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  1. Tutorial in Text I am too lazy to make it beatiful in here so go have fun with my bland .txt Video <- It takes awhile to upload, then for full hd so check back in 1 hour thanks to @everyone for helping me along the way especially ~alter.Ξgø#7193
  2. Guten Tag! 1/5 We need wow.export (getting your .blp and .m2 files) WDBX Editor -> WDBX Editor (editing your .dbc files to get your retroport working) MPQEditor -> MPQEditor (creating custom patches) Multi Converter -> Multi Converter (make your .m2 files work) 335 Server -> Server (i use this one) WOTLK Client -> just google it (preferably a FRESH client with NO other custom patches) TXID -> TXID (Fix our .m2 files) HeidiSQL -> HeidiSQL (Copy existing weapon and slap our custom one on it) 010 Editor -> 010 Editor (Search in our .m2 file for exported files we don't see in one folder) Speedrunning Retroporting 2/5 Open wow.export (or) CASCExplorer, both is fine, really i'll use for this. Open your, select the box with the best ping, click on the world icon after that -> World of Warcraft 9.1.5 bla bla bla You should automatically be in "Models", good. Search for any weapon. I looked for "ArtifactSoulrend_d_03" since i was going to add it anyway. Select any color and export it using my settings. (if you want to be extra fancy and add an Icon, go into -> files -> Search "artifactsoulrend_d_03" and download the interface/icons/inv_sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03.blp ) we later will make it into our custom patch no worries. Now head to your exported folder, go to items\objectcomponents\weapons and rename artifactsoulrend_d_03_red (whatever the color is).m2 into artifactsoulrend_d_03.m2 Now slap that bad boy .m2 file into TXID about 15 times and hit FIX. Do the same with MultiConverter, but only put it once in there. Click Fix afterwards. You can utilize 010 Editor Step 3/6 and search for .blp and if you used you can look in the folders it may have created, but for this specific weapon everything is in items\objectcomponents\weapons that we need. Editing our DBC File ? 3/5 Open ItemDisplayInfo.dbc from your servers dbc folder. We open ItemDisplayInfo.dbc with WDBX Editor and Select WOTLK from "Load Definition" We start in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc by making a new Line, Right-Click -> Insert Line. Make a unique ID (mine is 100050); ModelName_1 = name of your .m2 file + .mdx (sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03.mdx); ModelTexture_1 = color of your weapon (mine will be sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03_red); InventoryIcon = the name of the Icon if you downloaded one (inv_sword_2h_artifactsoulrend_d_03). Everything else can be left blank or 0. Save this into your servers dbc folder and open heidisql. Server sided! 4/5 In HeidiSQL open item_template -> Data -> Show all look for a weapon you want to duplicate, it's better if they match the criteria of the weapon you just downported = (Artifactsoulrend is 2h Sword) so you duplicate a existing 2h sword aswell. Then you just change the "displayid" to the one in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc and (re)start your server after saving it. Client Sided ? 5/5 I suppose you know how you make a MPQ already (explained countless time) but i'll explain it quickly again. Open MPQEditor and create a new MPQ, name it patch-4.mpq and hit next until you're in the MPQ. From there you create new Folders called "DBFilesClient" ; "item"; "interface" Make sure they are separate folders, from there you drag and drop "all" the new dbc files from your Server into DBFilesClient. ItemDisplayInfo.dbc in DBFilesClient then in the "item" folder create a subfolder called "objectcomponents" and put your weapon folder in there. your weapon folder in item\objectcomponents create another subfolder in "interface" called "icons" and put your icon that you just downloaded in there. your icon in interface\icons. Delete your wow Cache and add your new item, drag it into your weapon slot and it should look very beautiful! Invisible = didn't convert with TXID First and then Multi Converter Weird texture = wrong name in TextureVariation_1 No animation = not everything put into your mpq patch Crash = ??? maybe wrong name in ModelName_1 or wrong ID used in Heidisql IDEK Green particles = not everything put into your mpq patch
