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Found 20 results

  1. Version 1.1


    This template allows you to create World of Wacraft-styled Blizzlike world maps. Video tutorial coming soon! P.S. Since video isn't done yet, I recommend paying attention to Skarn's (out-of-date, but still) world map tutorial to learn how to use it.
  2. Version 2.0


    All the patches will be done as non-encrypted soon! This file contains HD characters and NPC models and textures for WotLK. The archive contains 4 patches: patch-w.mpq contains: NPC models Animations BakedNPCTextures patch-x.mpq contains: Character models Animations patch-enUS-w.mpq and patch-enUS-x.mpq contain: DBCs If you have questions/requests feel free to ask it in the comments or by PM, I will answer it as soon as possible. P.S. The previous versions of files by @Roarl were deleted, because of the wrong and non-existed links. All thanks should be given to him.
  3. Version 1.0


    I do not recommend using it because it was not completely finished, and I later abandoned many of the ideas that were implemented here. Here is the finished version of this Stromgarde:
  4. Hello all, I'm Uthil and for the past month i've been working this project when accidentally found PhantomXization tutorial about down porting WoD models to WotLK and i start to dig how you could do it for a classic client, and then i found Koward's aka Spik96 tool. So i start to experiment and final i found my self deep inside modding again. Yes i was modding way back and i was mostly modding FPS games like BF2 and mostly COD:Uo. Tho upon starting modding/editing WoW saw that was a whole different thing from the FPS modding that i knew. Anyway dont want to go far away, my original topic is in the other forum tho it seems now kinda empty so after a bit of consideration i decide to move my topic here, since it seemed more active than the other forum and i hope to find some help by learning more or correcting my mistakes or even people that doing it even as a hobby like me or professionally. So here is what i have done already:
  5. Version 3.0.0


    More information on the map like pics or other things can be found here: So I decided to release this map so the other could use it for whatever purposes, if anyone decides to distribute or publish maybe another version of it please give the credits to the author. Ports(trinity): .go xyz 13914.4 13006.4 15.5053 806
  6. Version 1.0


    Skarn's Model Resource Introduction And Future Plans What are those packs? There are a lot of neat models locked inside huge Blizzard's WMOs such as capital sities or dungeons, so I will cut those models out of there, edit them and release for you. So, everyone will be able to "legobuild" cities and dungeons right in Noggit or any other WoW Map Editor (P.S. Hello from 2015. Noggit is the only one working). The list looks this way for now: Stormwind, Silvermoon, Darnassus, Dalaran, Ironforge. Even after I finish with the captials, there would be so much other good stuff left. I would appreciate if someone would help me with building such database of resources. I will provide an in-depth tutorial covering the entire process soon enough.Other capital cities are to come soon. This package contains the entire (except for some models) Gilneas city sliced into separate models. You can practically build an entire city using them. There are houses, bridges, streets, gates, channel sidewalks and a lot more. Can't wait to see your creations based on these models! Installation: Unpack the .ZIP archive, open WMOs folder and add the two folders containing there into your patch or working directory. Copy the content of import.txt to your Noggit 'import.txt'. Enjoy building! Here I am releasing multiple packs containing different slices from Stormwind. Every pack is themed on a parcticular Stormwind quarter. This pack requires Cataclysm textures for Stormwind which are not yet included in the pack! Cathedral Quarter This pack contains various standalone rich houses of Cathedral Quarter, Cathedral, different street elements and gates. Bonus: Detached elements of Cathedral which can be used in legobuilding. Keep This pack is full of towers, walls, decorative elements and other parts of the Stormwind Keep. Useful for building your own castles and keeps right in Noggit. Mage Quarter Separate houses, entire streets and a lot of walls and towers. Old Town A lot of canal models, houses and other environment from the Old Town of Stormwind. Dwarf Quarter Many house models and walls. If there are any bugs, don't hesitate to comment. Happy modding.
  7. Version 1.02


