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  1. Hi! After the welcoming the first tutorial had, I wanted to post quickly this second part, in this we'll see how to create textures with animations, and how to do texture blendings / blend overrides, the video assumes you've some knowledge already of Blender and WBS, (and a bit more after the first video). In this tutorial we'll make use of BOTH UV CHANNELS, so you'll need to download my edited M2 build for WBS, also we'll be using this tools and templates: PyModelEditor: (You can also skip using PyModelEditor and do everything in 010 Editor if you know how to, I can do a tutorial on that too, as sometimes PyModelEditor doesn't open the files, or can fuck up things.) 010 Editor: Alastor's M2 and skin template: My edited M2 Build for exporting second UVMap (you'll need this for this tutorial): New required textures: DeathSaber_RequiredFiles_SecondPart.rar You'll notice my M2 template wasn't the last one in the video, but you can follow it up (and understand it even better as Alastor updated the alt mapping part) if you download the last one, but you'll need an updated 010 editor. Also thanks to Inico for his original tutorials on texture animations and blend mode overrides, you can check them up here if you want more information: Official M2 Build from WBS discord: WoW Blender Studio Discord: Thanks to Tomkek for giving me permission on using his model for this, visit his channel: Check here the first part of the tutorial, with the original required files (we'll continue from what we did before): P.S: If anyone needs more info about some things I did in 010 Editor, I can edit this post and add more info, but I think it's pretty well explained in the video right now ^^ P.S2: If anyone wants to see anything in specific in the future, tell me your ideas too
  2. Hi! The other day I posted in the modding discord Tomkek's DeathSaber with some added effects, some people have asked there, and privately how to do the light border and other things, so, here we're, I'll publish some short videos on how to accomplish it, the videos assume you've some knowledge already of Blender and WBS, but I show and write all the shortcuts and how to reach the goals, also I include the .blend file, so you can test over the same prepared model. Official M2 Build from WBS discord: My edited M2 Build for exporting second UVMap (will be useful for the next tutorials): WoW Blender Studio Discord: Thanks to Tomkek for giving me permission on using his model for this, visit his channel: DeathSaber_RequiredFiles.rar
  3. This is a guide for beginners who have recently learned about the WoW Blender Studio (WBS) addon and its features. Namely, how to properly install this addon in Blender, as well as how to take your first steps in editing WMO models. It should be said right away that this guide only works for WoW 3.3.5. The best one option is to check the current version of the addon in the discord community ( Join the WoW Blender Studio (In Development) Discord Server! | World of Warcraft Emulation ), because Blender program and addon (WBS) are constantly changing and versions may differ from what is written in this guide over time.I need to add that there are several builds of the WBS addon. One for editing .wmo models, the other for editing .m2 models. The versions of the addon as well as blender may differ. On the march 2023 working version for editing .m2 files - blender 3.1, for editing .WMO files - blender 3.4.In our guide, we will install WBS for editing .wmo files.Here you can download Blender 3.4 ( Index of /release/ | World of Warcraft Emulation ). (UPD.: Donwload actual version of addon from WBS discord server. Versions, linked in GitLab may cause errors).Here you can find a link to the WoW Blender Studio addon itself ( Jobs · Skarn / WoW Blender Studio · GitLab | World of Warcraft Emulation ). Find the addon build that has the status *passed* and download it.WoW Blender Studio also requires WoW Model Viewer v0.7.0.1 r252. This is a working version for 3.3.5 client; you can find this program at the link in the downloaded files from Amaroth's pack ( ).I recommend to install Blender in the system root folders such as "C:\..." or any other root path (better NOT install it into this path "C:\Program Files") . When installing to other folders on SSD, you may experience problems with importing, saving or editing files due to a conflict of access rights. I also recommend opening the Blender program itself as an administrator.So, you have installed Blender and downloaded the WBS addon.Now you need to open .zip file with addon and find the "io_scene_wmo" folder in it.Next, you need to place (unzip) this folder "io_scene_wmo" in the folder where you have the Blender program itself in this path "...\Blender 3.4\3.4\scripts\addons\". Your folder should look like this: Once you have done this, you can open the program itself and configure the addon in it.Go to the Edit option, next, open Preferences. Next, select addon tab and then in search bar enter the name of the addon or part of it, for example, "WoW". You will see the addon settings window. Next, you need to enable it by checking the box next to its name. Then create new project And then fill in all four Project settings fields.In WoW Client Path field, you specify the trajectory to your game client 3.3.5. At this point, you do not need to specify the path to the WoW.exe file, only to the directory where this file is located.In WoW Model Viewer Log Path field (second in a row, name may be a little hidden) you specify path to the WoW Model Viewer program, to Log.txt file. This file is located in "..