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Found 4 results

  1. I really want to port the Plainsrunning spell to 3.3.5, yet the spell format is vastly different from TBC to 3.3.5 and I could simply not make it work. did anyone succeed or have an understanding on how to properly port it?
  2. Hey! I had nothing to do and was just running around in game spamming different spells. Suddenly, I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread where people could share their favourite spells, just for fun. Here's a list I found and some spells personally from me: Global Thermonuclear War - 91617 Post-Apocalypse (aborbing souls of nearby enemies) - 53212 Deathblade Rocket Barrage - 85915 Rocket Blast - 96212 Portal to the Twisting Nether (just a visual, used by Mannoroth in WoE) - 102920 Build Demolisher - 56575
  3. Hey! I'm really bad at editing spells (trust me, I've tried a lot), so I thought I would gather up some spell ideas and ask the people here how to create each one. Since these are very basic "templates", I would learn myself that way. So, the general types of spells I want to create: Morph spell - simple spell (aura) which, when used,would perform the same function as the .morph command. Then, when the aura is removed (by rclicking on it's icon, for example), it would demorph your character. It would also be much much better if this aura would not be removed on logoff. Of course I understand that I will have to create a spell like that for every model I want to use. Scale spells - four spells which would 1)Increase your characters size by 1; 2)Decrease your characters size by 1; 3)Increase your characters size by 0.1; 4)Decrease your characters size by 0.1 Flying spell - same as .gm fly on (*off on unaura). Possibly with flying speed increase. Also, I'd like this spell to use the flying, not swimming animation kit, so it could be used on dragon models. Attach spell - attaches a certain model on your character. For example, an item, or a spell (e.g. eye glow). Would be nice if it used attach points instead of coordinates. Faction spell - makes you friendly/hostile with a certain faction. There are two good examples called "Faction override - {Alliance/Horde}". I'd be very thankful if someone explained how to create at least one of the listed spells. Additional question: I'm replacing destro warlock spell models with their fel versions (basically, by changing the ids in SpellVisualKit), but I can't find how the casting effect (one that appears on your characters hands) is set. Could someone tell me?
  4. Hey! I have, once again, decided to finally try and create a proper spell (all of my previous attempts have failed miserably). I took the spell Ward of the Worldbreaker as a base. I found all of the dbc entries for it and duplicated them to end up with a spell that should give your character a green fire effect on the eyes. Here you can see how I duplicated the entries: Spell.dbc Original Custom SpellVisual.dbc Original Custom SpellVisualKit.dbc Original Custom SpellVisualKitModelAttach.dbc Original Custom SpellVisualEffectName.dbc Original Custom My result: nothing works.