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Found 40 results

  1. So I'm trying to create a creature model that has a properly flowing cloak, or atleast a cloak that moves with the bones. I've just uploaded my blend file, considering I'm not sure how to pack this into an M2 and still have all the geometry there, I'm assuming because I didn't name / parent shit properly it doesn't appear in the m2 when converted to M2i. Anyway, If anyone could look at this, get it working, feel free to keep it for yourself too. I'd very much appreciate any help you can offer. I understand that It's a bother for me to ask you to do shit like this for free, hopefully my 'work' is good enough to be considered payment, and make it worth your while, I haven't seen any other full body cloak patches anyway. HilltopBees.blend
  2. I compiled server with latest trinity core rev) So, I have problem with spell's. When I learn 750 spell (plate) on mage character. Item become white (not red) but character still don't know how to use it. (Also, I can wear plate on warrior)
  3. Hello) So, first time I'm trying to compile server. And have problem in Cmake. Mb somebody knows?
  4. Hey mates !!!! Finsternis post a topic on WoD models for players (no npcs) ; It's on Modcraft Have fun !
  5. So, everything is working nice except round under NPCs. And its not with every converted NPC. For example with mastiff model and mana wyrm from legion. (It isn't creature_model_info table on server, Ive already checked it) Who know something about it, please help :)
  6. How to change all races "character create\select" screens to goblin (Interface\glues\models\UI_Goblin) screen for example?
  7. Hey! I deleted some race (and class) icons from charactercreate.xml (From Char create screen) so its worked fine until I'm not pressed create new character button. After I press this button, game showed to me random race+class. So, who know how to remove this randomize with xml\lua or dbc? (I've already tried all xml, lua and dbc and I couldn't find decision.)
  8. Hey guys so I've been working on Blizzard ADTs and adding new groundobjects to each ADT and it worked fine on the first ADT but when I put 25 ADTs on the groundeffect adder and afterwards put them into ground_Doodad_fix and replaced them with the old ADTs in my project directory I got ingame and everything started crashing! Its always the same error: I was looking around the internet for a possible solution and got here: It seems like this one solution from "Vel" should be working but I really dont have a clue what he means so I am pretty much on a lonely island. If someone could explain me how to fix this error without losing my whole work I would really appreciate it! UPDATE: I really dont know why lol, but when you go into Noggit and change something after the crash, save it and pack it into your patch and my error is gone. Just go ingame, ride around and remember the place where you got the crash, go into Noggit and change something on that ADT where you got the error before (I deleted a small skeleton corpse for example) save it and update your patch with the changes you just did in Noggit. Go ingame and everything should work again, at least that worked for me lol
  9. Hey guys! I'm getting a weird issue here that has me scratching my head. So essentially I'm converting a large building with around 30 geosets from OBJ to WMO using MirrorMachine. I do this pretty often and very rarely have any unusual issues. However, in the case of this one, upon being converted half of the model is invisible / the normals seem screwed up on some of the meshes that aren't rendered invisible. I've retraced my steps carefully and: The textures are all fine and correctly assigned. The object looks totally normal in Blender, if a bit messy. The export settings in Blender are correct. The conversion settings in MirrorMachine are correct. So I really can't think what would be wrong. There seem to be a few duplicate materials in the .mtl file for some reason, but I don't think that'd cause an issue. I've attached a screenshot below (please ignore the lack of textures; textures work fine, I just didn't bother assigning them whilst troubleshooting): Thanks in advance for any ideas.
  10. Who know where I can find lua/xml file with this bottoms? I need to disable "compare achievements" bottom.
  11. So recently I have been indulged in a project, where we are trying to get Legion wmos to work on WoD. Most about it works, but the wmos seemingly load the first texture file. And uses said file for all other non-doodad textures. I am using Legion files. I am trying to downport the wmos to Modders of model-changing; I would love your help in this matter :-)
  12. Hi, before asking this I've tried differents things with the help of the pxr but I can't find the right chunk to set the bones that I want to my particles. For this model, I have a simple fire effect from the booksonfire.m2 , I used the ParticlesCloner tool, now the fire works ingame, but it's on the bone number 0 (between the feet) and I want to move it to the head (bone 25). In the particles chunk, the effect is divided in 3 parts because it uses 3 textures, in the bone informations I have 1, 2 & 3. So I assume it's not the setting who manages the bone of the skeleton.