\WoW Model Viewer\userSettings\..." folder. Here you specify the path to the Log.txt file itself, and not to the folder where this file is located.If you don't have that file, then try first to launch WoW Model Viewer (WMV) and set it's paths to your client's .MPQ files in options->settings menu (more detailed about it below). After that, restart WMV and check if the program saw your game files. Also check that you have downloaded the correct one version of WMV specifically for 3.3.5 client.In Cache Directory Path field, you need to specify the folder where all cached files of the addon will be stored. It may be a completely randomly selected folder on your hard drive. To avoid possible problems, it would be better to create this folder in the root path of the system, for example "C:\games\".The same applies to Project Directory Path field. You also create a random folder, but it is important that those two folders differ from each other, i.e. folder for Catche Directory Path needs to be different from the Project Directory Path, otherwise you will get errors. So, after it has been configured, you need to close the Blender and restart it. All addon settings take effect after restarting the program.Next, you need to check if the addon settings have taken effect. To do this, you need to open a tab that looks like a "<" sign, which is located next to the scene file settings. Make sure that "WMO" appear on the settings window. So, if everything was done correctly, then this tab should appear, and this means that the addon is configured correctly. In the settings of this tab, you can see several menus :Add to scene - this setting helps to import different game files into Blender.Actions - here are various settings that can be made with game models.Doodads - is a customization panel for .m2 models that attach to WMO.A detailed description of all addon functions can be found here ( ). In this guide, we will also look at how to import .wmo (world map object) model into Blender.So, in order to import .WMO model into Blender, you need to open WoW Model Viewer (WMV). Further, if it is not configured, configure it, i.e. specify in the "Options -> Settings" section and add .MPQ files that located in the "WoW3.3.5\Data\..." folder of the game client. Next, select the "WMOs" setting in the lower left corner of the program. After that, in the search box above, you can enter any name of an existing .WMO model or select it from the world drop-down box. In my case, I will enter the word "home" in the search box and left-click on the first model name. It is important to make a note here: in order to select the desired model in WMV, you do not need to select all the files associated with this model. It is enough to select only the first file from all model files. When we have clicked on the file in the WoW Model Viewer, we can then switch to the Blender window and click the "WMO" button in the "WMO ->Add to scene" menu. This is how we add our model to the scene.Next, I will show some of the simplest techniques for editing model and exporting it.To begin with, let's make a more pleasant and convenient mode for displaying our texture by selecting "solid mode", and in the "shading" settings, selecting "Flat" and "Texture". For example, I want to deform a little that model (change it's geometry).To do this, I go to "Edit Mode", then to "Viewport Shading" and set the setting to "Toggle X-Ray". Next, I select part of the roof of the Furbolg house (this part becomes highlighted in orange). And press the "G" button on the keyboard and move the selection forward, in this case I extend the roof. Next, I edit the UV-map in the UV-Editor (I won't go into details here, but this is necessary to fix the texture of the elongated roof). This is what our Furborg house will look like.Now you can export model. But before that, check the that your scene display settings turned on for all parts of .wmo. And also chech that u selected the doodad set. To select doodad set, click on wmo collection in View Layer (furbolg_loghome collection name) and then select doodad set in doodad component tab (under display tab). To export model we need to:1) select root WMO collection in View Layer2) then switch to Collection Properties tab3) turn on World Map Object flag4) fill the path where edited file will be saved5) press Save Current WMO button Notes:U might notice that the folder path there starts with "world\wmo\..." . That means you don't need to fill complete directory of the file like (C\games\...). Edited file will be saved in the folder, which u selected for Project Directory Path with additional path structure u fill here.Also make sure, when fill the path, to use correct one " \ " backslash sign.So, next check the exported files in the folder you have chosen.If everything worked out, then you can then create a custom .MPQ file and put the .WMO files into it.Then you can open Noggit and put your files into the game using the "Object Editor -> (on the right) Asset Browser" tab. Save all the tiles and all project files, then go to the folder with this Noggit project. Copy all .adt/.wdt files and create in your custom .MPQ file exactly the same folder paths as you have in your Noggit folder. In my case it is maps/world/azeroth. In a custom .MPQ file, I create exactly the same folders with the same names and put the resulting .adt and .wdt files there. After that, you can check them in the game client.Thank you for your attention.Special thanks to the entire WoW Modding Community for making such great tools, and to Lorewalker for teaching me everything you just saw.
