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Found 1 result

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Recently needed to get modern WMOs for map viewing/upconversion and since all massfuckport packs don't have post-filedataid WMOs or they are straight up broken - here are mine (they are still fuckports and some might still be broken). 7zip Archive (2.55gb) - Download Here MPQ Format (3.98gb) - Download Here Should include WMOs from: 8.1.5 Arathi/Warsong, Warfronts, 8.2 Nazjatar/Mechagon, 8.3 Nyalotha/Horrific Visions, NPE, 9.0 Shadowlands (Beta), 9.1 Korthia, 9.2 Zereth Mortis, 10.0 Dragon Isles, 10.1 Underground (PTR), 10.1.5 Dawn of the Infinite, as well as dungeon kits and unknown models. Some might have been missed, a handful fucked ones were cut. Tested all of them in Noggit so no clue how broken they will be ingame. Things to note: -no m2s in this release, just wmos and blps (wow.export has problems extracting blend textures so those might occasionally be missing) -9.0 WMOs are from the earliest SL client so might be early versions -9.2+ Has new "split groups" tech, WMOs that use it will have broken collision and it will look like there's a missing portal between interior groups -10.0+ Has new "multiple materials" tech, some textures will look just wrong All of these can be redone/fixed by hand in Blender, I just needed these to be renderable in noggit For porting: Modern clients use filedataid, filenames are community-only. Names/folders might change from time to time but filedataid stays the same, so with a change in listfile adt converters might not find the proper references and break. If you are planning on using these to upconvert maps to BFA/SL/DF use this listfile. Tools used: wow.export, ayahne's wmo converter, adspartan's multiconverter.