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Found 10 results

  1. Hello everyone, We are looking for more developers for our project based on TBC 2.4.3. We are making whole new datadisc with new battlegrounds, continent, etc. If you are interested feel free to contact me and we can discuss further details. Contact me via pm or email address: Thank you for your time.
  2. Looking for a Noggit map creator, who can do a really good looking map for pay. Specifications: Must be the roughly the size of Westfall and Elwynn forest. (Its about 30 adts.) It must have an elemental theme to each zone so fire,air,earth and water. Will discuss pay, once you have proven yourself. Pm me if you got any questions.
  3. hi i wanted to say that im new to recruitement never been good for that so here my best im the gm of a project named Evil Kingdom Server Legion 7.3.5 which is custom but we dont have custom thing like armor or weapon or else but we have script we looking for gm or dev (idk for dev but would be cool for help) we are a team of 3 1 dev and 2 gm (including me) and will need like 2-1 more gm and some dev or etc and people who can help would be nice if you want to join or ask for anything join us on us discord : and here the website which is a normal one but you can dowload the client and etc :
  4. Greetings! [I am the one, who is looking for job] I have a dream to create a Wow server based on Warcraft 3 story from the very beginning. At the first-hand players had the opportunity to get acquainted with this world in Warcraft 3. That's why I think many of us would see it in World of Warcraft. Whole Azeroth and Outland in different phases. I already worked 100+ hours on this project alone, but can't open it anymore since I moved to another computer. Unfortunately, I can't deal with my old MPQ-s on the new computer. Probably, someone will be able to open it with basic down ported models. (Until legion) My project:!Asrk_5wjkszIhKkN9EhehurNQgUpGA I don't expect any payment, although I know this project is huge. If someone is creating it, and he doesn't have enough human resources, I wanted to tell him: I am here. Important: I am an economics student and not an artist. (However, my gf is an artist and praised me, lol) So I lack the knowledge to create from scratch and using the blender. I can use photoshop to recolour some texture. I can only use Noggit and placing down objects and create living towns and environment that are in the database. Or cutting the bigger WMO-s into smaller parts, like I did it with Dalaran. Holy hell I can spend hours with building fences in Noggit I read a lot Wow Lore, and I am committed creating lore-friendly towns, and quest opportunities. Also, I have suggestions how can be this custom content sellable, playable, balanced and fun. I am doing my thesis at university and workings as a trainee, so I have free time. Note: I don't want to use my old maps anymore. Since "Battle For Azeroth" is coming, It includes better models for this territories. And I am not interested in any other projects, only this one. PM me here, I wouldn't share my private email address to the public. I included some pictures of this unfinished zones.
  5. Hello everyone, newb here. I'd like to ask if there's someone out there for some work which would consist of importing/creating models from later patches than wotlk. Also would like to find someone who has the sills to create/import new maps as well. TL;DR Need: Model editors Model importers(maps/items/objects/spells/effects) Map creators Lua/c++ devs Please send me a PM if you're interested. Cheers!
  6. Just discovered this website, but now i'm really desperate to try and get into some of this stuff. I've spent hours just messing around with a local server and some model edits/noggit-created stuff, but I really want to be a part of something bigger. I'm most experienced in web development, but can also do writing for lore/quests. Credentials/certificates/degrees available upon request, just add me on discord and we can talk! Discord: ego#0001
  7. Greetings, I'm looking for developers for starting a custom server. Work would include mechanics and scripting, but no model or map changes yet. Starting budget for the first milestone is 500 USD. PM me for more details. Cheers!
  8. Greetings, We are in need for developers to make our custom expansion come true, Into the Void All credits go to GoldenYak. We are using Trinity Core and 3.3.5 base expansion. The discovery of a Titan well of power in the Eastern Kingdoms unleashes a cataclysmic peril upon Azeroth, and begins an adventure that will call for the world's mightiest defenders to venture... Into The Void. Server Info: - Level cap increased to level 85 - New Playable Race: Ethereals - 9 New zones - New Dungeons and Raids We are looking for some good, experienced and fun staff to work with, what developers we need? We are looking for: - Web dev (front end/back end) - SQL Dev - C++ Dev - Art Worker - Model Maker / Converter Discord is samsara#6144 and MaxtorCoder#2831 for any more questions contact us here Discord Link (Make sure to provide examples if you apply!)
  9. Serveur Privé Word of Warcraft 1/ Présentation 2/ Recrutement Project name: ISSOU Server (temporary) Members: Me and @Munz. Launch date: 01/01/2017 Contact: MP or Skype (tacos.level) The goal of this project is to make a private World of Warcraft server, including: Stable version of the WoW Blizzlike 3.3.5 Making a Legion Blizzlike Kingdom (BETA) With an unusual story! A Last Fun Kingdom of the 3.3.5. Improve it, debug it and make good general development. VIP account system, the player will have access to various advantages (such as perso lvl max offered, name color OR on the Forum, exclusive frames, etc). Website, with shop, forum, account, etc ... Fun Server, the return of Gilneas! Discover Gilneas before the invasion of the undead and the Worgen curse. One of our project is to reconstitute Gilneas, without the wall, living dead, nis Worgen. A series of quests and an unprecedented story based on the true story of World of Warcraft! Legion 7.1 We also plan to make a Legion kingdom. Of course, we are not going to lie to you, Legion is very complex and we have not yet begun its development. This will go through several phases: Installation of the server (compilation of the core, installation of the database, etc.) Debugging class and departure quests. Testing, finalization. I post this topic here because I need someone who would be able to remove the wall and door gilneas and help me to do sequences of quests and pnj, I specify that I do not know Nothing in model changing that's why I appeal to you. Otherwise we are also looking for: C ++ Developer SQL Developer MJs: Dev 'Web: In the mean time, go Skype. Anglophones are accepted with pleasure!
  10. I am looking to recruit for my project and get it up and going again. Where should I post said recruitment topic?