  4. Well, let's see the simplest way to put custom sounds for your server, or lua scripts. (could also teach how to do that :)) What do we need? -Patience -WDBX Editor -A local server to test that everything works fine. LET'S START ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Organize your workplace You may think it's stupid, but it's really useful to know where the tools will be where you'll be working. 2. We will start by making a folder that will be our patch, it can have any name but it IS IMPORTANT that it ends with .MPQ, something like this. 3. Now we are going to work on the parts of our patch. a) our patch will consist of two folders. b) It is important that within the Sound folder, you make another folder, it can have any name, it is only to keep an order since that is what the DBC directory requests. c) We are going to prepare the DBFilesClient folder, for this, we have to move the DBC file whose name is SoundEntries.dbc 4. Now let's get the sounds as such. a) I recommend for creatures/mounts, to use the wowhead sounds. But if this is not what you want, you can download any .mp4 sound and convert it to .ogg in any online converter. b) b) When you have the sound, it will move it to the subfolder inside the Sound folder that is in our patches folder. 5. Start work with the .DBC file a) We open the .DBC with any DBC editor, personally I recommend WDBX Editor. ab) In column 1, the ID will go. ac) in column 3, the name will go, it can be anything. ad) in column 4 the name of the file will go, it is important that you put the type of file at the end. Like this: ae) in column 24 we will put the path of our sound, so that it looks something like this: af) We save the .dbc files 6. To finalize and test our sounds in the game a) We move our patch .dbc file to our local server folder, and reboot. 7. Let's try it! you can use the .play (id) command to play the sound on the server. if all went well, it should be heard. if it says that the sound does not exist make sure you have moved the .dbc file to your local server files. 8. Now that we hear our sound on the server, we can start working on our creature. If your sound did not play, you need to review the steps above. a) To start working on the .dbc files, we need to move three new files to our patch: CreatureModelData.dbc, CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, CreatureSoundData.dbc, these three files will go in the DBFilesClient folder. b) Let's start working with CreatureSoundData.dbc ba) We will duplicate the last row, and to start modifying we have to know the meaning of each column. bb) To know what each column means, we can use the WDBX editor, I will also give some instructions so that you know what we are talking about. bb1) Column 1: ID bb2) Column 4: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature suffers an injury. bb3) Column 8: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature is standing still, like the roar of the spectral tiger. bb4) Column 10: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when you start a fight with the pet (when calling its aggro) bb5) Column 12: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature plans. bb6) Column 14-18: Here you will put the ID of the sound you want to play when the creature stirs. bb7) Column 19-22: The sound you want to play when the creature hits will go here. Strongly recommending that you use the WDBX Editor if you have any questions on the tables. bc) When you made the changes you think necessary to the CreatureSoundData.dbc file you will save it and close it. 9) Now we will make some changes to CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, and CreatureModelData.dbc 9a) We will start by checking a column of CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc 9a1) We will check that in column 12, there is the number 0, this is so that it takes the sound directly from CreatureModelData. 9b) We will now make a change to the CreatureModelData.dbc 9b1) In column 13, we'll put the CreatureSoundData id and then save the file. 10) Now, we transform into our creature, and listen to the new sounds!:) If you need extra help, you can message me on discord. Fruitdealer#3760 Thanks to Tyrallis
  5. THE ADDON IS OUT OF DATE! THE UPDATE WILL COME ~ ON SUMMER Introduction Hello, Model Changing Network. In this tutorial I want to show you how to edit and create WMO models using Blender WMO addon. Actually, this addon is much more than a usual import/export Blender plugin. Besides core functionality of importing and saving edited WMOs, this addon is also a powerful editor supporting nearly all (you still cannot create working transport objects with it) features of World of Warcraft World Model Object (WMO) files. What is World Model Object? World Model Object or just a WMO is a special compound 3D structure used in the game World of Warcraft for making buildings, dungeons and other big complicated 3D objects. It does not only contain traditional 3D model parts as geometry, UV maps, materials and so on; but it does also support features like liquids, complex lighting system, portal culling system and much more. Donation The provided software is available completely free of charge, however, if you want to support the development, here is Skarn's PayPal account. He is also working on a similar Blender plugin for .M2 models. So, by helping him, you can speed up the development of two tools at once. Currently supported features: Geometry Materials Lightmaps Double-UVs Collision and more. Portals Liquids Lights Fogs Doodad Sets Various WMO settings Requirements Blender WMO addon WoW Model Viewer BLPConverter Part 1. Installing addon and configuring your Blender Download and install the latest Blender version (2.78c or newer). Download WMO addon and place it into addons folder inside of your Blender folder: blender\x.xx\scripts\addons\io_scene_wmo\ Download WoW Addon Pack which contains WoW Model Viewer and BLPConverter and place it into your WoW Tools folder: In this tutorial I will use this path: D:\Work\WoWTools\ Step 1. Enable the WMO addon Step 2. Fill your tools paths Always click on