  3. Credits: @ stoneharry on discord What do you want from me now?? 1/6 I want you to have: (getting your .blp and .m2 files) WDBX Editor -> WDBX Editor (editing your .dbc files to get your retroport working) MPQEditor -> MPQEditor (creating custom patches) Multi Converter -> Multi Converter (make your .m2 files work) 335 Server -> Server (i use this one) WOTLK Client -> just google it (preferably a FRESH client with NO other custom patches) TXID -> TXID (Fix our .m2 files) <- new Stoneharry's Spell Editor -> Spell Editor (Make the spell for our Wings) <- new HeidiSQL -> HeidiSQL (Edit spellvisualeffectname, because the spell editor has a bug that doesn't let you properly save it without having it changed in the Database first) <- new TXID -> TXID (Fix our .m2 files) <- new 010 Editor -> 010 Editor (Search in our .m2 file for possibly more .blp files it may need) <- new I hope you've seen my latest tutorial so you already know how your folder should look like. LETS DO THIS! 2/6 Open your, select the box with the best ping, click on the world icon after that -> World of Warcraft 9.1.5 bla bla bla Now click on Models and search for "wings", we're going to use "capewingstiger". It's better to change the export folder to the one you were already using so it all goes in one place (don't worry, they will create subfolders). Use my settings and export as M2. Now head to your exported folder, go to spells and slap that capewingstiger.m2 into TXID about 15 times. Click Fix. Do the same now again, but use MultiConverter 3.3.0. Click Fix. Finding "missing" files from 010 Editor 3/6 Open capewingstiger.m2 with 010 Editor, press CTRL + F and search for blp. Make sure you're searching by text(t) (it's to the right of the search bar). Now, exported everything but they are not in the same folder. for example: We're creating the Spell now 4/6 Enter your Database data, so it can connect to your Database. Select Import/Export and Import every file that begins with Spell After you're done with that, we make a "New Spell", we create it from an existing ID, i'm using the ID = 69188 since it attaches to your back already. My new SpellID is 90008 since i already have some custom spells. Now listen very closely, this is IMPORTANT. First go to Visual -> Kits & Effects and copy the first VisualKit Now head to Base and delete "Spell Visual 1" and turn it to a 0 Go to Visual -> Kits & Effects and Paste it there again. If the Paste option is greyed out, go to 69188 (rocket pack) and copy it from there. Should look like this, click on Confirm. (BEFORE GOING BACK CLICK ON "SAVE SPELL CHANGES") Now we go back to 69188 (rocket pack) and copy the lower part. Go into your new spell and Paste it in Visual Kit Effects & Attachments. Confirm this too! Our AttachmentID HAS TO BE 12 since it will be attaching it to our Back, where wings should go to, right? From there set all the things below to 0 or else you get a weird rotation, weird angles etc.. Weird Rotation: Save Spell Changes once again. Adjusting our Spell manually in HeidiSQL 5/6 In HeidiSQL open the "spellvisualeffectname" table and click on "Data". Click on "Show all" and scroll to the bottom. There should be a new Entry called "JetPack" or something else if you changed the name before. We change the name to XuenWing and the FilePath to spells\capewingstiger.mdx and change everything else like i did or else they be too small (for my taste). Go to your spell editor once again and click on "SAVE VISUAL MODIFICATIONS" they should all change to your manually edited entry. Save Spell Changes once more and click on Import/Export, select Export and wait for all Tables to load, just click Export checked to DBC. You can close the Spell Editor if you like to. Go into the folder of the Spell Editor and go inside of "Export". I sorted the files there by Date, so i know what i just changed, drag and drop these into your Server's DBC files. Make sure they are the right Time, mine are from yesterday, but i changed it today (12.02) and my server couldn't find the spell xD. Making a Client-Sided Patch in MPQEditor 6/6 Open MPQEditor and create a new MPQ, name it patch-4.mpq and hit next until you're in the MPQ. From there you create new Folders called "DBFilesClient"; "spells" ; "Creature" ; "item" Make sure they are separate folders, from there you drag and drop "all" the new dbc files from your Server into DBFilesClient. Put all the files from your exported spell into the spell folder, then the siberiantigergod and pandarenserpentgod into "Creature". then in the "item" folder create a subfolder called "objectcomponents" and put your shoulder folder in there. If it looks like this, you're good. (no need to restart server since we only edited our mpq and no .dbc files). Restart your Server, delete your Cache folder and type .cast 90009 (or the ID you used instead). If you followed my steps correctly, you should look like this! If it looks like this tho, you probably didn't add all the .blp files in your mpq patch. If anything is incomplete, just let me know over the Discord, my name there is Tyrallis too.
