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Found 53 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This template for 010 editor allows you to modify PHYS files from Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor. DOWNLOAD Some notes and technical information: How to load a PHYS file in-game Change your model globalflags to 32 (or 160 if your model casts shadows as well): The bones with physics must have flag 1024: Bone coordinates Bones with physics will take their position coordinates from the phys file and ignore the position given in the m2. Position is set in the WELJ, SHOJ or SPHJ chunks. Bone hierarchy Bones with physics will not be affected by the rotation, scaling and translation of the parent bones unless they are added as an attachment. As you can see in the image above, the gourds with physics are not affected by the m2 animation and will only move if their coordinate in the world changes. This is why Blizzard makes separate m2 files for parts with physics. Exampe: creature/fishmount/fishmount.m2 (base model without physics) creature/fishmount/fishmount_wiskersleft.m2 (left wisker with physics) creature/fishmount/fishmount_wiskersright.m2 (right wisker with physics) The wiskers from the fish mount are in different m2 files, attached server-side as a vehicle accessory. You can also add them as spells or items. If the whiskers were part of the base model, they will just be floating next to the head, since they would not be affected by the parent bone movement. It's not necessary to separate meshes with physics if your model is static (i.e. helmets, weapons, shoulder pads, etc.). However you can add physics to a bone, and animate all the bones connected to it. (Since 7.1 models with physics don't have to be separated - See as an example) Difference between MoP and WoD The Phys file structure is the same for MoP and WoD. However, the only thing I noticed is that in MoP physics are more sensitive and the shapes feel lighter.
  2. Many objects are being culled when they should not be. I understand that objects fade out past specific view distances, although these instantly flash in and out of sight. Here are some examples. This does not appear to be remedied by scaling or changing rotations of the object, or even changing it's location... strange enough. This fence example, each object was CTRL+C pasted from one another and moved to fit. I am using Noggit 3.1222, I tried saving ADT in other versions although everytime I save the ADT my camera gets launched into the sky when I fly in that area, so. Not sure what that's about but this noggit version is the only one that appears to work for me to save ADT. Here is Example: Happens for many other objects too, rocks, random stuff. Please give me any info, I don't want to be spoonfed, but I would like to read and learn more to avoid and remedy this type of thing. Thanks <3 :*
  3. Version v1


    This script for 010editor converts Wrath of the Lich King .M2 and .SKIN files to Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor. Supports: -Cameras. -Particles. -Animation flags. -Projected shadows. -Transparency flags. -Blend mode overrides. Also includes: -Batch file converter. -Shadow remover script. -Sequence flag remover script. -Skin template for 010editor with shadow batches added. DOWNLOAD Some notes and technical information: -make sure you are working on "OVR" mode before running the script. Projected shadows As you may know, projected shadows are stored inside the .skin file since Cataclysm. This script creates shadows for all texture units, including those with additive materials. If you want to remove the shadows from a specific geoset, just open the skin file with 010editor, run the skin template included inside the tools folder and delete the texture batch corresponing to that mesh. If you want to remove ALL shadows from a model, just use the "Cataclysm Shadow Remover" included in the tools folder (it's useful for stuff like fire or lights, that are not supposed to cast a shadow). As you can see, the glow, which is a billboarded square with addivite renderflag, is casting a shadow and the game can't handle shadows with additive materials. To remove it I selected its shadow batch, deleted it and reduced the shadow batch count by 1 in 010editor. More info in this video: Flying mount animations In WotLK, mounts use swimming animations for flying. Since Cataclysm, however, there are separate ids for swimming and flying since flying mounts can now be used as ground mounts and therefore swim. But, if a mount model doesn't have fly animations, the game will use its swimming animations. That's why this script doesn't duplicate them. It's not necessary. WotLK flying mounts should still work perfectly in Cata, MoP and WoD. Reflections This script doesn't convert reflections since there is no exact way to know when a texture unit is used for a reflection, glow, etc. So you must do it by hand. Just open your skin file, convert it to Cata+, go to the texunit with the reflection and change its shader to "144". Here is an example using "Creature\Murloc\": You can change the "texunit" and "texunit2" fields to "0" but it's optional since those fields are unused since Cataclysm, but just in case. Animation sequence flags Sequence flags are 128 digits bigger since Cataclysm. Without these flags some animation frames loop when they shouldn't and sequences don't blend correctly. This script fixes that problem and gives smoothness to the animations. If you want to remove the extra flags for some reason, just run the "Cataclysm Sequence Flag Remover" script included in the tools folder
  4. Hello all, I have a problem with my m2 I am working on. I can't see it in game, all I see is a shadow. I am using mdx to m2 lazy I have done this before no problem but for some reason it is giving me trouble now. I think it is possibly a texture issue but I'm unsure. any ideas?