Save User Settings button after editing the addon preferences Now you are able to export and import .wmo models right from your Blender Part 2. Basics and peculiarities of WMO editing using Blender This addon is designed in quite a special way and it would probably be better to import some existing .WMO model from WoW to learn how to operate it because the WMO from WoW will be already configured correctly by itself. For this purpose, I am going to use a small human farm. In this tutorial I won't explain how to create models in Blender. I will just tell you how to make them work as a .wmo in the game. I will cover the unusual parts that are different from the normal Blender usage. Quick WMO Tab This tab is the easiest way to edit your model. There are few main sections: Display - used for displaying different object types on the scene Add to scene - used for adding different object types to the scene Game data - used for loading your WoW MPQ patches from your data folder (Part 1 Step 2) Selected - used for converting selected objects and materials Apply - used for applying different actions to objects Doodads - used for doing different actions with the doodads on the scene Material This addon uses his own special material properties called WoW Material which are bound to Blender material. There you can specify the texture you apply to the model by setting a path to it and a few other less important settings: Shader used for producing special WoW render effects Terrain Type used for producing footsteps sounds and footprints Blending used to control texture blending on rendering Texture 1 diffuse texture (object) Texture 2 environment texture (blending) Flags used for defining special render options for the texture Emissive Color the color of the object when no light falls on it Diffuse Color base color of the object Flags Unlit disable world lighting effect Unfogged disable world fog effect TwoSided render from both sides Exterior light ignore local WMO lighting, use world lighting instead NightGlow used for windows to glow at nighttime Window has no description yet, used for windows In order to assign the texture to the geometry you need to assign a usual (Blender) material to it Go to material properties, find a tab called WoW Material and specify the required settings there: When you assign and tweak all of them, the textures will be visible in-game Collision In order to create collision for a model you need to go to Quick WMO Tab and click on Quick Collision: That's all! One button click - pretty easy, isn't it? WMO groups World of Warcraft WMO supports two group types - indoor and outdoor. Outdoor is used for exterior objects and is influenced by the zone lighting. Indoor is used for interior models, interior parts of models. It is not getting influenced by the external light. If you are planning to use indoor groups in your scene you will have to create portals for them. I will explain how to make them later. For setting group types, select your objects and click to Convert selected --> To WMO group and also specify a type of the group: In the same preference tab you can also see various settings: Name - Object's name is saved into the files and is only used for development purposes, for example, when you inspect your model using a 010 editor. Please do not name as "Antiportal", an internally reserved name that actually makes sense for the game. Description - group description, which is also used only for development purposes. Name it whatever you want or leave blank. Place Type - select type for your group: indoor or outdoor. Flags - enable/disable different flags for your model. You can always see the description of each flag when you hover it: DBC GroupID - connected with AreaID for WMO. Used to detect indoor groups for example, so the server can dismount you when you enter them. LiquidType - fills this WMO group with selected liquid. Portals Portals are used to connect indoor groups to outdoor groups or other indoor groups. If the portal is not set but the indoor group is used, you will have the indoor group rendered only while standing in it, everything else will look like emptiness. A portal is a plane that, in most cases, contains only 4 vertices and one face. Portals are created as separate objects (you can see them in the outliner if you import some original WMO like I did with human farm). If the portal is bugged in-game: Step 1. Select your portals Step 2. Use Bake portal relations button Step 3. Use Set portal direction button with Auto option selected If it is still bugged, try one either Positive or Negative unless the portal starts working. If it does not help, make sure that relation baking algorithm has bound the correct WMO groups to the portal object. Creating custom portal geometry There is nothing complicated in making custom portal geometry. Though, remember that it should be precisely on the edges that connected groups share between each other. So, in order to create a correct plane for a custom portal select one of the groups. Simply select 4 corner vertices and press F. It will generate a plain between them. Then select this plane and press P. In the opened menu choose By selection. It will detach the plane to a separate an object, so that you can fill in the settings. If you move the portal from that point it will be bugged in-game on camera rotation. Be careful with that. Step 1. Convert your plane to WMO Portal: Step 2. Bake portal relations. Step 3. Set portal Auto direction if set otherwise. Done! Much easier than in previous addon version. Just make your plane and click on these 3 buttons. Easy peasy Vertex color You can paint vertex colors on WMO groups. It is used for lighting and coloring particular places of a group. For doing that switch to Vertex paint mode. You can learn vertex painting features by practice or by using some Blender tutorials or documentation. Don't forget to enable Vertex color flag in WoW WMO Group tab else the color won't be seen in game. The flag is forced on export for indoor groups, though. For filling, pick up a color and press Shift + K Better than Photoshop, right? Fog The fog