    Dragon Isles - custom made map, I release it to the public, as long as you give credit, you can make any use of it. The Isles are located north of Hearthglen, they are in fatigue zone, so be careful. If you want to see what the map looks like, go to the gallery section, there are some screenshots of it. Update 28. 12. 2019: Fixed edge like holes. Update 2. 7. 2020: Skybox added, see the photos below.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hiya, Today I would like to share with you my mount patch containing at this point 45 mounts going from Cata to Legion retro-ported to Wrath of the lich king. I work on this patch from time to time so be sure to keep an eye out for newer versions. Happy Modding. Poisonleaf
  9. This version is already very outdated. Please visit the Noggit Discord to always find the newest version. The most important change is probably a fix of the well known model bug as well as the removal of the requirement to fill all four layers. But here's a approximate changelog: Steff | Fix: If you selected an model, copied to clipboard, deleted source (it it is last model on map of this type) and pasted it then. Noggit crashed. Steff | Calculate camera height related to terrain height on map load. Steff | Fix that texture swapper stayed visible if you changed the tool Steff | Add new option to toggle model animation rendering. F11 and Menu option in View menu added for this. For easyer model selection like birds. schlumpf | various memory leaks or potential crashes Valium | Initial support for drawing tablets on Windows. Crashes if you don't have a tablet installed. Valium | Implemented Blizzard style wireframe. schlumpf | mapchunk: save: fix: only set low_quality_texture_map bits once to avoid error in overwriting (missing clean) (the 4 layer bug) Adspartan | Fix to prevent texture duplication on a chunk (swapping duplicated textures remove the duplicate). Adspartan | Fix random hole bug when using the hole tool by checking is the cursor is not underground when adding a hole. Adspartan | Set tile as changed when using "swap adt". Adspartan | prevent m2/wmo selection when using a tool Adspartan | Fix texture shift ingame Adspartan | Alphamap loading / saving changes Adspartan | Prevent crash when loading or drawing wmo. (for retroported WMOs) Adspartan | Fix texture shift between noggit and wow client Adspartan | Fix alphamap loading for uncompressed (2048) Adspartan | Paste object at the cursor pos if nothing is selected Adspartan | Vertex shading is now correctly implemented. Kaev | This should hopefully fix all model bugs when you save your files You can download Noggit SDL in the Release section:
  10. Update: fixed the tauren npcs hair from previous version. Tauren male npcs now have horn textures slightly off, but it is better than the hair bug before-hand, barely noticeable, and all other npcs are perfectly fine. Also adds the option to select taunka hair/tail color for more customization. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After tooling around, I was able to add support for the HD models using a combination of warmanes, Finsternis, and Bocoio WOD character model patches as well as modifying some of my files in the previous version. This new HD version actually fixes A LOT of bugs with the original. All npcs use the WOD models, including tauren npcs and no longer suffer from blurred faces. Tauren male npcs horn textures are slightly off, but barely noticeable, and all other npcs are perfectly fine. This patch also adds eyes to the player taunka. Helms are no longer blue cubes. "Horn Color" is replaced by "Hair color" and changes the hair/tail color. If you don't like how it looks on your existing tauren, go to the barber and change it. Thank you to all the developers of the wod character models, and special thanks to Finsternis for helping me resolve some bugs Download: Patch-Z.mpq is the taunka edit, all other .mpq are the HD models. This patch will only work with the HD models. If you do not like the HD models, see "SD Model". If you already have the updated character models, just place patch-z in data. If you do not, place ALL .mpq in data folder. If you have updated models but not for npcs, delete your .mpq and place ALL downloaded .mpq in data folder. For warmane clients, Remove patch-X, Patch-W, patch-enUS-W and patch-enUS-X from the data and data\enUS folders. place ALL downloaded .mpq in data folder. For project Ascension players, Just rename my patch-A to patch-B and rename my original Patch-B to patch-C Stand-Alone patch-z (for those who know what they are doing and avoid the big download size)- If your getting crashes/low fps in dalarn, it is because WOW can only use 2gb of RAM. Download to allow the wow.exe to use more than 2gb of RAM. OLD SD MODEL (classic character models) This is a improved version of my old . This patch is converted to wotlk, as I figured it would have more use on this patch than 5.4. This swap changes the tauren model to taunka, and improved features are skins matching orginal tauren skin colors, and no more blank facial hairs! Tooltip names are also changed from Tauren to Taunka for more immersion. npcs still have blurred faces. Helms are slightly misplaced, can always hide helm. Download:
  11. Hey guys i think it's time for a new release for WOTLK from Battle for Azeroth. I have not all creatures ported but all object's and wmos and the new Tilesets from BFA 8.0.1 Some Screenshots (not all creatures of the patch) Creatures: Object's/WMO's: Tilesets: I hope u like it and if u have some problems with the files, contact me please Give me a like if u like this release Thank you! Senix Contact: Skype: exit.hd Discord: Senix#6251
  12. Version 2.0


    Hiya, Just a simple folder that contains all the tilesets used until BFA. Place the folder into a custom patch and they are ready to be used inside noggit. Happy Modding, Poisonleaf
  13. Version 0.21a