  5. Hi there I am wanna say first that I am very sorry if I happen to post in the wrong section but to my eyes this seem like the right way. I have currently tried a few editing thru out wow history. XVI32 . First model program I ever used. Now adays I want to change the new model of Undead Male HD back to SD model. I have now seen a lot of guides how to use Blender as this seemed to me like the method to do this. But yet so many questions remain. Can Anyone help me in this case? I do really only wish to see the old Undead Male character back in the game so that I can enjoy wow like I used to. If anyone happen to lay in with the file or so to say information I would very much appreciate your assistance. Have a great day. :-) OBS: We r talking live client Legion 7.3 I do not like the new character models.
  6. Is there that person who has that power?
  7. Hey! I'm editing the GilneasStagecoach.m2 model, which has two meshes and each uses its own texture. It looks normal in Blender, but when I export and convert to m2, the resulting m2 uses the same texture for both meshes. I know it's not a problem with the textures themselves, because changing that one line in 010 editor from Hardcoded to CreatureSkin1 and opening the model in WMV, you can change the texture for both meshes.
  8. Hey! I edited AvengingAngel.m2 in Blender but cannot convert it back to m2, because m2mod crashes with the following errors: It seems to be caused by the original m2 itself, not my edits
  9. Hi guys, I'm looking for someone who will edit for me some m2 creatures, delete few things {eyes,ears] from model. I'm willing to pay. I have bucket of 150 USD, for more few things. PM
  10. Posting what I did on modcraft here as well :). I don't post much on the forums but I do however read quite a bit, the one thing I am getting a strong sense of, is how people want to move past WOTLK and onto the later expansions. (I am one of them ). I am also noticing at least 2 reasons as to why people have not so far. 1. To many different tools are needed to do so, alot of different tasks are needed to be done by to many different applications, when, in reality, the process could be simplified and integrated into 1 program (Noggit). For Example: Instead of using futa and adt adder then the offset fix and gruul me (4 different applications) to get your first map up and running. You can have a "Create New Map" button in noggit. When clicked it would ask you to input the map name, base texture, if you want it covered in water and what kind of water, and the general height of the adt. After all that is put in you hit a create button. Then a progress bar will show up as noggit automatically creates the adt files, does the offset fix, creates the wdt and wdl files all in one swoop. All that is left is for you to do the Map and Area DBC for it to be recognized. We have the source for all these programs if I remember correctly? You would still need Futa for alpha maps but the other 3 programs you would not need anymore. Basically intergrate the tools we are already using into 1 program instead of being split into many different programs. Gruulme would still have its use as well outside of noggit for if you change the size of your map or something like that, but I am sure that could be intergrated as well. I think you get the idea . 2. The other reason I think people aren't moving past wotlk is the server emulation. To be honest the other cores no matter how you slice it are not up to snuff with wotlk, which is no suprize. To be honest I could careless if everything is spawned and 100% blizzlike gameplay. I would rather have the empty sandbox where nothing is spawned but all the systems like say (spells, professions, questing, talents etc... etc..) are working 100%, spawning and such can come later (as that really is a ton of work). Besides, we are here to create our own gameworld inside the world of warcraft universe, why would we need the blizzlike spawns and encouners to be blizzlike scripted? No idea how to fix this one, besides just waiting . Those are the 2 main things I have noticed. We have an ADT converter, a wdt converter which can convert and create the necessary files needed for maps to be recognized in WOD (ADT, WDL, WDT). We have a M2 and WMO converter which can convert down to WOTLK or WOD. Which means we have the ability to read those specific files and convert them down and up correct, with the sources on how to do so? So if all that information and such is integrated into noggit we should be able to read and write adt files in noggit for later expansions (WOD mainly). We can use the info from the M2 and WMO converter to be able to render those objects in noggit (cause it would need to know how to read the M2 and WMO files). So that convers the maps and all the objects in that version of the game. We have the information, all that is left is to make it a reality right? Maybe its just me lol, I just believe all this stuff could be simplified greatly to make things quite a bit easier for everybody to do, so wow modding as a whole, can move past wotlk. I have actually tried to learn how to code in c++ (spent quite a lot of time on it actually) just so I could help with these things or do them myself, just, it didn't stick very well so it is gonna be quite a long time before I can be of use with these things as I need to learn it. Hopefully this helps with giving the people that can code, the ideas and thoughts needed to help things move forward? I would really love to see things step forward, as a whole.