  4. What has changed? In the last week of downporting (retroporting) i've learned to use TXID and 010 Editor! Tell me already what i need! Okay okay.. chill. We need: CASCExplorer -> CASCExplorer (getting your m2,blp,skin.. files) WDBX Editor -> WDBX Editor (editing your .dbc files to get your retroport working) MPQEditor -> MPQEditor (creating custom patches) Multi Converter -> Multi Converter (make your .m2 files work) 335 Server -> Server (i use this one) WOTLK Client -> just google it (preferably a FRESH client with NO other custom patches) TXID -> TXID (Fix our .m2 files) <- new 010 Editor -> 010 Editor (Search in our .m2 file for possibly more .blp files it may need) <- new Make your retroport folder nice and clean! The beginning.. finally Open CASCExplorer and click on File -> Open Online Storage -> WoW Retail -> Select the only Build there is and wait. Now we need to decide on what we want to retroport, I think that i'm going to Retroport the Vicious War Spider. On the Quick Facts tab, it shows us it's Icon Name, but we just copy the part after inv_. In CASCExplorer we head to Creatures and look for viciousalliancespider We extract every file there. Now in our Export folder we open TXID and put viciousalliancespider.m2 about 15 times in there, then click FIX We then open viciousalliancespider.m2 with 010 Editor. press CTRL + F and change the search type to text(t) There you can scroll through the results, we then look for every .blp in there, but since this .m2 file is weird, it shows 20+ occurences of .blp, but we don't need those since they don't have a path. (You can also double-check on, just search up viciousalliancespider and click on the "I".) We actually have every file we need, so we open Multi Converter 3.3.0 and put every file in there, don't worry if only one file shows up in there, that's completely normal. Click on Fix again. We can close Multi Converter and TXID (if you didn't already) and open WDBX Editor. Select CreatureModelData.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc from your Server's dbc files. Mine are located in \server\data\dbc. We open both with WDBX Editor and Select WOTLK from "Load Definition" We start in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc by making a new Line, Right-Click -> Insert Line. Your ID and ModelID have to be unique. Mine are as follows: ID= 32764; ModelID= 10005. We then only change CreatureModelScale = 1 (how big your Creature will be) ; CreatureModelAlpha= 255 (1 = almost invisible; 255= no transparency). Now we change our TextureVariation_1 to viciousalliancespider. Now we can save CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and make sure it's saved in your server. Open CreatureModelData.dbc now and go to ID 30 (it's Creature\MineSpider). Right-Click -> Copy Line, then Right-Click -> Insert Line -> Right-Click -> Paste Line. It should look like this now. don't worry, i changed my ID to 10006 because ID 10005 was already in use, but somehow i deleted the Line. you can still use 10005. We then only change "ModelName" to our path, our path is Creature\viciousalliancespider\viciousalliancespider.mdx . .mdx because else wow can't regognize your Creature. We're done now with server sided. Now we do client sided, which means we need to make a patch. Open MPQEditor and create a new MPQ, name it patch-4.mpq. In your MPQ, we need to make 2 folders. Right-Click on the first file and make a new folder called "DBFilesClient", now do the same thing again but make sure they are separated, the other folder is calles "Creature". in Creature we can drag and drop our viciousalliancespider folder in there. We now head to DBFilesClient and drag-and-drop our CreatureModelData.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc in there. Now we are done with everything, just start your server again and morph into 32764. ALWAYS DELETE YOUR CACHE If it has cube texture = wow can't find the path you used (typically a typing error; capital letters; no .mdx at the end; no backslash used) If it has green texture = wow can't find the correct texture (used wrong .blp in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc like using viciousalliancespider_armor instead of viciousalliancespider) If it is invisible = have you ran it through both converters? did you accidentally changed CreatureModelAlpha to 0? If it crashes = is your ID in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc populated? Did you make sure your creature uses the same ModelID?