    Description coming soon...
  14. Version 1.1.9a


    A project I started initially to learn how DBC files worked that eventually turned into this and thought it was worth a share. This editor has full support for reading and saving all release versions of DBC, DB2, WDB and ADB. This does include support for Legion DB2 and ADB files and works with all variants (header flags) of these. Like the other editors I’ve used a definition based system whereby definitions tell the editor how to interpret each file’s columns - this is a lot more reliable than guessing column types but does mean the definitions must be maintained. So far, I've mapped almost all expansions with MoP being ~50% complete and everything else being 99%+ (excluding column names). Source can be found here. Features: Full support of release versions of DBC, DB2, WDB and ADB (WCH3 and WCH4 are not supported as I deem them depreciated) Can be set as the default file association Opening and having open multiple files regardless of type and build Open DBC/DB2 files from both MPQ archives and CASC directories Save single (to file) and save all (to folder) Standard CRUD operations as well as go to, copy row, paste row, undo and redo Hide, show and sort columns A relatively powerful column filter system (similar to boolean search) Displaying and editing columns in hex (numeric columns only) Exporting to a SQL database, SQL file, CSV file and MPQ archives Importing from a SQL database and a CSV file An Excel style Find and Replace Shortcuts for common tasks using common shortcut key combinations A help file to try and cover off some of the pitfalls and caveats of the program (needs some work) Tools: Definition editor for maintaining the definitions WotLK Item Import to remove the dreaded red question mark from custom items WDB5 Parser which is an attempt to automatically parse the structure of WDB5 files Things to Note: You need .Net 4.6.1 installed (download) Importing gives you the option to import; new rows, changed and new rows and to override all data Exporting to MPQ allows you to append to an existing archive or to create a new one Currently any SQL import must have identical columns to the file’s definition Legion ADB files MUST have the DB2 counterpart open before as required information is stored in the DB2 file. The program will prioritise DB2 if DB2 and ADB are opened at the same time The WDB5 Parser works surprisingly well thanks to the new field structure data however it does trip up on inline strings so definitions may need to be validated manually Undo, redo and copy data history are lost when changing the current file Everything is stored in memory so if your PC is ancient the program will crash attempting to read hundreds of files at once! Credits go to Ladislav Zezula for the awesome StormLib and thanks to all those that contribute to the WoWDev wiki. I’ve also patched the definitions together for various sources across the internet, there are too many to name, but thanks to all.
  15. Version 1.0


    I always disliked how the AuctionHouseBot handled selling and buying items randomly in the recent TrinityCore releases. It used the in-game npc seller price to determine both the sell and buy prices on the AH for the bot resulting in prices being to damn low (generally) or really too high (less often) and sold strange random items sometimes never sold by players. With this version of the AuctionHouseBot, the sell and buy prices are worked out from an external table in the world database called auction_prices which simply contains item ids and their price in copper. ONLY items belonging to this table can be sold or bought by the bot and their price in the table is used to determine both the sell price and the buy price. The contents of the auction_prices table has been generated using sampled AH data from several private servers and will be updated from time to time. General rules : The chance of an item being bought when the price is higher than the table price is a decaying exponential. The exponential decays later if no other instance of an item is sold. E.G. If you have a monopoly on [Copper Ore] then the bot knows that the price of [Copper Ore] is a bit higher than usual. The bot will NEVER buy an item if another instance of that item is sold for less. This is simply more realistic. An item sold by a player that can be bought from a npc using base money will never be bought by the bot even if it appears in auction_prices, to avoid exploit. They still can be sold by the bot, though. Of course, a code is never perfect. Should you have any suggestion for the bot behavior, problems to report or improvements to make in the code, feel free to leave a comment. Installation : Move the 6 .cpp files to your \src\server\game\AuctionHouseBot TrinityCore source directory and replace the existing ones Don't forget to commit them if you use git Recompile your core Apply the auction_prices.sql statement to your world database Apply the update.sql statement to your world database, if there is one. [Repeat step 5 only for each future update]
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This pack contains some 010 editor binary templates that are able to work with WMO, ADT, M2, SKIN, WDT, WDL, MDX and BLP files. Some of the versions are edited by me and neither of my scripts will work without them.
  17. Made this application for people to use as example of how to do safe mysql connection without writting mysql info details into your "featured launcher". This is simple because the database info is handled in 2 php files on your webserver for example I have: htdocs/appconnect/index.php htdocs/appconnect/database.php The client application only reads the result returned by index.php where in my example the link contains parameters such as: ""Source here:
  18. Hello guys! After a looong looooong time I have finally made some time on moding and finished these isles, which I started working on more than a half year ago. And that's actually all that I have to tell you. I will surely make a release, however at first I want to make sure that everything is working as intended. There should be some screenshots so have a look Thank you for your time, Krysik EDIT 13.4 2017: So at last after fixing a few troubles that I had, I release patch containing these isles The isles can be found north from the Tirisfal Glades. I recommend to use Better water and Darker nights "addons" by Milly for it makes the experience even better Patch-N.rar
  19. Hi guys! so, I activated some races for my servers, one of them are nagas.. and I decided to try to make them high elves, I beggined modiffing the DBCs CharHairTexture ( ) CharHairGeosets ( ) CharFacialHairStyles ( ) and the last, CharSections because obviously the nagas doesnt have for all the faces and skins like the bloodElfs, so I changed that too ( ), maked my patch with the character/naga_/male and female and the dbcs, the result is this: The females work perfectly in the charactercreate screen and ingame, but the males seems right in the character screen but ingame...doesnt Im very new with this could be somenthing stupid, someone know what could happend? I was thinking in release those high elves when ended
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Given Arathor's phase of the project finished and I no longer have the need to hold onto this patch, I'm releasing it out here. I'm fine with anyone using the resources from it for their own projects so long as I'm properly credited for the work I poured into it. The patch itself is a wee bit rushed and clunky (eg. custom items aren't new items but replaced unused items and other similar quirks), but it works. You can find a handful of screenshots in this project entry, can easily get more ingame or in noggit. Enjoy!