effect mimics the scattering of light in a fog. Objects in the distance become less contrasting and acquire a fog color. In night scenes fog is usually dark, in daytime - whitish or slightly bluish, just like real fog. In Blender WoW Fog looks like transparent sphere. In order to add a fog, you just need to click on Add Fog button in Quick WMO Tab: Fog has some simple options to work with: Ignore Radius (probably) makes fog global Inner Radius a radius of fog starting to fade Farclip anything further away from the eye than the far clipping distance isn't displayed (it's too far away) Nearclip anything closer to the eye than the near clipping distance isn't displayed (it's too close) Color fog color Underwater farclip same as Farclip, but under the water Underwater nearclip same as Nearclip, but under the water Underwater Color fog color under the water One-button-action. Again?! Water Water - used to make WoW liquid in your model. In order to add water you need to click on Add Water button in Quick WMO tab: You can't scale water! Just edit your water size (subdivisions) in left bottom corner when you're creating it. WoW Liquid group has own options: LiquidType - type of liquid in WoW. There are lots of variants to work with: Color - water color WMO Group - parent group for this liquid. Use an eyedropper or type the WMO group name to select a parent object. Flags If you switch to vertex paint mode when the water plane is selected, you will be able to set flags to quads that control the rendering of the water. We do not yet know what most of them means, so if you figure that out, please tell Skarn, he will rename the buttons. There is an easy way to work with water. Just tweak your options to get a perfect result. Scale This function is used to add a visual placeholder for taking some information about your model proportion. Just click on the button: You can edit your Scale Type in the left bottom corner when you're creating it: Batch Types. Lightmaps. Blendmaps. Second UV Batches are groups of faces which are used to accelerate rendering. World of Warcraft WMO supports two batch types - Batch A and Batch B. Batches are usually used only for interior groups. Batch A is influenced by the outdoor (zone) lighting. Batch B is not getting influenced by the external light from outdoor groups. Lightmaps - used to accelerate light rendering. Normally used in Batches A in order to blend the geometry with world lighting. See the entrance of the human farm in order to see how it works. Blendmaps - used to accelerate texture blending. If your material is using one of the TwoLayer shaders, you enter a second environment texture path, which will blend with the diffuse texture according to lightmap values. SecondUV - used to define the UV map for double texture materials. Just create a new UVmap, edit it and bind to this property. Step 1. Enable Edit Mode Step 2. Assign faces to vertex group Step 3. Select your group in batch vertex group In order to work with Lightmaps: Step 1. Create vertex group, enable Weight Paint Mode and do your edits Step 2. Select your group in Lightmap vertex group Weight Paint palette: Weight = 1 - red color. Maximum effect Weight = 0 - blue color. Nothing happens. You can learn weight painting features by practice or by using some Blender tutorials or documentation. Blendmaps are painted by the same way. Just try it by yourself. Not so long for making your model looks realistic. Just keep improving your skills at it. Doodads and models importing This function is used to import WoW models (.M2 and .WMO) directly from WoW Model Viewer in a very fast way. Add WMO - used to import the last selected .WMO model from WoW Model Viewer. Imported model will be just a usual Blender object to be edited. Add M2 - used to import last selected .M2 model from WoW Model Viewer. This model is just a visual placeholder for real WoW model. Imported model will have the property WoW Doodad assigned. WoW Doodad has own options: Path - real WoW model path in your patch Color - Doodad color (overlayed effect) Accept Projected Texture - keep textures with enabled Projected Textures in WoW game options Adjust lighting - applying local doodad lighting For WoW Doodad you can edit only position, rotation and 3-axes scaling. You can't scale one or two axes. You won't probably be able to see the changes correctly in game in that case. Doodadset Doodad sets are used to group doodads on your scene into sets. The model can have multiple sets which can be chosen in the map editor to be displayed in one particular WMO instance. Normally they are used to create different furniture blocks to add some variations to the appearance of the model. See the human farm once again as an example. Another common usage is to create the normal set of furniture and the broken set of furniture, see Westfall packs of human buildings. There is always one global doodad set which is displayed along with the selected set. Global doodad set cannot be turned off, however, it may be empty. See the global doodad set in human farm once again - it contains a few crates, some barrels, and smoke coming from the chimney. Those doodads are displayed on all the sets available. If you do not create a global doodad set, empty one will be created on export automatically. In order to add doodads to the doodad set: Select them and click Add to doodadset, there you will be able to create a new doodad set, create a new global doodad set or add to existing doodad set. Choose whatever you need. Export There are some export settings to be observed when you are ready to see your awesome model in the game: Operator presets - allows you to store "favorite" export settings for WMOs. Export selected objects - makes the exporter export only selected objects on the scene. Fill texture paths - automatically fills empty WoW Material texture paths based on texture filenames. Does not change the properties, in contrast to the same operator from the Quick WMO panel. Part 3. Balkron's tips & tricks 1. The fastest way to add anything You can press Shift+A hotkey to add anything to your scene very fast: 2. Disabling black vertex color As you can see, sometimes when you import models, they are black as night. So you can disable this problem: just create new vertex color layer and fill it with white color by Shift+K hotkey: 3. Disabling doodads lines 4. My tips for viewport You can switch your Viewport Shading options: My tips: modeling - Solid + disabled Textured Solid Simplified white models without textures. Easy to work with. bug-finding - Texture That way I can easily find UV-bug or geometry-bug, because there is no shading, but it keeps the textures. overview - Solid + enabled Textured Solid + white vertex color layer It ts the best way to take a look at your model without distortions. difficult model parts - Wireframe Just enable and select what you want without clipping and camera moving. 