  11. Hey guys, So Voila, I've been working for the past few months to retro-port all items from Cataclysm to Legion and i still have one bug left that haunt me the Waist Buckle Visual Effect. Each Waist has Buckle Visual Effect (An M2 and Multiple BLP : one for each row in ItemDisplayInfo). my current problem is that the Buckle even if the mdx and blp are added in the ItemDisplayInfo are not loaded.. whatever i do it does not load ! I've also tried to add the effect as a spell however this technique is not suitable since there's around 200 Buckle X their color. and require some M2 edit to link the blp. Note : BeltBucket Socket Attachement is correctly configured on .M2 for all Races Could it be the client that does not load the .M2 / BLP the way MoP / WOD / Legion does it ? is there any way to edit the way the client read a dbc file ? Does anyone ever found the way to fix it in a blizzlike way ? Example of a belt Buckle :
  12. REMASTERED edition of WoW 3D models importing with using OBJto M2 music is too loud ... my bad
  13. 1st Videos Says " basicaly its very usefull for Nogit spawning since you cant place M2s thru nogit into WMO you can simply do it by this way " But my 1st method was not best so far there was problems with quality looses etc ... so this second method is quietly far way better
  14. Hey! I got the legion Medivh model, converted to m2i and edited in Blender. I then exported it to m2i, converted back to m2, and also used jM2 to convert to Cata format. However, when I try to view it in WMV, it does not have any wireframe.
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Purpose: Clones collision from one .m2 model to another. Useful for making trees or similar objects that do not require collision identical to geometry. For example, make two versions of a tree model. One with leaves and one without leaves. Export all models to M2 using OBJtoM2 or any other existing converter/exporter and run the script. Also works for creating invisible walls and other collision things. Usage: Prerss F7 to run the script and select the source and destination file. Done. CMD version: Not available, not planned. Requires: "basics.h" and "" (included in the release). In order to run any of my scripts you need a new version of 010 editor binary templates which can be downloaded here.
  16. I said it in january, I did it in June but it's finally here ! In this tutorial I'll explain to you how to clone particles from a model to another one with the help of ParticleCloner, a tool made by Tigurius. This tool is old, so it doesn't work with Cata+ models since the structure of the m2's has changed. I didn't tried with spell models from Cata and up (only doodads or creatures), maybe it's different and it can work, but not sure. EDIT : it can load WoD or Legion models, but it's pretty random, if the models are similars it can work, sometimes not, just do some tests and try. What programs do we need ? - ParticleCloner - 010 editor (with m2 template) What's the process ? First, choose the particles you need in WowModelViewer on the model that you want. For this tuto I choose particles from the spell Arcane_form_precast.m2 to put on 2 models, one without bones or animations, and one with both : misc_2h_pitchfork_a_01.m2 and sheep.m2 . To make the transfert, select first the "destination" model, CTRL+left click to select the second "source" model and drag&drop on the application. (Always do backups if you did it in the wrong way, this program overwrite the original file ! ) When it's done, you'll have the particles at the same place of its original model. Now, you certainly want to move the particles to the right place. Open the m2 with 010editor and load the M2 Template. Go to the end of the file at the line " struct Particle ". You'll have all the informations you need, the attached bones, coordinates, etc... Particles have the bone from the original model, for a simple animation like this, there's only one bone. For this fire, there's three elements (flames, smoke and sparks), so there's 3 bones. I used it for a Sargeras model. You have to set the number of the bone where you want the particles to be. To move it to the right place, go to the " struct FloatVec3 pos " line. As you can see on the picture above, I modified the values on the x axis. You can change what you want to have the good coords. Just try and retry with the help of WMV to visualize the result. For the sheep, I set the particles on bone 3 who's attached to the head. This tool can copy the texture path of the BLPs used by the particles. But when you'll go ingame to see if it works, you'll have little cubes instead of the texture. WMV can load them, but not WoW. Why ? Because the tool does some mess too. In the " struct VModelFileName " 1 & 2, you have random symbols at " struct filename texture > string value " . Delete all and reload the template, or save and close the model. Do it for each particle in your model. And it's finally done ! Good job, you can manage particles ! PS : for unknown reasons, my fork is invisible ingame after I added the particles on it. Maybe because the model doesn't have enough "informations" in it because it's a little model, or because there's no bones in the original model. I don't know. Maybe one of you will find the solution ?
