I can't just take the 9.1 m2 and wmo and expect them to work, but even when I convert them with newest multiconverter, Model Viewer shows nothing (at least it not crashing like previous times). Is there something more to the process? And how could I use own stuff?
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hello everyone! This is a little WMO pack which contains Naga buildings from 8.2 patch (without the exterior of Eternal Palace and its entrance). Unfortunately, there're not doodads because they were "retroported" by means of Marlamin OBJ Exporter (WMO —> OBJ —> WMO). I hope you'll be pleased at least by this pack.