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Found 58 results

  1. Hi there, Today I'd like to share some of my knowledge regarded to creating a working world map in-game. I will try to cover the most basic things, but I have to admit there are still some unknowns to me such as clickable zones on the world map, however, I 'd like to cover those and continents map in the future. In this tutorial I will cover a basic in-game map creation for GM Island. Required tools: Dbc Editor MPQ Editor Photoshop or any other image editor (I myself use Photofiltre) World Map Tutorial Package - download link down below (I recommend you downloading this, because I think it is useful for you to reverse engineers the stuff done in present tutorial). Link to the source:!zUpxlYpK!ctrulp0IpFncI8FYAOFsLwm64PPn9lZyzXSQkNaJ7RQ (Either copy the link with the yellow decription key to your browser, or use the decription key in yellow to acces the file.) Difficulty - Easy Estimated time - 15-25 minutes Before sinking teeth into technical details concerning map implementation you might want to check out a WoW Map Template by Balkron and a short video attached to it - So first of all some theory. When it comes to Dbc files what really matters to us right now is WorldMapArea.dbc. This Dbc looks somethings like this: Now to some collum information: 2. - this collum refers to map.dbc and literally says on which map is this world map going to be placed (1 stands for Kalimdor). 3. - this one refers to the area name (the dbc number), in this case it is 876 (GM Island). 4. - the map file name - this just refers to your file names, so if I decide to call it GmIsland all the files will have to named that way - GmIsland_1.blp, GmIsland_2.blp... 5. - upper y coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 6. - lower y coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 7. - upper x coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 8. - lower x coordinate of your map (serves coordinates). 9. - has to be -1? 10., 11. - has to be 0? So this was some Dbc stuff. Now let's move to the real map stuff. Obviously what you need to is to create yourself a world map, Skarn has covered this topic some time ago, there is a link to his tutorial mentioned above if you need to create a map I recommend you going there. But now comes the tidious stuff. In order to make your map working you have to divide it into 12 256x256 images and name them just like this - GmIsland1.blp, GmIsland2.blp, this however, comes for GmIsland map, if you name your map in WorldAreaMap.dbc TelAbim you have to name your files TelAbim1.blp and so on. When it comes to chronology you have to follow the one shown in the picture down below. So GmIsland1.blp represents sector 1 and so on. This is obviously some really boring stuff, but it is essential. In addition, I think it is good for you to know that all the segments and the right (4, 8, 12) and all those on the bottom (9, 10, 11 ,12) have to be transparent and won't take the entire 256x256 area. Skarn has thought of this when making his map templates, so you don't really have to worry about this one. Now we need to put all the files into a patch, so that the game can loads those. The Dbc stuff is kind of obvious, you put that into DBFilesClient folder, and as for the blp files you have follow this chronology :Interface/WorldMap/GmIsland (Dbc name of your map)/GmIsland1.blp ... So once we are done with all of this, we can check the map in-game and see if it works. The maps seems to be working. If you are trying to create a world map for yourself, you should start by taking down the map coordinates (in-game or in the Noggit) and then according to that create the map. I hope this quick tutorial was helpful in some ways, and hopefully I will find myself some more time to extend it one day. Maybe I could cover making a new continent or making a zone clickable on world map. Link to the source patch -!zUpxlYpK!ctrulp0IpFncI8FYAOFsLwm64PPn9lZyzXSQkNaJ7RQ (Either copy the link with the yellow decription key to your browser, or use the decription key in yellow to acces the file.) If you have some questions, or something doesn't seem to be clear, or perhaps doesn't work at all, do not hesitate and write it down, I will try taking a look at it. Update #1: December 2 2023 - Some minor tweaks & addition of link to Balkron's WoW Subzone Template Package and video.
  2. Version 0.6