  13. Hi there! How do you access the (player) user of a gameobject? For instance, let us consider this simple gameobject script : class go_chairofjudgmentgood : public GameObjectScript { public: go_chairofjudgmentgood() : GameObjectScript("go_chairofjudgmentgood") { } struct go_chairofjudgmentgoodAI : public GameObjectAI { uint32 goTimer; go_chairofjudgmentgoodAI(GameObject* go) : GameObjectAI(go) {} void Reset() { goTimer = 7000; } void UpdateAI(uint32 diff) override { GameObjectAI::UpdateAI(diff); if (goTimer <= diff) { //HERE } else goTimer -= diff; } }; GameObjectAI * GetAI(GameObject * go) const { return new go_chairofjudgmentgoodAI(go); } };Let us assume the object type of the chairofjudgmentgood is indeed a chair. How could I get the Player (class) of the player sitting on the chair at line 23 (//HERE)? Thanks in advance for your help
  14. Hi there! I added a command in cs_gobject.cpp, called "deletelast", which thus is a subcommand of "gobject". So, I added a ChatCommand in gobjectCommandTable : { "deletelast", rbac::RBAC_PERM_COMMAD_GOBJECT_DELETELAST, false, &HandleGameObjectDeleteLastCommand, "" },And the Handle is : static bool HandleGameObjectDeleteLastCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args) { GameObject* object = NULL; // by DB guid Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(); Map* map = player->GetMap(); ObjectGuid::LowType guidLow = map->GenerateLowGuid<HighGuid::GameObject>() - 1; if (GameObjectData const* gameObjectData = sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guidLow)) object = handler->GetObjectGlobalyWithGuidOrNearWithDbGuid(guidLow, gameObjectData->id); if (!object) { handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_OBJNOTFOUND, guidLow); handler->SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } ObjectGuid ownerGuid = object->GetOwnerGUID(); if (ownerGuid) { Unit* owner = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(), ownerGuid); if (!owner || !ownerGuid.IsPlayer()) { handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_DELOBJREFERCREATURE, ownerGuid.GetCounter(), object->GetGUID().GetCounter()); handler->SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } owner->RemoveGameObject(object, false); } object->SetRespawnTime(0); // not save respawn time object->Delete(); object->DeleteFromDB(); handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_DELOBJMESSAGE, object->GetGUID().GetCounter()); return true; }I did create a permission in RBAC.h : RBAC_PERM_COMMAD_GOBJECT_DELETELAST = 1000,and I did create rows in auth's tables rbac_permissions and rbac_linked_permissions as well as in world's table commands. USE auth INSERT INTO `rbac_linked_permissions` VALUES (193, 1000); INSERT INTO `rbac_permissions` VALUES (1000, 'Command: gobject deletelast'); USE world INSERT INTO `command` VALUES ('gobject deletelast', 1000, 'Syntax: .gobject deletelast\r\nDelete last gobject in DB.'); Now, I have no problem with scripting the command itself. My problem is rather that the command doesn't even want to trigger. When I type ".gobject deletelast" in-game, TrinityCore World Server Daemon says : "Table 'command' have not existed subcommand 'deletelast' in command 'gobject deletelast', skip." . Would anyone know about what I did wrong here? Thanks in advance for your patience.
  15. I used both these converters 1- viewtopic.php?f=59&t=8975&hilit=mjollna+adt 2- viewtopic.php?f=59&t=931 maybe because I put a wod mdl because I cant extract Mop wdl or tex from Mop maps the adt snd the wdt was created by talis and wdl from wod because I couldn't get it from mop so I did a test map can any one convert them so I can test if it works