5. Numpad buttons I'm always using numpad buttons to navigate my models: Num 1 - front view Num 3 - right side view Num 4/6 - horizontal rotation Num 2/8 - vertical rotation Num 5 - orthographic mode Num 7 - top view Num 9 - flip to top/bottom view 6. Hotkeys Always try to learn Blender hotkeys. They will speed-up your work significantly. 7. Other addons You can download other addons to improve your workflow. I recommend F2, Magic UV, Loop Tools and Quad Unwrap. 8. Customize it Always keep making your workflow to be better. Custom hotkeys, themes, tabs placement - just try to make Blender work with you in the fastest way. 9. First person navigation (from Gratural) One more trick - Fly mode. Perfect tool for overwiev and camera move across your WMO's. Hotkeys: Shift+F - enable mod WASD - moving Shift - moving acceleration Space - jump to target face G - enable gravity LMB/Enter - disable fly mode Scroll Up/ Scroll Down - increase/decrease speed 10. Balkron's gifts I decided to share my settings-files with you. There are custom settings, hotkeys and theme. I hope you will find it cool and helpful Settings startup.blend userpref.blend Setup: %AppData%\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\x.xx\config Theme balkron.xml Setup: Blender\2.78\scripts\presets\interface_theme Thanks for reading! This tutorial is relevant to the recent version of WMO addon for Blender. If the addon gets updated, the tutorial will be updated too. startup.blend userpref.blend balkron.xml
  6. Hello I want to learn how to completely make more dungeons in Classic WoW and eventually share them to the public when they are finished. Although the last time I did anything in WoW world editing-wise I didn't compile my server and the whole thing exploded - (I think, I cannot remember fully but I messed up server side from not know what the hell I was doing properly). Anyway I have got the WoW modding hankering once again and now my sights are shifted towards learning how to make fun content for WoW (It is something up my alley that I can learn and build my skill set upon for I cant really go to college or university for the next three or so years) while also giving something interesting to write about on a blog that I want to do about this big content blueprint for a 'Super Classic World of Warcraft' (Classic World of Warcraft with more content for all levels). So here is my point: I really suck at using Noggit and the Server Side tools necessary for really creating large scale modifications to Classic World of Warcraft, although I realize that I just need to learn these tools properly and then I can start building in a large scale without everything exploding due to my lack of proper operating knowledge. I am looking for a way to first learn how to make a new dungeon for World of Warcraft (firstly a Classic WoW dungeon for Duskwood to be specific) that I can eventually go - for example: "Here is a new Duskwood Dungeon that is to the same quality standards as the other Classic WoW dungeons - with quest chains and the like for a Classic WoW server, now have fun!". Although I have little in the ways of a proper skill set to use in how I can pull this off - although my desire to do so haunts me so - thus I am here asking for help. I have had a lot of false starts where I had to scrap my work and do it all over again due to myself lacking the technical knowledge in order to avoid such destruction of work. So I am a clean slate once again; most all of what I have done in WoW Modding in the recent past has failed in one way or another and I am now looking for a new direction in which to take - I ask this question to the WoW Modding community: If one were to make a new dungeon for a Classic World of Warcraft server that could be shared to as many people that so desired it once it was completed; how would one complete such a desired, nay such a passionate undertaking - from the first step to the last?
  7. I redid my 'How To Make Videos' (For Free) video so that I could show you guys how one could copy how I make videos so that one can too make videos if one so wishes:-P. -SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD LINKS-Open Broadcast Software: Extract Download: or Download: Movie Maker: (Excellent Video Player) Download: ________________________________________________________________________ Now you guys can have a baseline of how to make a decent YouTube video:-P.
  8. Hey! The word "request" might be too harsh here. Its more of a pleading for someone to make a complete (from scratch to finish) up-to-date (I guess not using taliis) tutorial on making, editing and installing a custom map in noggit (sdl 1.4, which is the latest, I think), with screenshots and links. I hope someone reads this and goes "Oh, why didn't I think of it myself?!" and suddenly writes a beautiful tutorial I described.