    Here is a map i've been working on for the past 6+ months, it is an island scrapped in legion called "Thal'dranath". It was on the Broken Isles map for the first few builds of the legion alpha until it was removed, and was never seen again. The map is now on Github! It will keep more up to date on there than on mcnet. I need zone name suggestions! Please either comment some or DM me on discord some! REQUIRED FOR THIS MAP: Cata+ Tilesets Cata+ m2s and WMOs (WMOs are previously released by me) (if you have any links for these, please let me know) Map Size:9x8 ADTs This map is still in active development, and things will change, but you have my full permission to use or edit it however you like. If you have any suggestions, please either send it to me on discord (Zarkeven#0001) or send a comment here.
  3. Version 0.1.11a


    Ground effects are the little plants and rock that the game display on certain parts of your map. They're referenced in GroundEffectTexture.dbc, you can find a lot if various tutorials on how to edit this DBC. On an ADT, you have 16*16 chunks, each chunk can hold up to 4 texture and on each texture you can link one ground effect id from the GroundEffectTexture.dbc. Very important to understand if you want to use the tool. This program doesn't automatically : place ground effects where you used a specific texture put ground effects everywhere, if you clear a chunk in noggit, you'll need to set ground effects again. On a chunk you can : Set which ground effect goes with which texture Set on an 8 by 8 representation of the chunk, where each ground effect will be used Set on an 8 by 8 representation of the chunk, where no ground effect at all will be displayed Toggle ground effect display on/off on a whole chunk Fill a whole chunk with a ground effect On a full ADT you can : Export the current ground effect settings of all chunks Import ground effect settings from previous export. Even if you repaint in Noggit and a texture doesn't have the same index, it'll match the previous texture and apply the ground effect datas. Command line usage : ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" [x|i] [target_path] (mge_file_path) [x|i] : export datas from ADT to file or import datas from file to ADT [target_path] : on export and import with no source, this can be a path with wildcard selection (see examples) (mge_file_path) : optional, used only for import. If no mge_file_path is specified, import will look for .mge files with the same name as the adt (see example) examples : ADT folder for our examples : "E:\Wow 3.3.5\world\maps\azeroth" containing "azeroth_30_30.adt" and "azeroth_30_31.adt" - Exporting ground effects datas form every ADTs ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" x "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/*.adt" - Exporting ground effects datas form specific ADT ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" x "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30.adt" - Importing ground effect datas to every ADTs, will look for same file name with extention .mge instead of .adt ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" i "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/*.adt" - Importing ground effect datas to specific ADT ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" i "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30.adt" - Importing specific ground effect datas to specific ADT ./"Sigmur's Ground Effect Editor.exe" i "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30.adt" "E:/Wow 3.3.5/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_30_30_specific_file.mge" !important : this progam uses QT5 to parse paths, this means you can use forward and backward slashes in them, even on windows. You can even mix backward and forward slashes ("E:/Wow 3.3.5\world\maps/azeroth\azeroth_30_30.adt" is a valid path) Technical datas : Ground effect datas are stored in MCNK header as a uint2[8][8] layer map (128 bits) and an uint1[8][8] (64 bits) toggle map. The data starts right after the holes datas, offset 64 from the MCNK header, 72 from the MCNK magic word beginning. The first 128 bits (4 uint32) are the layer map. It's composed of an 8 x 8 representation of the chunk, each point is a number between 0 and 3. These numbers are indices to MCLY datas, this define what ground effect id (contained in the targeted MCLY) will be displayed at the target subchunk X/Y. The next 64 bits (2 uint32), often miscalled predTex & noEffectDoodad, are used for a no effect bitmap. It's another 8 x 8 representation of the chunk that contains where no effects will be shown. Since the effect map can only have numbers between 0 and 3, they needed another map to tell where not to put stuff on. Each point is a single bit that tells the game if you want to hide ground effect on X/Y or not. Code used to access/save datas : (made in QT5, so quint16 = uint16_t) quint16* effect_layer_map[8]; //8*8 map of uint2 - uint16 = 16 bits, we'll use 2 bits per point, 1 uint16 = 8 points quint8* effect_toggle_map[8]; //8*8 map of uint1 - uint8 = 8 bits, 1 bit per point, ez quint8 layer_map_edit[8][8]; //8*8 map of uint8 - easier to use bool toggle_map_edit[8][8]; //8*8 map of bool - wich subchunk is toggle or not easier to use char* pos = raw_mcnk_datas_starting_after_magic_and_size; //I store a copy of the raw MCNK data in the structure that loads it and edit it directly pos += 64; //Skip everything until effect layer map //Put every pointers at the right position for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) effect_layer_map[i] = (quint16*)(pos + (i * 2)); pos += 16; //go to toggle map begin, toggle map equiv to 2 uint32 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) effect_toggle_map[i] = (quint8*)(pos + i); //Parse layer & toggle maps for (int mx = 0; mx < 8; mx++) { quint16 tmp = *effect_layer_map[mx]; for (int my = 0; my < 8; my++) { layer_map_edit[mx][my] = (tmp & 1) + (tmp & 2); tmp = tmp >> 2; toggle_map_edit[mx][my] = (*effect_toggle_map[mx] & (1 << my)); } } // Here you can edit your maps using the _edit versions //Save the stuff back to the adt for (int mx = 0; mx < 8; mx++) { //Rewrite ground effect maps quint16 layer_map_row = 0; quint8 toggle_map_row = 0; for (int my = 7; my >= 0; my--) { //Going in reverse this time, or your world will be ass backward if (toggle_map_edit[mx][my]) toggle_map_row += 1; layer_map_row += layer_map_edit[mx][my]; if (my > 0) { layer_map_row = layer_map_row << 2; toggle_map_row = toggle_map_row << 1; } } //Put the rewritten line in the corresponding map *(effect_layer_map[mx]) = layer_map_row; *(effect_toggle_map[mx]) = toggle_map_row; }
  4. I've experience with making heightmaps, and fancy having a shot at loading them into WoW. While I'm still in the design stage, I need a reference for how big the details and the overall geography should be. How big is a 512x512 heightmap in the game? Is that the size of a vanilla zone? Smaller, bigger? How large would a vanilla zone roughly be? Thanks in advance
  5. Version 1.0