  17. Version Sources


    Someone picked up the development, go >here< to follow the progress and send your issues Here is my multi converter, it can convert m2, wmo, adt, wdt and anim (7.3.5) from Legion to be used on wotlk (map can be visited with the client or edited with noggit). M2 using .skel are not supported. To use it just open it then drag and drop the files you want to convert (or a folder containing some, subfolder included) and click on "Fix", the files will be overwritten and it will delete the files that are unused on wotlk. If the .skin files are in the same folder they will be converted too. M2 already converted to LK format won't be converted again. As for WMO converting them multiple time won't affect them. ADT need their _tex0 and _obj0 counterpart to be converted. Warning: don't take the WDL files from blizzard, they have changed and causes wow error. Warning 2: the next releases of Noggit will require you to use the version 3.3 or newer, the m2 converted with the old versions were missing some data that Noggit now need, without it'll crash. What needs to be done : Fix forward flying animation for a few models Animation particles Set WMOs liquid types that correspond when the ID is too high Set fel liquid to green lava on adt for a better / more accurate look Some map might not look good because several effect like texture scaling that aren't there in wotlk, the 2 additional layers for texture introduced in wod, ... For those who want to report a problem : Tell me on which model(s) you've seen the problem and add screen(s), it help me fixing the problem faster. And send me your error.log where there are errors during the conversion !! And please use an external website to upload the screens because each time I upload a new version the screenshots in comments appear in the changelog for some reasons and I have to delete them which also delete them from the comments Thanks a lot to : All those who contributed / are contributing to the wiki, I couldn't have done it without this precious source of informations! Mjollna for her m2 converter and awesome ADT diagram! PhillipTNG for his m2 conversion script which helped me write mine in the beginning. Sources are now available, see last release.
  18. So i converted several items from legion some time ago and i used those models in some of my noggit works but when i get ingame i face something that Noggit or WMV has no idea about --> Particles So i have here one model ... ( may hard to see but its there ) Its particles are working fine but then i have model like this and its particles are little bit messed up .. you can see border of rendered Image I tried to change BlendFlags or other flags based on comparation with that one posted abowe and no results ... so i came here since soem of my methods didnt worked and i would rather delete those particles definitly instead of leaving it as its now ... particles are messd up for many models i have here actualy ... so ... World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial06.m2 -particles working fine =============================================================== World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_table_mission.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial04.m2 - fail World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail etc ...
  19. Hello there little whelps (and especially elder dragons now), I have a problem. There are several m2s which are rendered only when player is close enough to them. When those models are small, its not a big deal and helps with optimalisation of fps, I know, but when it comes to bigger models, it can be quite annoying. For instance vrykul plank models, some disappear when player is about 250-260yd away from them - and damn, those models are quite big. I have docks made of them, and I would really need to have them disappearing no sooner than when player is 550yds from them (or even 1000yds would be great). Sadly, I can't find out what I need to edit in m2's structure. And, just btw, those are models spawned via Noggit, not gobs. So no worldserver.conf advices please :P. That won't help in this case.
  20. Version 3.0.0


    Hey! I was really annoyed by having to restart noggit every time I changed the text file I imported models from. So, I made this import.txt, that includes every .m2 and .wmo file (except for shaders, skyboxes, spells and armor (includes weapons)) up to and including the currently known Legion files. It worked nicely, so I thought I'd share it.
  21. Hey! The question is in the title, but I'll clarify: how can I upconvert a WotLK .m2 to Cata?
  22. Version 1.0.0


    [Patch] Cata till MoP To help other or newbies in the community, i will share my patches whi i collected over moths and years in the community, Prefer to use at Noggit or Modelviewer. You can also find Maps, titlesets, textures ect. Please say it is something missing. Warning/Note: I check up, that nothing is broking. Short: I sorted broken files out. I know, most of the Azeroth special MoP-wmo's are missing, for example the Hobbit-like-hoods! =) Decryption-Key: Link 1: !h64voaMrlnR1_KwRWIv-dihPcVZjvM29uJH2sDhDMXc Link 2: !XyNp7SbJ8f817aQwp4uMw6De_o3Q_f8EapMESRwtv34 Link 3: !82Q_EsfEnRjFgRI66f31bA2o5Pv_iC1JcABuBkIhOnY Link 4: !BRPcuAqbodZ4Xqw7nhbp58JCkkqC_p-GptNUPuCNolc
  23. Version 1.0.0


    010 scripts to convert m2's from WotLK to Cata and higher. Not working: Cameras Particles Shadows (maybe)