  9. IntroductionHello, BNet-Dev. Today I am going to show you guys how to make custom non-animated .m2 models out of .mdx (Warcraft III) models. It is believed that converting models using MDXtoM2 is quite a complicated process but actually it is not that hard. You may ask: "Why do we need to do it if we have OBJtoM2 and it works fine?" Well, the answer is simple. This converter provides you a lot more possibilities than OBJtoM2, such as multiple materials, textures, lights, animations and etc. At first, I will show you how to convert static .m2s but I am going to update this tutorial from time to time when I find out something new. Okay let's go. Tools and resourcesThe full conversion will require quite a big bunch of tools which you have to download. 1) MDXtoM2Converter_lazy - a tool that generates .m2 models out of .mdx files. 2) 3DS Max with MDX export plugin or Milkshape. Well, just something to convert your model to .mdx. If you already have your .mdx object, you don't need it. 3) MDLXConverter - a tool that converts .mdx files into .mdl files which are possible to edit manually via Notepad. 4) MDLVis - .mdx/.mdl editor. 5) War3ModelEditor- a tool that allows you to add some additional sections to .mdx, such as lights, bones etc. 6) BLPLab - for converting your textures to .blp (BLP2) file format which is undesrtandable for WoW. (Warcraft textures are BLP1 and cannot be read by WoW). 7) Collision adder - a tool that generates collision in your m2 file. 8) - a python script that allows you to resize the initial size of your model. 9) PyModelEditor (+Python 2.6 (see PyME thread for details)) to run 10) AddViewDistance for editing the render distance of the model. 11) Sweetscape 010 editor (+ M2 template) - a hex-editor which we are using for fixing bugs in the model. 12) Nullmodel.mdl - .mdl template to make your model understandable for MDLVis. Well, there are plenty of other utilities that can make your model better but they're not essential. The list is quite huge, but don't worry, it won't take that long to get your model into game. Tools which are not linked here are either included into one of the linked packages or can be found in the resource section of Modcraft. Chapter 1. Static models Step 1. Preparing your model1. I won't explain you how to make an .mdx model. There are plenty of tutorials on this theme over the internet. At first, your .mdx file does not contain all the information you need for converting it to .m2. In order to fix it you need to convert your .mdx file into .mdl using MDLXConverter. I will call the result model tree.mdl. 2. When it is done you need to open your model in MDLVis. To make MDLVis open your file you have to make the .mdl structure understandalbe for MDLVis. So, pick up Nullmodel.mdl and tree.mdl model and open them in Notepad++. Find a section called Model in your tree.mdl and add missing strings into this section from Nullmodel.mdl. * tree.mdl } Model "pine" { BlendTime 150, MinimumExtent { -261.362000, -252.451996, -88.562103 }, MaximumExtent { 273.287994, 307.015015, 1465.869995 }, BoundsRadius 796.038025, } * Nullmodel.mdl } Model "Sword_2H_Claymore_A_01" { NumGeosets 1, NumGeosetAnims 1, NumBones 1, BlendTime 150, }* Result Model "pine" { NumGeosets 1, NumGeosetAnims 1, NumBones 1, BlendTime 150, MinimumExtent { -261.362000, -252.451996, -88.562103 }, MaximumExtent { 273.287994, 307.015015, 1465.869995 }, BoundsRadius 796.038025, }3. Now go to the end of both files and replace everything starting from "Bone" till the end of the file using data from Nullmodel.mdl. Now you can open your model in MDLVis. 4. Find string Image and write in the path to your textures. This path will be used in your MPQ files. Step 2. Fixing the model in MDLVis1. For some reason MDXToM2 does not create a usual transparancy chunk in the model. In order to resolve this issue open your model in MDLVis, go to Modules>>Sequences>>Skeleton>>Switch back to Anims. Select both geosets (using check boxes) and mark them as visible. 2. Save your model as .mdx Step 3. Solving possible problems1. In most cases now you can just drag'n'drop your tree.mdx to the converter and it will turn it to m2. Try doing it. If there is a crash open your .mdx in War3ModelEditor, go to Windows>>Node editor>>Right click on the bone>>Add light. Add 4-5 lights and try converting the model with MDXtoM2_lazy. If it does not work, add more lights. Okay, you should get your .m2 model now. [subsection]Step 4. Fixing different converter issues[/subsection] 1. Open with a Notepad. (should be placed inside a PyModelEditor folder). Edit paths to your model, set the size to 0.02. We need to decrease the scale of your model in 50 times. Save the file. 2. Run it by double clicking. If it works you will see a black command promt window for a second. 3. Open your model in the 010 editor. Run a template on the file. 4. Go to "struct TheFloats floats" and divide each value there by 50. For doing this operation faster open "Hex operations" tab, "Divide". Use the following settings: Treat Data As: Float, Operand: 50, Decimal, and press Okay. Now make sure that BoundingBox size is equal to VertexBox size. If not, copy values from bounding box to vertex bpx. Go to "struct sAnimations _Animations" and make sure if the bounding box values are divided by 50 too. 5. Go to "struct RenderFlags _RenderFlags" and set the blendingmode of every geoset to RM_AlphaTesting (1) (for usual models) and set the Render Flag to the one you need. I used double sided on my leaves geoset to make it visible from both sides. You can find the flag explanation on the WoW Dev Wiki. 6. If you added lights with War3ModelEditor you have to go to "uint Lights", "ofsLights" and set the values to 0. Then go to "struct Lights", select the section and press Shift + Delete on the selected bytes. Step 5. Adding collision1. If you need your collision to be 100% of the size of the model, just drag'n'drop your .m2 on CollisionAdder.exe and you're done. If you need to make some parts of the model non-collideable, you need to create another .m2 model which contains only the geometry you need to keep the collision on. You can even add more geometry if you need to make some invisible collsion walls in your model or smth else. For example, for making tree collision for the second model you leave only bark without leaves. Generate the collision for this model and open both ones in the 010 editor. 