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Converted with TXID Fixer and Multiconverter 3.3.0 for WOTLK. Ordinary m2, blp files. drag and drop into mpq patch and create dbc entry. Optional: use HeidiSQL to create new items with displayID for the weapon.
  6. Hello Model-Changing-Community! I was in a call with @Alastor Strix'Efuartus recently and he helped me get my retroport this murloc click me! working! Now I want to share what he showed me and how you can follow me. Step. By. Step. This is my first ever tutorial, feedback is highly appreciated! You need CASCExplorer -> CASCExplorer (getting your m2,blp,skin.. files) WDBX Editor -> WDBX Editor (editing your .dbc files to get your retroport working) MPQEditor -> MPQEditor (creating custom patches) Multi Converter -> Multi Converter (make your .m2 files work) 335 Server -> Server (i use this one) WOTLK Client -> just google it (preferably a FRESH client with NO other custom patches) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First: Having a nice Workplace Make a folder for this kind of stuff. Call it Retroport and make for every single Tool a folder, so it looks nice Second: Exporting our .m2 File Open CASCExplorer and click on FILE -> Open Online Storage -> WoW Retail. Now it loads all the files from the Retail client. Once it's done you will see a bunch of tables, we focus on Creature. Open that up and scroll to murloc2. Your folder should look like mine. Highlight every single file with either CTRL + A or Holding Left-Click and hovering over every file. Right-Click all the selected files and Extract. I use this path. Third: Converting our .m2 File Open Multi Converter and Drag-and-Drop the murloc2.m2 into there. Click on Fix. Now that's done and dusted we need to create our own patch... ooooh scaryyyy ?? Fourth: Our Own Patch Open MPQEditor and click on MPQs -> New MPQ -> Name it patch-4.mpq -> Next -> Next -> Next -> Done. Right Click on patch-4.mpq -> New Folder -> Name it DBFilesClient. No, it cannot have any other name. Remember the Path our murloc2.m2 was in? No? Me neither! The "Path" is really important for us, since without it our textures will show as blue-white cubes. If we want to find out where it is, you can convert your murloc2.m2 file again and it shows the entire path. We only need the \creature\murloc2\murloc2.m2 part. Now that we have our Path, we need to create another Folder in our patch-4.mpq. For that we Right-Click on patch-4.mpq -> New Folder -> Creature. Inside this folder we create murloc2. type uppercase C please, maybe WoW is case sensitive. Now highlight every single exported file and paste it into murloc2. that was a ride, but we managed to live Fifth: Editing DBC Files note: you need a server for this, or else you won't get far. Open WDBX Editor -> File -> Open File(s) -> \server\data\dbc -> CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc -> Select WOTLK 3.3.5 (12340) -> Load. Right-Click anywhere -> Insert Line -> (I will call it 32758) ModelID = 10000 (can be anything, it should be unique though) SoundID = 0; Extended Display = 0; CreatureModelScale = 1; CreatureModelAlpha = 255(0 = Transparent; 255= Not Transparent); TextureVariation = murloc2_darkpurple (we have many, you can choose). Part 1/2 Done. Now go on File -> Save (save it in your \server\data\dbc folder). Again -> File -> Open File(s) -> CreatureModelData.dbc -> Select WOTLK 3.3.5 (12340) -> Load. If nothing has changed, look in the bottom right corner, there should be your CreatureModelData.dbc. Now go to ID 31 -> Right-Click -> Copy Line -> Right-Click -> Insert Line -> 10000 (HAS TO BE YOUR MODELID) -> Right-Click on the Line 10000 -> Paste Line. There should be some data filled, we ONLY change ModelName to our "Path" hint: it's Creature\murloc2\murloc2.mdx. Save again. Close WDBX Editor. You're done. Part 2/2 compelete. Sixth: Embedding our DBC Files into our patch-4.mpq Last Step, go into \server\data\dbc and copy both CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureModelData.dbc into DBFilesClient in MPQEditor. In DBFilesClient ONLY .dbc Files come inside. Seventh: Applying our Patch in-Game Copy your patch-4.mpq into your World of Warcraft Data Folder. Restart your server and open WoW. If done correctly just type .morph t 32758. You will look as wonderful as i do! If you have any questions, comment them. Maybe i'm doing a Video on this if something still is unclear
  7. So i want to ask the community to maybe remake this tutorial since i followed it but always get green textures or cube textures, i just think a video tutorial or a more in-depth tutorial would make things much easier.