    New custom Capital City: Lonforte! Hey Friends, today I would like to release my Map "Lonforte". It was built by me for my Server "Astoria". However, we decided to not use it and instead of letting it die in my Hard Drive, I decided to release it for you all! You are free to edit/change everything at the Map you want. You are allowed to use the Map for your Server/Project. You don't need to give credits, however its appreciated! - You are not allowed to sell the Map or any of the Parts of it! The Map has 3 main "Areas": War Craters - The Mid of the Map, where we planned Open World PvP between the Horde and Alliance. Lonforte: Disctrict of War - The Horde Capital City of the Map. Lonforte: Disctrict of Glory - The Alliance Capital City of the Map You need a Patch with all Draenor Objects/Textures. You can download "Zarkeven" ones. Download here: Be sure to place that into your WoW Data Folder (or your Noggit Workspace) Hope you Enjoy it! Showcase of the Map:
  6. Version 3.0.0


    More information on the map like pics or other things can be found here: So I decided to release this map so the other could use it for whatever purposes, if anyone decides to distribute or publish maybe another version of it please give the credits to the author. Ports(trinity): .go xyz 13914.4 13006.4 15.5053 806
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Reuploading since all links on internet are dead. Riu's Zone masher allows to move and merge adts, maps for 3.3.5(Wotlk), might work with Vanilla/Tbc as well. Original release post here : If you're getting some missing DLL error, you probably need to download "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable"
  8. Hey, I was hoping I could make myself a custom map of some custom zone in Photoshop. However, I am having difficulty in finding the necessary templates / assets that are used to make real wow maps, like the hills, the house, tent, or ruin stamps used for some settlements around the map, or even those cave map stamps used on wow maps to signify caves in those locations. Along with all of that, I am looking for the overall map outline template that was used in Legion, as in those fancy arcaney corner designs as are visible in the image attached below. I was hoping I could find someone who could redirect me to where I could get any, if not all of these things so I could make myself a custom wow map using the authentic map stamps. Alternatively, I could be interested in finding someone to do all this for me per my wishes. Thanks.
  9. Looking for a Noggiter to help me make two custom maps for my server project. Baseline of 75 USD for each, though better pay for better work, and I have plans for extending both, and will refer back to you as I am ready for that. I do value the time that people put into these things, including the time to learn them, the 75 baseline is a basic for if it covers the bare minimum which I don't think would take much time. One map is a city centered around a giant tree, for which I have a 2d map if you are interested, The city has room for extension into a few more zones around it. For skyline considerations, the region to the north is a forest, the east are some plains, the south is some mountains, and the west is some hills, these are the extra addons though, beyond what I want to do for the initial city. The other zone is meant to be a raid zone, and is supposed to be a giant spire in the heart of 4 (or 8 ideally) different elemental regions. The regions don't have to be big, just enough for a single raid boss is fine, but bigger regions are worth more to me, as long as they are nice, I would rather have one really nice raid boss room than have a mediocre map the size of westfall per region, though somewhere in the middle is probably ideal.
  10. Version 1.3.3