1. Copy the values from "uint BoundingTriangles", "uint BoundingVertices" and "uint BoundingNormals" to your model. Go to the end of the file and add 5-6 empty strings containing only zeros. Pick up the offset of the last empty string and write it to "uint ofsBoundingTriangles". Copy the entire bounding triangles section to the empty space. Finish the string with zeros. Pick up the offset of the new string and do the same for the rest two sections. You're done. Don't forget to rescale the collision model before doing that using Chapter 2. Animated modelsI won't explain you how to convert animated models because there already a good tutorial by Phucko1 which should explain you everything you need to know about getting animated models to work. Here it is: So, let's think you already have your model converted. However, I am pretty sure that after doing eveything written there most of your model animations will be glitchy. How? This video is the only example I found over the internet, but it looks exactly like this: (To the author of this: I just used your video to show how the bug looks like and demonstrate the solution to this problem. I hope you understand it.) Well, as you can see, some models glitch on some parts of animation. If you reduce the speed of changing frames, you will notice that it looks like the animations start going back at some point. So, it is correct in general, but goes in wrong backwards direction instead of looping. Yeah, that's the mistake of MDXtoM2 converter. I don't know what exactly it is caused by, but I know quite a simple solution for this problem. Step 1. Gethering dataGo to model viewer and open your model. Start playing animations in slow motion mode and make a list of the bugged ones. Now, comes the hardest part. By moving the frames switcher in your WMV you change animation frames. Though, not all of these frames are real. Actual KeyFrames are written to M2, and there are not so much of theme. All other hundreds of frames are just interpolation between them. So, you need to slowly move this switcher and stop it when the animation starts behaving weirdly (most likely goes back or loops where it is not supposed to). Pick up this numbers and add them to your list under your animation. Do it for every animation if necessary.Keep in mind that these frames value are always approximate, and later you will need to find the closest keyframe value. Though, it is not hard as it probably seems to you now. By opening your model in MDLvis (mdx/mdl source model, not m2), you can pickup the bone numbers of the bugged animation parts. Just look in WMV what parts of the body swing badly, find the corresponding bone numbers in MDLVis and add them to the list for each bugged animation. Step 2. Fixing bugsNow open your model in pymodeleditor. Show Node Tree>>Pick up the bone You will now see the Bone Editor. Here you have two buttons: Edit Translation and Edit Rotation. One of them, or both can contain bugged data. Fortunately, it is quite easy to track. When you open either of them, you get the animation KeyFrames cords. For fixing animations, you need to pick up the animation ID of the animation you need to fix in the dropdown menu marked as 4 in the screenshot. Now, speaking about the data itself. Let's now see what is wrong here. This the original block of data. 0:{ -32759 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 } 1:{ -32758 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 } 105:{ -31914 , 31173 , -31813 , -64 } 243:{ -29948 , 26571 , -31292 , -749 } 313:{ -29284 , 25977 , -31367 , -932 } 382:{ -28844 , 28110 , -31543 , -595 } 521:{ -29063 , -29421 , -32425 , -385 } 590:{ -29558 , -27700 , 32598 , -555 } 694:{ -30218 , -29822 , 32081 , -240 } 868:{ -31503 , 28143 , 31892 , -365 } 973:{ -32071 , 25472 , 32029 , -839 } 1077:{ -32320 , 26522 , 32240 , -609 } 1251:{ -32396 , 31488 , 32626 , -28 } 1424:{ -32577 , -32500 , -32588 , -3 } 1667:{ -32758 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 } 1668:{ -32759 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 } The number of the each string before ":" is a KeyFrame number. So, the error should be in some numbers close to our previous WMV records. If you look carefully, some values does not follow the common pattern in the middle of the structure. The errors can be only related to negative/positive value differences. You never need to change the numbers. In most cases you mostly need to remove some minuses in from of the first value. But I picked up the hardest example I could find for you here. :twisted: 521:{ -29063 , -29421 , -32425 , -385 } 590:{ -29558 , -27700 , 32598 , -555 } 694:{ -30218 , -29822 , 32081 , -240 }These 3 keyframes look weird for me. And they suprisingly almost exactly match my WMV aniamtion bug records. Let's see why. Keep a look at the second coloumn. These 3 values are negative while everything around them is positive. Here our animation is most likely to go backwards. Let's change them to positive. 0:{ -32759 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 } 1:{ -32758 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 } 105:{ -31914 , 31173 , -31813 , -64 } 243:{ -29948 , 26571 , -31292 , -749 } 313:{ -29284 , 25977 , -31367 , -932 } 382:{ -28844 , 28110 , -31543 , -595 } 521:{ -29063 , 29421 , -32425 , -385 } 590:{ -29558 , 27700 , 32598 , -555 } 694:{ -30218 , 29822 , 32081 , -240 } 868:{ -31503 , 28143 , 31892 , -365 } 973:{ -32071 , 25472 , 32029 , -839 } 1077:{ -32320 , 26522 , 32240 , -609 } 1251:{ -32396 , 31488 , 32626 , -28 } 1424:{ -32577 , -32500 , -32588 , -3 } 1667:{ -32758 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 } 1668:{ -32759 , -32317 , -32287 , -7 }And it works like that for Translations and Rotations. Just save your files more often to avoid erros and make backups. It takes approximately and hour for every model. But I am pretty sure if you do it often, you will get a faster skill. That's all for now. Big thanks to Vel, Malice and other people who helped me and to the authors of all these tools I used here. I will add some pictures soon enough to make this tutorial more understandable for newbies. If you don't undestand something (my English sucks) or have some problems/tips feel free to ask me. Check this thread from time to time for getting recent updates. Good luck with your first model ;).