  8. I'm trying to retro port spell visual effects from later expansions, but with little success. I'm using the LegionToWotLK converter from this website to convert the spell .m2 files. However, it doesn't seem to properly convert the spell .m2, nor is it able to convert the .skin file. The only spell visual I was able to get working properly is Warlock's Fel Flame from Cataclysm. I see other people have 010 script files for converting .m2 / .skin files, but all those sources are old and the links are dead. Is there anyone who can tell me how to convert the Legion .m2 / .skin spell visual effect files to 3.3.5? Possibly offer me the 010 editor scripts for the .m2 / .skin files. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hello. I watched this video This video shows the porting items from BFA to LK. I did everything as in the video. Received m2 and anim files of items , put them in MPQ. Creating strings in Spell, SpellVisualName, SpellVisualKit, SpellVisualKitModelAttach. How can I replace the added items with items that are already in the game?
  10. Please help with retroporting items from the set I can easily retroport the helmet and shoulder's because they have m2, anim and BLP files, and are not tied to the geogrid of the character model. What do I need to do in order to transfer the rest of the items from the set that are tied to the character's geogrid? Do I have to combine item and character models from WOTLK in Blender?
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hiya, Today I would like to share with you my mount patch containing at this point 45 mounts going from Cata to Legion retro-ported to Wrath of the lich king. I work on this patch from time to time so be sure to keep an eye out for newer versions. Happy Modding. Poisonleaf
  12. In some new models , like the new earth elementar, are no hardcoded textures anymore. There just this new "TxId", i saw that on wow dev but i have no idea how to find out on which place a special texture should be. Is there a way to find it out? Any new dbc? I made this with try and error but uff that need alot time and the result could be wrong.
  13. Hey I recently moved over to Cataclysm 4.3.4 from WOTLK 3.3.5a and decided to port over the itemdisplayinfo.dbc information (From what I saw it has the exact same layout) so I updated it and ported it in, however... ingame the weapons /items from expansions above 4.3.4 are showing as blue/white checker-ed boxes, just curious as to what is causing it.. ItemDisplayInfo.dbc Line (example) : Could it be the conversion from WOTLK > 4.3.4 causing the problem? does it mean that the m2/skin files have not ported up correctly? When this happened before that they were done incorrectly, the model would cause a client crash however that isn't happening. I've tried with both the 010 editor script from this website (WLK > Cata) and a file called jM2converter but both have the same box outcome. Any help would be appreciated, unless the layout of the DBC is different to 3.3.5a when I copied it.. but from what I can see, it was the same.
  14. Hey guys, So Voila, I've been working for the past few months to retro-port all items from Cataclysm to Legion and i still have one bug left that haunt me the Waist Buckle Visual Effect. Each Waist has Buckle Visual Effect (An M2 and Multiple BLP : one for each row in ItemDisplayInfo). my current problem is that the Buckle even if the mdx and blp are added in the ItemDisplayInfo are not loaded.. whatever i do it does not load ! I've also tried to add the effect as a spell however this technique is not suitable since there's around 200 Buckle X their color. and require some M2 edit to link the blp. Note : BeltBucket Socket Attachement is correctly configured on .M2 for all Races Could it be the client that does not load the .M2 / BLP the way MoP / WOD / Legion does it ? is there any way to edit the way the client read a dbc file ? Does anyone ever found the way to fix it in a blizzlike way ? Example of a belt Buckle :