    Greetings This basic tool is for basic editing of worldmap It can load Jpgs/blps/pngs and saves all files as pngs so you will have to convert them on your own to BLP afterwards Its function is that you give it path to WORLDMAP folder of wow that needs to be extracted from MPQ and it will then cycle thru directories searching for actual worldmaps then it will list them so you can select which one you want to edit - once selected you can export map into a single image which is easy for editing in any image editor after that you can load this single image back to program and split it back into 12 images that blizzard uses Have a fun video showcase *Do you also hate when you start recording say: "Greetings" but in recorded video file it started recording just second after you said "Greetings"*
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is not a lore accurate version of the South Seas, just my interpretation of them based on what I've heard/read. Feel free to download and check them out, but if you want to use them in a published project get my permission first. This patch also includes Tilesets from Cata -> MoP. This patch also adds a port in Durotar where Bladefist Bay is in Cata+, and adds a remake of Ironforge Airport with a road up the mountain to access it. Credit to MTL Media - I used elements of his assets patch for the gilnean and kul tiran buildings. Check out his youtube channel @ Couple things to note: * Includes custom Areas + AreaTable.dbc * Not totally finished * Some missing textures * Replaces the Emerald Dream map * Includes a custom Skybox
  12. Hello Model-Changing. I'm interested in getting one world map and mini map created for my new in-game playable map on 3.3.5. The map consists of 9 standard zones. Just to further clarify, I'm not looking for a map to be made on Noggit. I already have that. I want to make a map for players to know where they are located on the map (pressing "M" whilst in-game basically). I'm looking for something like this but for my own map: I'm willing to pay for your time and service. Feel free to contact me via Discord: Deathorous#4066 Thank you, Deathorous.
  13. This is a Terrain Generation Scene for Blender, it has a precreated Material Scene to create Alphamaps and the original ADT Size. Using A.N.T. to generate a great Terrain shape and a specific Material to generate Alphamaps, for the m2´s i use a wmo with an doodad set that were randomly placed with the hair particles and place it somewhere under the terrain. Using WoW blender studio 2.8: Mouse Clicks, Background Sound are still in, i just merged 3 records together without any edits.
  14. Version 0.0.2


    A Blender Scene with an Alphamap Generator and the Original ADT Size. USED ADDONS BLENDER: A.N.T. Official Blender Addon, WoW Blender Studio, UNITY: Terrain Tools Unity works extremely well with the Terrain Generation using the 2019 Version in combination with the Terrain Tools and a Terrain Export Script and the Alpha Generator from Blender you can take any terrain shape from any Expansion and print it into a Unity Terrain aswell Texturing. The Terrain inside the Grid is 1 ADT. To get the Raw data out of the Terrain, on the top you can export the Terrain as .OBJ and with the Terrain Tools under the Menu Asset/Terrain Tool you can export your texture Layers as RGB the PNG is in a weird format, open it with your favourite Image Editor and Seperate the Image by Color, RGB and there are now the 3 Texture Layers-> Desaturate them and theyre ready to use for FUTA. To Convert the Terrain to an ADT use the ObjtoADT: OBJtoADT
  15. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  16. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  17. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  18. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  19. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  20. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  21. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  22. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  23. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  24. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim

  25. Krysík


    From the album: Tel'Abim